The traps activate. The caltrop falls to the ground right under my target causing chaos. The horse dragging the carriage goes into a rampage while the one leading the horses tried to calm them down. I pulled the wire attached to the crossbows shooting the bolt at the direction of the people under the entrance of the arch. With the bolts shooting, the bags of ball bearings release into the air falling down to the ground making it harder for them to continue on. As they panicked, they either trip on the ground because of the balls or have a hard time moving. I jump down with my last smokebomb and release it mid air to hide my identity to the enemies, to prevent myself from taking damage on the landing, I used my modified grappling crossbow to slowly descend down. I land on the carriage and they try to attack me with magic attacks. Because of the smoke hiding my location as I fell, all their attacks didn't land on me. I take off the crossbow off my wrist and get down the carriage. I throw the smokebomb to the side as it still releases smoke, and enter the carriage while still hidden. Inside the carriage, was the noble I had saw during the party with the nobles.
"Oh? You again?" he says
Last I saw him, he was wearing a red and white tunic. This time, he's wearing a black tunic and pants with a black cloak as well. His eyes and hair color looked much more clear to me. Blonde hair and orange eyes. He gave me that death stare as he spoke. I took my dagger and slashed it at him without a second thought. For a moment, it looked like I got a clean hit, his movements were quick and smooth he parried my attack and grabbed my wrist tightly I dropped my dagger.
"This won't do. No no no" he says
I break free from his grab and immediately jump out of the carriage and take out my short sword. A Gem approaches to check on their leader and I did the most logical thing I could think of as an assassin. I grabbed the Gem and disarmed him while shoving him to the ground, and pointed my sword behind his neck. The smoke clears and I shout.
"Make a move, then this man's life is over!"
The other Gems dared not to get close or cast any spells.
"Now now, we can talk this through" the noble says coming out of the carriage
"Sir!" the Gem I pinned down says
"Let me assist you in this" the noble responds
The dagger comes flying straight into the Gem's face killing him. I let go of him as the dagger digs straight into his face and leap backwards keeping my distance from the noble. Only then did I realize that I've been surrounded and have no where to go.
"Why did you do that?! Isn't he your ally?" I ask
"Weakness, does not have a place here. If he really was strong, he would have easily escaped your grapple. Sadly, he couldn't. Enough time was given, he did not pull through. So he must die!" he noble replies
"Then let's see how strong you are!"
I rush towards him with the short sword activating the light from my hand. He sidesteps to avoid the hit. I swung my short sword at the right distance towards him, know that he would dodge the attack. He creates a magic shield around his arm. For a split second, I saw my sword absorbing the shield and I cut hit arm. He jumps back keeping his distance as I try to slash at him once more.
"That's an interesting blade you're carrying" he says
"Oh yeah? What happened to your shield? Perhaps it was too weak" I reply
"Why you, tsk, doesn't matter"
He turns to the rest of his army and points towards me.
"Take him down!" he orders
Multiple Gems come right at me. I only looked forward and attempt to pave way slashing through their attacks, but they were skilled enough to block my attacks with their weapons. I kept my distance from one of them, but the more I move back, the shorter my space is. Slowly, a pink fog appears. I jump as high as I could and used the people as a stepping stone to get on the carriage. I watched as some of Gem slowly become paralyzed before the the fog thickens.
"I'M BACK!!!"
It sounded like Pfyre's voice. Fire shoots out from all direction creating a shield of flame. The pink fog disappears and screams come from all direction near the fire. The shield of flame disperses, and it's Pfyre in his regular human form. Having a black shirt and a blood red cloak, and black armored pants.
"Athelstan!! Where are you?" he shouts
"Up here, Pfyre" I answer
He looks up and smiles waving at me.
"Hey! Don't worry about all this, Zabre and the Royal Knights are on their way here!" he says
"I think it's a bit too late for that" the noble says
Pfyre turns back and is met with a powered unarmed strike from the noble. I begin climbing up with the crossbow attached to the rope trying to get on top of the gates. I look down and see a Gem using magic, and casts it on the noble. He jumps high to reach me.
"Not so fast!" Pfyre shouts
Pfyre shoots out a line of fire. The fire's force pushes the noble away. I continue climbing up avoiding long range magic attacks from the Gems aiming at me. Pfyre grows out wings and flies towards me carrying me.
"Why couldn't you just fly like me? It's easier to get up that way" he says
"You know, I wish I had the magic to fly as well" I reply
"You do have magic! That light from your hand! That's divine magic. I'm assuming you're either half god, half human or a divine spell caster" Pfyre says
"Eh? What if I told you it was a gift" I respond
"Well, I'd be surprised. Anyways, I'll drop you off at the top of the gate. I'll go back to my master" he replies
"Ah, where are they anyway?" I ask
"My master and her comrades came here late. The fog didn't take effect right away, and we noticed that you had gone ahead" he answers
"Ah yeah, I did go ahead you could say" I reply back
We reach the top of the gate and I get dropped off. Pfyre gives me a quick wave before flying back down. I look outside and see that Zabre's army had already reached them. On the other side, the Royal Knights are closing in. I can say this is a mission success, the noble that's assumed to be the leader of the Gem of Rider is now caught.