
Chapter Twenty

Seven nights ago...


He coughed, opening his eyes.

His eyes tried adjusting to his surroundings but he saw nothing, everywhere was dark. He tried to move but he cursed when a blinding pain exploded in his stomach.

He looked down and cursed again seeing his blood pool in a circle around him.

He was still alive.

He realized.

And he was still in the cave.

He looked up at the now crooked chair in front of him and cursed some more.

Adriel had escaped. His hands balled into fists.

He closed his eyes and chanted.

Suddenly his wounds began to heal but they couldn't heal completely.

They weren't inflicted by a mortal.

He was lucky to be alive as it was and he had a nagging feeling that the angels had kept him alive intentionally.

He stood up, wincing as he did so.

He held a hand to his stomach, seeing all his fallen men on the ground around him.