Chapter 16 Having fun again


No, no, no! No way! You weren't going to dance with him! It's gonna snow in hell the day this infamy happens. What was the next step? Watch a movie? Non God please no! no! no!


"No, no Alastor, that's really not necessary, plus I'm not really comfortable dancing after dinner." You tried to get away from him, but your words fell on deaf ears. Alastor's grip on your arm tightened.

"I knew you'd like it, my dear." Alastor cooed with a sadistic smile.


You growled in frustration as the anguish of being near him devoured you from within. Your heartbeat quickened as he led you through the restaurant with overwhelming energy. Many demons had stopped eating and looked at you with immense confusion.

To see the white wolf and the Radio demon together in one place without them trying to kill each other was, in itself, a myth. However, to see you about to dance together was the most inconceivable and incredible idea they could dare to imagine.

Alastor made his microphone appear with excitement. You looked at the object with a little mistrust. What was he going to do to you? Possess you and force you to dance to his own taste?


"Let's put a better atmosphere here" Alastor said through his microphone.


The deer snapped its fingers and the lighting in the restaurant began to change until it became a little more festive without distorting the place. It was discreet, the colors gave a much warmer and more pleasant atmosphere. Perfect for dancing...

You bit your tongue while your free hand held the fabric of your dress tightly, crumpling it slightly.


Your ears began to tremble slightly as you heard the music change in a little static, it was like someone adjusting the frequency of a radio. When the white noise ended you listened carefully to the music, which was already much more lively than the one you had had the opportunity to listen to during your "conversation" with the deer during your meal.

Some of the demons looked at each other with a puzzled look on their faces. Some whispered several theories that went through their heads, but fortunately for you, you were far too far away to hear them. Some assumed it was a date, others thought it was just business, others thought it was a bet you had lost, and a handful of them thought there was something more but that it was not the primary purpose of your presence in that restaurant.


Suddenly Alastor gently placed one hand on your hip and pulled you onto the dance floor. You let out a surprised little scream when you felt his claws on you. You were not comfortable at all, you felt oppressed, forced...directed.

You felt as if his hands were like a leash and you were the dog.

Your face twisted in frustration and disgust as Alastor guided your steps. Your body was content to follow the directions without too much resistance, nevertheless, your movements were rigid, without any class, spiritless.

Alastor sighed inwardly at your expression. Oh Lucifer, you could be so stubborn sometimes.


"Smile, my dear, you're never fully dressed without it."


His words have earned you a frown on your part. He had no right to tell you how to behave, especially when he dared to force you to do something you didn't like at all. However, you knew you had to play along, this sadist could make you dance until you were exhausted if he didn't get what he wanted from you.

You looked at the deer with contempt. "Having fun," was easy for you to say but not to do.

Everything about this guy was wrong, everything!

You lowered your head while Alastor swirled you around gracefully.


So be it


You have stuck your most beautiful condescending smile on your face and you clinged to your "dance partner". You started to move a little more, following the rhythm of the music and little by little the demons of the restaurant were amazed to see you dance with such elegance.

Your movements were nothing like the ones you used before, no, they were more supple, much more precise, and divinely more graceful.

It was as if another person was dancing in your place.

The radio demon was surprised by the sudden change in your legwork but welcomed it with pleasure.


"Oh but I love naturism" You answered him with irony. Alastor's face tensed up showing that you had made him uncomfortable. With a small laugh you added "But you know, it's like everything, everything depends on who you're with."


The deer had stiffened when he heard your little provocation. he stuck unconsciously its claws lightly into your hip without destroying the fabric of your dress.

With a triumphant smile, you continued to dance with more dynamism.

You let Alastor lead you as he pleased, and the deer was delighted of it.

He swung your body to the right and then to the left with great class. His ego was in ecstasy in front of your "submission". Yet you said nothing. As your mocking smile widened, a small idea began to emerge in your brain to reverse the balance of power.

That deer wanted you to have fun, right? Well, why not... Nevertheless you weren't going to do it alone with him.


"You're really old-fashioned, Alastor." You were provoked suddenly. The deer raised an eyebrow as he lifted you up in the air, doing an extremely successful lift.

"Oh really, darling? »

"Oh yes" you kept going without losing the rhythm.

The deer's smile tensed slightly as he drew you closer to him and asked you more provocatively.

"And how should I dance, Y/N?"

