
Evelyn pulled Charlie into the nurse office in a hurry. She looked around the office to find any nurse who was working at the time but to no luck, they were no where to be found. However on the bright side, the bleeding on Charlie's cheek had finally stopped.

"Wait here," Evelyn said while gesturing Charlie to sit on one of the chair that was there. She opened the cabinets in search of some ice pack that they could possibly use. Charlie obeyed and sat there, holding in the pain while watching Evelyn as she walked around looking for an ice pack for him.

"She really is worried for me," Charlie thought to himself, his eyes never leaving her as he carefully eyed her every move. His eyes softened at the view as the thought of her guiding him into the nurse office occured in his mind. Unconsciously, a smile crept on his bloody lips. He was so focused in his thoughts that he forgot about the bruise on his cheek. He stared at her as his mind replayed the moment again and again, seemingly never bored of it. He was soon brought back to earth again when the pain of his wounds hit him.

A small 'ouch' slipped from Charlie's mouth as he was taken over by the awfully burning pain. He held his cheek, pressing it lightly as he hoped that the pain would go away quickly. Evelyn calmly walked back to his direction after she had finally found an ice pack in one of the cabinets. Charlie's hiss had caused a panic to Evelyn so naturally, she rushed her way towards Charlie faster than before. Once she was standing in front of him, she crouched and immediately brought the ice pack closer to Charlie's swollen cheek.

"This gonna hurt a little but bare with me," she said as she lightly patted the ice pack onto the bruise. Charlie was a bit stunned by her action. His heart beat getting unstable and rapid while Evelyn steadily treated his cheek. At that moment, Charlie could see Evelyn's face up close and it was clear that she was very worried by the expression that was plastered on her pretty face. She was looking at him as if he had gotten into a big accident and was injured badly.

Meanwhile, in the cafeteria..

Kevin's lunch stayed on the table untouched as he stared off into the distance. Evelyn helping Charlie was the only thing that was looping in his mind. It ticked him off so hard that he just couldn't hold himself back.

"I lost appetite," Kevin simply stated as he stood up from his chair while bringing his food along with him. He walked towards the garbage bin and threw the food into the bin, not caring about wasting it at all. Rebecca who just finished with her food, followed Kevin and put her plate back to its place. Brian was then left alone on his own.

"Wait, what. Why did everyone leave me?" Brian thought. The realization hit him so he took his plate and sat on the next table where there were still people eating there. He brushed his thoughts off continued his eating like nothing had happened. It seemed that Noah was nowhere to be seen in the cafeteria after the incident. It turned out that he had called on his members to a hidden place to discuss on a mission. His anger towards Charlie was only getting worse so to take care of that anger of his, he had planned out a mission to take revenge on Charlie with his friends.

Lunch time was over and all of the students had already went to their next class. Charlie and Evelyn on the other hand, was still in the nurse office. Just as they heard the bell rang, they both ran back to their class. Considering that they had skipped their lunch time, they quickly took two breads that was specially served for the patients. They weren't planning on skipping any classes because of the upcoming midterm exam.

While they were on their way, they both opened the packaging and ate the bread so that their stomach wouldn't be empty. The atmosphere was quiet as there were no students around.

"Thanks by the way," said Charlie, not looking at Evelyn in the eyes.

"You're welcome," she replied with a warm smile carved to her face as she took another bite out of the bread.

They finally arrived in their class and Mr. Dickson was there. It was unfortunate that Harry was absent for the day so Evelyn volunteered to represent for team 1 with an open heart.

She told Mr. Dickson about their change of activity for the festival. She explained their whole plan and Mr. Dickson carefully listened to each and everything she said. It didn't take long for Mr. Dickson to agree with their plan so it was very relieving for them.

"If you need help with anything, I'll be here okay?" Mr. Dickson reminded them and they nodded happily.

The school ended and all of the students had already went home. As usual, Charlie had went to the library to do his revision.

This time, he walked to the library on his own because he had already memorised the way to the library.

"Do you wanna go to the library with me?" Asked Charlie to Evelyn, excitedly.

"Oh sorry, I'm not doing revision at the library today. I have to do my revision over at Kevin's house because his mother invited me to celebrate on our upcoming midterm exam," Evelyn explained with much detail so that she wouldn't worry Charlie for rejecting his offer.

"Oh that's fine. I'll get going now. Take care!" He said before making his way to the library.

He would be lying to himself if he said that he didn't feel a little bit dissapointed by her rejection. But he understood her reasoning so he decided to just brush it off. Once he had arrived, he took a seat at his usual seat and began on his revision on his own.

Two hours passed and he decided that it was time for him to head home. While he was on his way home, he suddenly felt someone tapping on his shoulder from behind. It shocked him so he turned around to see who it was. Just as he thought his day couldn't get any worse, he got punched in the face. The force successfully caused him to fall on his butt.

"Was that enough for you?" The person whispered to his ear, feeling proud of his own punch.