
Chapter Twenty Five

After the incident at their apartment, Adriel had made up her mind to seek God out.

Alex had wanted to follow her but she'd stopped him.

"Adriel let me come with you. It's not safe in the woods." She saw the look of panic in his eyes but she held a hand to his cheek and he closed his eyes, exhaling.

"Nothing's going to happen to me Alex. I promise I'll be fine." She said and Alex really hoped she would be.

Ariel came to the woods on the outskirts of school, she needed a quiet place to talk to Him.

She walked through the forest remembering the time she'd sought God out like then.

She stopped.

She knew immediately, that it was the place.

The sun was shining bright but not scorching.

Adriel closed her eyes and felt a calm in her soul as the wind blew across her, face soothing her. She stood like that for a while just staying still, thinking about Him, thinking about Jesus.

She began singing.

At the center of it all, it's you that I see, it's you that I see.