"Do I really have to show you deer? "you asked defiantly

The deer studied you with an intrigued look on his face. It was really wondering what you were going to do. He had a small idea of what you could do, he could sense your aversion to this little distraction and he knew that your only desire was revenge.

Maybe you wanted to control and guide him... or try to make him suffer physically while dancing gracefully. This time his curiosity was stronger than his reason and he decided to bite to your beautiful provocation.


"Go ahead, show me," he said in a much sweeter voice.


Almost like releasing a wild dog, you pushed him away elegantly while dancing. Your eyes did not leave each other for a single moment, while your steps remained synchronized even though you didn't touch each other anymore.

The demons of the restaurant were all holding their breath.

There was this strange tension in the air, it wasn't threatening but it caused a strange feeling. Many people had the feeling of seeing two animals were looking at each other to see who would attack first. It was both terrifying and captivating.

Each of them wanted only one thing: to know your next move.


Suddenly they were all surprised to see you dancing off the dance floor. You elegantly avoided the waiters, and then, moved towards a table.


The demons looked at you with confusion and fear, but before they had time to say anything you caught one of them and forced him to get up without harming him. The demon looked at you in amazement as you danced with him. Gradually he relaxed and began to dance too. You smiled and changed your target, you repeated the same process with other customers and soon all everyone stopped their tasting and joined you on the dance floor, even some waiters started to dance with you.


Alastor's eyes were round in amazement, while he looked at you.

He really didn't expect that from you. His smile widened but was strangely much softer and more natural. As he watched you drag the last customers of the restaurant onto the dance floor, a discreet little laugh involuntarily came out of his throat. A laugh devoid of mockery or hatred.

You really managed to make him laugh sincerely even though he hated to admit it.

"Such a cheeky woman." he thought.

He was going to join you, but you took him by storm by redirecting yourself towards him and grabbing him with a firm hand and dancing with him with a smug look on your face.

"That's what I call dancing and having fun," you said proudly as you dragged him to the right. The deer tilted his head to the side as he listened to you.

"I must admit you surprised me, darling."

"Oh, I'm flattered," you replied ironically, rolling your eyes.


Abruptly Alastor restrained your movements and dragged you towards him freezing you in place. You looked at him confusedly but before you could say anything the deer regained control and made you dance again by modifying some of his movements to match your dance style. With ease, he was finally able to drag you around the restaurant, gracefully avoiding the demons that had started to dance, allowing you to take certain poses that earned you lustful glances from some demons and envious looks from others.


Without either of you realizing it, all that stifling tension in the air had disappeared. You were dancing without caring what the other had said or done in the past, you were dancing with a real pleasure on this hellish pace.

Neither of you thought about the hotel and its problems, or even the aversion you felt towards each other. You felt good. You both had fun, but, neither of you would admit that to the other, both of you were much too proud to admit it.

As the music was coming to an end you realized that you had moved closer to the deer, a strange feeling burst out of you. You'd felt it a few times before, but it had never been so overpowering as to disturb you.

Suddenly Alastor's ears became alert, as if he had heard something suspicious. His movements gradually slowed down as he watched the restaurant suspiciously.

The music stopped and almost all the demons applauded with joy and excitement.

It had been a long time since they had enjoyed themselves in such a "humane" and "banal" way You looked at them with a smile as they left the dance floor


"We'll have to do it again sometime. I've never felt so alive," a demon cried out to his friends.


Many approved it and took their place. You noticed with astonishment that many demons, who originally didn't speak to each other came closer, and began to talk. You blinked in astonishment, you didn't think that it would bring them so close, then you realized, none of them were drunk, none of them had been perverse from what you had seen, none of them had gotten angry or killed someone. In fact, everyone had enjoyed this dance, and everyone had felt good for a split second.

It was such a human scene that you felt a little nostalgic.

Suddenly you noticed that the deer still had his hands on you, your face turned red and you quickly realized what you had done.

"What's happening to me? What the fuck am I doing? "You slapped yourself mentally. However, you couldn't torment yourself for very long because the deer had suddenly grabbed your arm and this time it was more abrupt in its movements. Your eyes locked to his with anxiety and you noticed that they had changed shape and become radio dials. Your blood froze as you retreated slightly.


"We should leave, my dear."

"What? Already? " Your words were faster than you thought.


Were you stupid? You've been waiting for this ever since that idiot demonic bambi knocked at your door!


The radio demon looked at you with amusement...


"Am I to understand that you've had your fun, my dear?"


