We reached the throne room, finding the king to be busy with a few visitors.
"Your majesty."
A furrow grows on his face upon seeing the dirt stains on Jane's dress, immediately smelling the scent of the rogue wolf on Jane as he approaches closer.
"Why have you gone down there??" he whispers between our faces. Our facades drop, the small amount of hope to release Natalie out of her poisoned life going down the drain.
"Father...we have to talk." Jane didn't care if she wasn't being diligent and Princess like, the dirt adding onto the bad image.
"Of course. But let me settle some things with the foreign traders."
"Yes, your majesty."
We step back, letting the door close back on our faces.
"I wanna hear what they're talking about." I don't protest Jane to keep their privacy and use my powers to hear through the wall. The visitors did look skeptical, considering the North winds do not flow in until the autumnal season. They are not here for trade, and we need to make sure of it.
'Sire, we have brought in seven quintiles of gold and hundred and one quintiles of silver.'
'Petroleum?' The king asks, a shaky reply from the visitors making me scoff.
'Y-yes, your majesty. Two tons.'
'Let the guards check them.' The king is quick to respond and I could almost hear the hesitance.
'A-as you wish, sire. The merchant ships are stationed on the port.'
Another scoff emits from the back of my throat, Jane shaking my arm to get my attention. She lifts her chin up, requiring what was I thinking about.
"Pirates." her eyes become googly and wide.
"How could you tell??" she whispers.
"Pirates use ports, not harbors because they need a quick escape after they loot whatever is under their gaze." I say logically and her yes widen even more.
"Whoa...I never seen a pirate before. What will we do now...?"
"That's not an issue, princess. I could jam their anchor, leaving no possibility for them to sail away after their loot. They'd be caught and also their covers would blow off. I hope the king punished them accordingly." I explain.
"The main problem right now is convincing the king to release Natalie, and the only way to do that is to tell him the truth. She hadn't died in the woods years ago, she was changed. And we will help her change." I explain again and she nods understandingly.
"Thank you again, my love. It means so much to me..." I smile and hug her from the side. We were hiding in the crevice of the two rooms, a sectioning between the two walls where light refused to reach our heads.
"Anything for you, baby girl. Now let's go. I think he's done talking." she nods again and we rush down the only four small steps and dunk into the light again. The guards securing the door to the throne room narrow their eyes at us to which we give little smiles.
"You two haven't left yet?" The king sounds annoyed, but we innocently shake our heads and move out of the way for the pirates, or now disguised as merchants.
"Isn't he the elemental??" My jaw clenches by itself as I heard them talk behind my back.
"Hey you, lad, come over here!" one of the four calls out and I turn around, leaving Jane's hand to the air and approach them.
"Are you the elemental?"
"Aren't you in touch with the news??"
Of course they wouldn't be. Pirates are aloof of whatever is happening on land but they seemed to have got the information through air.
"Oh~ So you do bite, huh?"
"I don't bite. I snap the life out of bad people." I sass, their expressions hardening at my words.
"Very well. You're the people's superhero!"
What are you?? A high school girl who has a crush on me?? Stop trying to impress me, you're wasting both our times, you idiot.
I bite my tongue from saying that aloud and turn around rudely, shocking the king.
"Son, behave!" he whisper shouts once I walk closer to the duo.
"Father, you'll find out about that in awhile. But first, please listen to what we have to say."
That's the only word that comes out of the King's mouth after Jane was done explaining her part. The king was clearly upset, not expecting his daughter to be ignorant of something like this.
But most importantly, he didn't know what happened that night. He didn't enquire about her friend, but suddenly got the news of her disappearing from the world.
Later on, his expression grew stoic as he reminisced about the sick monster who was his wife's own brother.
"I wish I could have punished him much heavily for his sins..." he says to himself buy we heard it anyway.
"Papa...it's alright. What's done is done. But let's please, focus on what we can do now. Ron had said he could change Natalie back to a werewolf, but that's only possible if you agree with him, father." she explains, holding his hands in hers in a dearly way.
"Is it...is it dangerous, son?"
"It could be, father. But I assure you I'll take all measures on my part to keep everyone safe. It may take a few days for the process to be fulfilled."
"That's a lot of energy."
"Yes it is, father. But I can do anything for the people I love and are dear to me." I say sincerely which makes the king look up at me.
"I trust you, my son. Tell me what you need."
That's a good question.
"I need the witches and wizards you've sent that day upon Jane's emergency call. Only then, and yes, I need a lot of space." I request the essentials and he nods.
"That can be arranged." he agrees and I feel my heart leap out of my chest, even more so as I see the expression of pure bliss on Jane's features.
"Thank you so much papa!"
"It's a mistake you have to realise, Jane. Never choose to ignore a person in despair because you never know what was happening to them. Believe in others." The wise words from a wise Emperor strike close to my heart.
"I won't let you down again, father."
"I believe you, my daughter."
The silence stays for awhile as I plan the event in my head. It's going to take an impeccable chunk of energy from my system so I need to be supplied with forces. Hence the witches and wizards are into the picture.
The dark forces can be converted into the whites, that's not a big blockade, but how much do I need is the real question. I asked for only those respective wizards and witches because they seemed to be experienced and fully grown, no angst teenagers who would try and ruin the whole process.
Selection is important in any criteria, and I hope I've made the right choices.
Just when I looked around and set my gaze upon Jane, her eyes widen as she opens her mouth to imply something.
"I think I know a place you could use..."