Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eighty - More to Hailey

"Why did she leave?" I asked responding to Basil's explanations about Hailey leaving me, yet again.

Why does she always do that? But at least, I know where she is and with Basil and extra security, no one will think to search for her in her old apartment.

"You'll remain with her" I instructed him, not mentioning the fact that I fired him the previous day. He knows to ignore me,when I'm being a jackass.

Tilting his head, observing me with a smirk, he ignores what I said and changes the topic. "What did your aunt say about Jerry's injuries?" Bas chuckles at the bruises that I received in the underground ring, I've been a part of since I was a teenager when Jerry introduced me it. I since learnt to fight out my frustrations.

Chuckling at my aunt and her rage she got in, reprimanding Jerry for once again, encouraging me to detox my rage by fighting hands on, instead of a gym.

"She was livid" I chuckle. "Poor Jerry, he didn't get a chance to explain that I'm the one who dragged him there." I laugh, wincing in pain, caressing my bruised jawline.

Leaning forward, his elbows on his knees as he continues to observe me, cautiously.

Staring at his entwined fingers, deep in thought, "why are you with Hailey?" Bas surprises me, with this sudden question and I frowned.

Shaking my head at him, in disbelief, "she's my wife." I responded, wondering how he could ask such a question when it's obvious.

Straightening himself, facing me straight up, "a wife you didn't want and a wife you planned on destroying for accepting this marriage proposal." Bas, reminds me of my earlier rants, concerning this forced marriage and threats to make Hailey pay for trapping me into a relationship, I didn't want, at least, back then.

Nodding as I remembered and ashamed of the things I said to Hailey after we first got married, that I have never apologized for.

"I remember the dark days gone by, but why are you asking me this, now?" I wondered about Bas's timing and if something occurred for Bas to bring this up.

Bas got up and started pacing on the patio of Jerry's mansion, where I have been holed up since last night and held captive by my aunt.

Suddenly turning around, "Hailey's vulnerable and I think you should take some time apart for a while." Bas suggests slowly, watching me stand up in a rage. He is wise enough to take a step or two backwards.

"What the f**k are you on about?" I suddenly shout, uncaring of the fact that my aunt and uncle is somewhere in the house. "Who the f**k gives you the right to give me marital advice?" I continued shouting at him, while he observes me cautiously, doing his military thing, where he tries to read me by my action. something, I f***ing hate.

With a smirk, Bas shakes his head, apparently receiving the answer he seeks from me, concerning my relationship with Hailey. I admit it was not about love when we first got together, but, since she moved in with me, I saw a girl that I could actually build a future with. A girl with whom, I can have kids with, a girl I am learning to love.

Sitting down, I palm my face with my elbows resting on my knees as I remember Knox's words and Bas question.

"My mother told Knox to inform Hailey that she had no choice but to accept the marriage proposal. They literally guilted her into accepting this marriage. She wanted to honor her mother." I explained as Bas comes to sit beside me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"They why would you think about going to visit Sammy, if you have growing feelings for Hailey?" Bas asks and I lifted narrowed eyes to him.

Shaking my head, "I never planned to go to Sammy." I admitted. "Yes, I know that was a way I burnt out stress in the past, but I had no plans of going to her." I confessed. Palming my face again, f**k, would I have betrayed Hailey because I couldn't deal with my anger?

Sighing, Bas spoke softer, "Hailey trust you, inspite of everything and the reason she went to her apartment is because Mel and I were leaving and she didn't want to remain alone and have Gerard leave his kids to babysit her. That is why she left, she didn't leave you" Bas finally says something to make me smile, but why then did he ask all those questions before.

"So why the f**k were you playing mind games with me concerning Hailey's and my relationship?" I glared at him.

Bas got all serious again and I am concern if that is his reason for testing me.

"Hailey had another nightmare when she slept in her room." He started to explain and I leaned back to take in what he was going to share with me. Her nightmares, even thought they bring questions, they also bring answers.

I wait for Bas to continue, "have you ever seen her bedroom?" He asks and I shook my head, never having been further than her living room. "Well she has a wall full of art and after dropping them off to work I went back to her apartment and took a look around. " Bas continues and nod, wondering where the f**k he's going with this.

"I don't know, but I get the impression, that the drawings on her walls and ceiling speaks of things in her life. Things that she lived and loved and things that she subconsciously remembered. Her nightmare last night seemed to reflect a time after seeing her mother die and she was screaming, but as soon as she got up and realized what had happened, she asked for you." Bas turns to me I wondering why he's saying all of this to me.