You pout and look up to the sky. Your pride forbade you from answering, you won't give him that pleasure. Suddenly you heard a static noise. It wasn't Alastor's at all, the static was much louder and you didn't like the noise. You winced in disgust as you looked at the restaurant's speakers but the problem didn't seem to come from there.

Your attention turned to Alastor who had left to pay for the meal. You didn't understand him, why did he suddenly seem in such a hurry? Knowing him, he would most likely have asked you if you wanted dessert, something was definitely wrong. The deer rushed towards you in a hurry and offered you his arm.

"Let's go, my dear."

You looked at him and raised your eyebrows with a suspicious look. Nevertheless you did what he asked. You felt he became tense all of a sudden. When you came out of the restaurant you asked him discreetly.


"What was that weird static in the restaurant?" You directly asked him

Alastor shrugged his shoulders and answered with his cheerful voice.

"I haven't the faintest idea, darling, it was probably a loudspeaker problem."


You frowned, you were really doubtful. He was lying. You were certain.

A lot of people would have believed him, but there was something in his eyes. It was mistrust, frustration and anger. Plus, you noticed that his ears were moving a lot more on his head. Like a deer's ears would do to know if it was safe.

This static that you heard wasn't insignificant to him. And it immediately put you on the alert.

Before you could speak you suddenly heard this noise, this time much louder.

A light emerged in the darkness of the night and a man came out of the shadows.

You heard a horrible growl coming out of Alastor's throat mixed with an aggressive static as your eyes studied the stranger in front of you.

The man was very tall and thin. He was very well dressed, his costume consisted of a shirt with red and black stripes, a red bow tie, and a white-ish blue undershirt. His jacket was black with blue stripes that reminded you easily of electric cables. He also wore a black hat with a radio wave pattern and a broadcast symbol.

However, what struck you the most was the demon's head... if you could call it a head.

His head was actually a flat screen TV. His red eyes were just as threatening as Alastor's and his light blue mouth was really impressive.


It was the TV demon.


Your eyes widened as he approached you with an arrogant smile that you already hated. You didn't like the way he walked, he was someone who liked to show off - you could tell at first glance.


"Alastor! What a pleasure to see you here" Chirped the TV demon smugly while inflating his chest confidently.

"What brings you here, Vox? "Alastor asked in a strangely dry tone.


Well, from what you could hear those two didn't seem to get along at all.

You were already thinking that you would have to walk home if they started fighting to the death from there. However, you knew that Alastor wouldn't stoop to giving the first blow, you could see it in his eyes. You'd never seen such hatred in him, even for you.

Suddenly you froze... "Vox"? You slowly turned your head towards the television demon.


"Vox? " you asked automatically.


The two demons looked at you confusedly. Alastor looked surprised that you seemed to know about this infamous demonic junk, and Vox looked lost when he noticed you.


"Do I know you white wolf ? " He asked suspiciously, forgetting his manners.

"No, we've never met. "You replied coldly. " However I know you through my boss, he was quite young when you first met, you probably met his father who was the godfather of a Russian mafia " You paused and mentioned the name of the mafia you had worked in. Vox's eyes widened in surprise and a big smile appeared on his screen.


"Oh yes, I remember! He was very young at the time. How has he been since then? Is he managing his paternal inheritance well? "Asked the television with an amused voice while crossing his arms with curiosity.


You frowned as the image of your boss exploded in your head. He had once told you about that "Vox". He told you that the world was lacking people like him, that business would be easier. He had always praised his eloquence and how forward-thinking his ideas about technology were. Your Boss liked him very much, especially because of his ability to broadcast several fake news to control and influence the masses discreetly.

Now you understand why you didn't like him at first glance.

"He's doing extremely well, and he runs this organization with an iron fist if you want to know everything. " you grunted.


Vox had noted the bitterness in your voice. He could see you didn't have your boss in your heart, and he was quite curious to know why. He turned his attention to Alastor and also wondered why you were with him.

Rumor had it that you hated each other.


"I see, I'm glad everything's all right with him, he's a really good guy."

A real wolf's snarl out of your throat, but Vox ignored it.

"What are you two doing here together? I thought you hated each other." he turned his attention to Alastor and asked him in a patronizing tone, "Have you finally decided to take action Alastor? I'm really surprised, I didn't know you were such a masochist"

Your body had tensed up just like Alastor's to the allusion of television. How dare he ? You were going to attack, but Alastor was faster than you.

"It's just a business dinner Vox, it's none of your business."

