
Chapter Nineteen

Alex had been called a lot of names in his twenty-four years of living but none of those words had done the damages her words had.

Adriel refused to see him, refused to talk to him, and had wanted to leave the apartment on more than one occasion.

He had Mercy to thank though, she'd convinced Adriel to stay on the condition that she'd stay with her as well.

Mercy currently shared the room with Adriel.

Mercy had come to comfort him on a number of occasions and each time she saw him, he seemed to sink deeper into the pit Adriel had unknowingly sentenced him to.

Alex grew leaner as the days passed and Mercy grew worried, he'd stopped eating altogether too consumed by his guilt and self-hatred to have a stable appetite.

For the past week, she'd been staying with Adriel helping her recover. In the meantime, Mercy had requested that everyone else give them some space to sort things out.

Cara had agreed.