Chapter Eight - Bonding


Having people stare at me is unnerving, keeping my eyes glued on my coffee that's wrapped in my palms. "Thank you", I told the waiter politely.

After a few seconds, I heard the waiter addressing Adian. "good morning sir. can I get you anything?"

Not hearing his response, I looked up to see Adian staring angrily at the waiter. "I'm good, my order is already inside, thank you" he responded abruptly, to the waiter

With a slight nod to me, the waiter smiles and walks away.

Looking back at Adian, "are you okay? I ask, confused.

Staring back at me with clasp hands that laid on the table. "yes I'm fine. Just a stressful morning" he mutters quietly, with a small smile.

'So what are your birthday plans?" he asked curiously.

Chuckling softly, "no plans and it was actually two weeks ago, but I only got time to visit my friend today" I said shyly.

What's with me? I'm never ditzy around guys, but he's so confident, so sure about himself. Those captivating blues has me drowning.

With a small smirk, "so, no celebrations? How old are you now? if you don't mind my asking?" he enquires.

Still feeling lightheaded from the bubbly I had earlier, "twenty one" I answered shyly, quickly taking a gulp of my hot coffee, hoping that it sobers me up quickly.

"Twenty one?" he echoed, shocked.

Not answering, I nodded, holding the coffee cup to my lips.

His soft chuckles sounding so beautiful caused me to lift my eyes to his face, travelling to his mouth, but before we could say anything else, the waitress approached our table with his order.

Without looking at either one of us, "excuse me," she says, looking annoyed, as he removed his hands from the table, making place for the coffee and sandwich he ordered.

"Thank you," he mutters, without looking at her.

Feeling embarrass, "thank you, I said politely, looking up only to meet her angry gaze. She nodded, walking away.

"Wow! She's still annoyed" I told him "but you are cute, so who can really blame her, rite?" I asked, only realizing what I just blurted out.

Getting even redder, "oh no, I didn't mean that," I said covering my mouth. Can I embrrass myself anymore than this? I wondered.

Bursting into laughter, the dimple, on his left cheek deepens, "you can't take that back," he continues to laugh softly.

"I'm sorry" I apologize, "maybe having three and a half cups of bubbly wasn't a good idea" I said shyly.

As the waitress pass our table he chuckles, lifting his coffee to his lips. "let's hope she didn't spit in it" he says calmly sipping his coffee.

I erupted in laughter this time, wondering if she would really do something like that.

"Do people really do that? I asked curious.

Smiling, " God I hope not, because I would have ingested so many people's saliva" he said with grimace as I chuckle softly.

'You're that kind of customer" I stated

While eating his sandwich. he points to my bag with the cake, "so what flavor is your cake"

"Uh em. Red Velvet" I answered quickly.

"You sharing?" he asks finishing up his sandwich. Noticing my eyes on his empty plate, "this wasn't enough," he grinned sheepishly.

Feeling a bit more confident with him, "so you missed the most important meal of the day? I asked.

Lifting his coffee "I was summoned by the dungeon master, so I ended up missing the most important meal of the day," he chuckles as he mimics me.

Embarrassed feeling myself get flushed, "okay, I'll share, but do you think it's okay to eat it here? I mean they do sell cake here?" I said looking around.

"Maybe if I was more pleasant to the waitress. it won't have been a problem" he half smiled at me.

"Yeah, but it's not a problem, you can have it" I slid the bag gently across to him.

"Uh uh, I can't do that, it's yours and you apparently haven't celebrated yet. Honestly you only turn twenty one, once, so you have to do something special. It is a rite of passage" he says.

"Cute and brilliant" I thought, gazing at him.

Chuckling, "why thank you. I don't think anyone's ever complimented me this much before" he says.

My eyes widen,"f""k," I muttered softly, but he he heard me because he burst out in laughter.

Covering my mouth with both hands, "no, no, did I really say that?" I asked embarrass. What's wrong, I never do this, then again I've never had coffee with a handsome man before. No guy would ever be interested in a girl like me.

Looking around the room, suddenly feeling self conscious, wondering what this handsome man is doing with someone like me.

Never having a boyfriend always made me wonder what was wrong with me, but now that I'm getting married, I can't date anyone. OMG! I can't be here with Adian.

I have to leave and leave quickly without being rude.

"Are you okay?", Adian asks. " Don't worry about the cake," he says looking concern.

Plastering my signature fake smile, I stared at him trying to come up with an excuse, for my demeanor,. "Uh no, that's not it, I just remember that I still have some errands to run and I have to cook a late lunch early dinner kinda thing" I said.

"Oh your family is waiting for you?" he asks, disappointed.

Unable to hide the sadness in my eyes this time, looking down, I shook my head.

"I lost my parents when I was five" I said sadly, not looking at him.

I felt his hands covering mines, that layed on the table. "I'm sorry" he says softly.

Looking up I saw his eyes with filled with questions, questions that even I needed answers for.

With a small smile, "I'm okay" I lied, not wanting his pity.

'Yeah you are" he agrees.