Chapter Sixty Four - Finding Hailey

Hailey's POV

I ended up locating a guest house that the bus driver recommended before leaving for his return trip to New York.

I was tempted to return with him, but other than college, this is my first trip away from everyone who knows me.

The alias name Mr. Knox give me, is Heather Storm. I ended up booking under that name at the B&B, hoping that I remember to repeat it when I meet new people.

My name was my first lie, the second, is that I'm looking for a secluded location to spend time writing my first novel and a small town seemed ideal.

The cab driver, and the lovely couple who owns the B&B believes me, so far.

It's late evening and looking at my phone again, awaiting a return call from sister Ally concerning the luncheon and my absence from today's gathering.

Strange enough, Adian hasn't call once and that really hurt. Then why was he standing on the sidewalk last evening looking around? I guess that it wasn't me, he was looking for.

Flicking on the television, skipping through channels to see what's on, stopping on an entrainment network.

Chuckling, because I forgot they have cable indoors and so much more to offer outdoors but I prefer to stay indoors in a strange place at night.

I did stop at a convenient store and bakery, on my way here, topping up on different types of pastries, promising the owner that I'll be back tomorrow to try some different ones from her wide variety.

I purchased drinks, water, crackers, snacks, plus two bottles of wine, for which I had to show my alias ID as the young guy cashing, kept complimenting me on my youthful looks and beauty. I cringe as I remember that because I don't take complements well, especially when he looked at as if I'm a piece of meat.

Declining dinner, hoping I'll stay full until tomorrow morning, I took a sip of wine from one of the sanitary cups I also topped up on.

Suddenly Adian's on the screen as reporters rushed him, asking questions about drinking alone while his fiancé's in town.

Adian, walked past the reporter, then stopped, turning to the reporter,

FIANCE? FIANfrom A PERSON OF THE PAST, I'M A MARRIED MAN NOW" he says proudly, then walks away, laughing.

As he walks away the cameras continue going after him. He stood looking around the carpark dangling his car keys in his hand. A car stops slowly in front of him and he bends to look inside the car as the window rolls down.

He speaks to the person or persons inside for about a minute then resumes looking around.

The female driver of the car opens the door, smiling for the camera, walking around to Adian, who walks away, climbing into a car that pulled up behind the woman's car. She returned smiling awkwardly to her car driving off.

Listening carefully, this incident was early yesterday evening, then he did return to the penthouse.

Why didn't he call me, then? Why hasn't anyone called me.

Adian told the reporter he's married and he is married, he's married to me. Then the ex fiance is giving false information to the media?

If Adian wants me, then why hasn't he called?

I need to stop beating myself up about this. I was taking another sip of wine, when my phone rang. Sister Ally.

Me: "hello, sister Ally, I've been waiting for your call all day" I said chuckling nervously.

Sis. Ally: Hailey, honey stop worrying, your husband took care of everything" she answers, confusing me.

Me: "my husband?" I repeated.

Sis Ally: " Adian Knights, sent Mr Gerard and Mrs Harris in your place. It was a success. Please tell him thanks from the children " she says while I'm still surprise.

Adian did the luncheon. I need to call him. Now!

Me: Sis Ally, I have to go, I'll call you back. Give Emmy my love." I say not waiting for her response and hangs up.

Adian, he sent Gerard and Mrs Harris. Oh my goodness, she prepared and cook all the food by herself. Did Adian force Adana to help? I need to thank her, but first, I need to call Adian.

I quickly dialed Adian's number from the company's phone, which was picked up in half a ring.

Adian: "Where the f**k are you?" he answered with a question

Flustered, I just held the phone to my ear, paralysed.

Adian: "Hailey" he shouts.

Me: Thank you!" I tell him softly.

Adian: "tell me in person, now where are you?" he asks in a softer tone.

Me: "I... I.." I stammer, wondering if I should tell him where I am.

Adian: "I know you're in cold springs, but where are you staying, I will come and get you?" he says,

Me: "you know where I am?" I asked surprise. "Where are you?" I asked instead.

Adian: "at a f***ing B&B where the people is just bull*****ing me around" he says angrily.

"Let me talk to her please" I heard Adana say in the background.

Me: "Adana's with you?" I ask, also surprise.

Adana: "Hailey?" she takes the phone from him. "Where are you?" she asks in a sad tone. "We followed the bus and now we lost you" she cries.

Me: "wait, don't cry. I'm at a B&B.. uh em.. hold on" I tell her, running nervously for the brochure.

Me: "'s Remy's B&B" I told her. "it's.." Adana cut me off .

Adana: cuts me off, "but we are outside and no one knows you" Adana wines...

Me: what? "room twelve" I say, remembering my name, Heather Storm.

The phone hung up! Adian and Adana is here? Smiling happily, he came after me!

Darn, did I drink so much wine. I thought, lifting the bottle, checking the remaining contents.

Darn, quarter bottle left and my husband is here! I giggle happily.