
Chapter Twenty Three

Soon Adriel retired to bed after a hefty afternoon meal with her family. She yawned and took out Luke's bracelet from her purse along with hers and she wore it.

She then looked out the window.

Alex's house was very close by and she had a clear view of their house. She wondered how he was doing if things went well with his Dad.

She suddenly saw the front door of their home swing open and saw Alex come out of the house in a hurry to his car before hastily driving off, only narrowly missing a trash bin.

Her stomach dipped.



Adriel ran down the stairs in a hurry.

She had no clue what could have made him leave like that?

Did he and his dad get into a fight?

Her parents looked up at her in surprise as she rushed into the living room.

"Honey?" Her dad's eyes were wide in shock.

"Where are you going dear?" It was her mother. She was staring at her with worried eyes.

"It's Alex, something's happened. I need to go." She said hurriedly.