"When I see something that can create a buzz, it's my business Al. You who work in radio should know that it's important to pay attention to the tiniest crunchy detail that will make viewers salivate in front of their screens," replied vox. He sighed and continued "So it was just a business dinner with the White Wolf? " The scrapehead looked disappointed that he didn't get his scoop. "How ironic. Although I have to say you had a funny way of talking about business when I saw you."


You clenched your fists in anger.

Great, you finally had something in common with Alastor, you wanted to kill that creep.

"Think what you want," you calmly declared, refusing to play along. "Why are you here?"

"Well, I wanted to say hello to my old friend, and I wanted to take this opportunity to ask him for clarification on what I heard, if it was true that he was helping the princess with her stupid and pointless project."


You rolled your eyes with annoyance and you let Alastor answer. He was quite calm in his words but his posture showed that he was angry, Vox was really bothering him.

Well, after all, there was nothing surprising about it. The TV quickly took over from the radio, even though the radio managed to hold its own.

Suddenly Vox's voice took you out of your thoughts.

"What about you, doll? »

You hated being called that.

"Excuse me?"

"What do you think of this project?"


You raised an eyebrow. Then you suddenly had an idea. It was a gamble on your part.


"Oh, I'm really sorry, Vox," you said in a small voice. "You see, I'm really exhausted and I don't feel able to give you a constructive answer. However, I would be happy to answer you in an interview."


You heard a horrible sound of a broken microphone right next to you.

Honestly you didn't even dare to look at Alastor's face, you were sure that he was judging you with his red eyes and that he had an expression showing more than disapproval.

However, the TV Demon seemed very intrigued by your proposal. You weren't really a demon as well known in hell as Alastor, Rosie, Velvet or Valentino, that was a truth, but you still had your reputation, your presence on a TV set could easily boost the ratings especially after the fiasco Charlie had caused.


"Yes I understand you doll, staying with some demons for a long time can really wear you down. I'll think about your proposal and get back to you as soon as I can."

"Thank you for considering my proposal Vox" you responded politely with a fake smile. "Now if you'll excuse us."

Vox frowned before he knew what you were getting at. He walked by Alastor with a smug look on his face and looked at you with an almost a beguiling smile.

"If you find this deer's manners too archaic, you are free to come and see me at the television studio, I will receive you there with great pleasure and in a more modern way~" He proposed to you in an almost provocative voice which disgusted you deeply.

"Thank you Vox, I'll keep that in mind" You answered in a neutral voice.

You could felt Alastor boiling. He wanted to smash the screen of that walking television, it was pretty obvious when you looked at his smile, which was so big that it must have really hurt him. But just like you, he wasn't moving.

Silence was the best kind of contempt, especially with this type of person, they can't stand being ignored and not being the centre of attention.

Vox laughed darkly and left, wishing you a good evening.

Once it was far enough your body relaxed and you sighed with contempt.


"Such a squarehead" you joked in an icy tone.

Strangely, Alastor hadn't laughed, he hadn't made any comment. And that suddenly made you tense.

Oh shit.

Alastor tightened the grip he had on your arm and positioned you violently in front of him. His smile was tense and his eyes glowed with an anger that you didn't like at all. You tried to remain calm and not to provoke him.


"What was that Y/N? »

You immediately understood what he was referring to...

"it's called "gamble" Alastor. " you said seriously, "If this... big, rectangular head agrees to this interview, I might try to defend the hotel and make up for Charlie's fiasco. "

The deer gave you a condescending laugh that made you frown.

"Darling... Do you even know how Vox will manipulate you into saying the opposite of what you mean?"

"I know it all too well. " You said, "I know how media work, I've seen what goes on behind the scenes of a TV set, I've seen how the TV station scum use a simple sentence to twist what was originally said. "You approached him with determination, your eyes shone with a fury that Alastor hadn't seen in your house before.

"I would not let the media twist my words, I hate them too much to give them that pleasure Alastor."

Without giving him time to respond, you added in a teasing tone.

"Yes, now you know another reason why I don't like you very much, my deer~" you dare to joke.

The deer laughed at your audacity by sliding his hand over your waist while playing with his microphone. Oh dear, you really were hot-headed sometimes and he loved that. However ... he felt a very unpleasant sensation in the pit of his stomach. He knew what it was, he had felt it at some point in his life, a painful memory that his mind couldn't erase.

"We should go" you suddenly said with a smile.

"Of course my dear." Alastor said as he snapped his fingers, leaving an empty alleyway behind...


