Conflict between elves and orcs

"Charge!" The elves stand united, creating a shield wall formation as they see the orcs in front of their eyes. They swallowed their own saliva, doubting if this would work but stays in the formation.

Archers behind them releasing a series of arrows to the orcs, and as they fall, they release more and more. The orcs number have been depleted at least a quarter before they even reach the elves line.

When they hit the defence line, the elves raise their shield above each other shield, making a turtle-like formation. They poke the holes on the shield wall formation with their long pointy spears.

The enemy didn't stand a chance against this formation, all they could do is to cut the wooden spear with that sword. But even that didn't work because there's always a new spear to replace it.

But the orcs do not stop, they keep attacking the elves and when the elves are exhausted, the orcs keep attacking with their reinforcement. A part of the formation was broken by the orcs and all of them rallied to that part and charges through.

The elves didn't have enough time nor the manpower to reinforce the part that was broken through and as a result, the once organized fight turns into a big pit of a fight. Each with their own pair of elf and orc fighting against each other.

The elves with their frail, small body and little to no armour at all almost didn't stand a chance against the green muscly creature. All hope seems lost to them, as one fall, another one follows and so on, the elves began screaming for help.

"Help! Help!"

"I need someone to help me!"


"No, no, please don--- Arggh"

It sounds more like a slaughter more than a cry for help, there are no elves that could be sparred to help those poor elves. But the two boys soon joined the fight acting as a reinforcement, with their simple and light armour, sword and shield, they stab and slash all the orcs they could see.

Abel impaled an orc with his sword and then shouted as loud as he could, ���Charge! All elves charge and hold the orcs at all costs! We can't let them prevail at this battle!"

Both the orcs and elves directed their attention to the boy, but the fight soon continues. This time the battle was fiercer than before. The elves have found back their hope and continue to fight.

Archers keep firing their bows at the enemies as fall as they could, killing many orcs once again. One by one of the orcs fell to the ground by the elves sword and spear. But even the small army have their own elite units.

As an elf was stabbing an orc and as the orc fall to the ground, the same elf was beheaded with a single slash of a big axe. Others stand in horror as they see their own fellow being killed in just one slash. They look at the bigger and muscular orc than before, being protected with simple copper armour.

It doesn't take long for the boy to notice. He saw the orc and make sure they were the only one left and there's no reinforcement. Abel then shouts once again, "Now! Continue to fight and kill all these orcs to protect this place and all of your family!"

The elves once again were determined just after this short morale booster, archers began focusing their fire to the last 5 remaining elite orcs and the soldiers surrounds separately with their shields. But they lack manpower, with a thin layer of elves surrounding the elite orcs, they can't do much.

But the boy has predicted this, a series of arrows were being fired from the tree by the elves hiding there all along. Abel gritted his teeth as he saw one by one of the elite orcs got headshotted by the archers on the tree.

[Gain the title "small commander of the elves" +100 reputation with the elves]

[Gain the title "orc killer for the elves" +50 reputation with the elves]

[Gained +10 reputation from the elves] X 70

Just like that, the battle was over. The elves look at each other, they thought they were not able to do it but they prevail at last. That weird looks turn into loud cheers, "Horray!!! We won the battle!"

They pat each other back, smiles to their own fellow and some… are saddened, they look at the corpses of their dead fellow fro, the battle. Halius are beside them, trying to comfort the saddened elves while Abel was gone in an instant.

He is with the elders of the elves, with a big round table in front of him, a big map can be seen on the table. The young boy examines the map for a few seconds before he turns to the grand elder and asks, "Senior, how many are out casualties so far?"

The grand elder answers his question as fast as he could, "I can sense about 8 elves lost their life in the battle, 7 of them are warriors and 1 of them are archers. The total of our troops are about 42 warriors, 46 archers and 8 elite elves"

The boy let out a smile and thought about it. He then asks another question to him, "How many are the orcs casualties? I need to calculate their numbers I case of another attack"

The grand elder responded in no time once again, "There are about 106 dead orcs, 10 of them are normal archers and 5 of them are the elite soldiers"

Abel smirks when heard the number of orcs that died, 'Gone better than I expected, didn't expect the elves are strong even with the small force, there won't be another attack if my calculation is right, just need to wait for the spy'

Just as he was done saying that in his mind, an elf appears right behind him, he kneels to him, "Commander, the orcs are retreating to the northern mountain, the humans have won a great battle against 150 remaining orcs and they are forced to flee, we are safe once again!"

The boy let out a smile, all the things seems to be going on his way once again, 'I expected the elves victory but didn't expect the humans to be battling with the orcs, looks like my quest are successful'

There's a happy feeling within the boy's heart and mind, seeing all the elves, including the elders talking to each other harmoniously right after they won the fight. His minds were about to tell him to go home, but the man who dumps responsibilities to him before appeared behind him, "Good job, young man"

Abel turns around to face the man while he was still on his chair, he let out a sigh and stands up from his chair and head toward the man and said to him, "I defended the elves from the orcs attack, this means I have finished my quest right?"

The man shakes his head and gives Abel a small smile before saying to him, "I'm impressed you have done that, but your quest continues, you need to eliminate all threat from the orcs"

The boy was shocked when he heard he needs to eliminate the orcs, even though he was shocked, he is still confused with what he needs to do, he asks the man, "wait, so, what do I need to do to eliminate all the threat from the orcs?"

The man let out a smile once again, it looks more like a smirk this time, "Of course what I meant is for you to kill all the troublemaking orcs, here are the list of tribes you need to destroy"

The man places his hand on the boy's head and releases it seconds after, the boy felt a great amount of pain 3 seconds after that, 'Arghhhh! S-shiet, thi-this pain is the same one I ex-experienced in offi-office work'

[Gain a list of troublesome orc's clan]

[Boulder clan]

[Wolf clan]

[Gold clan]

It lasted for 4 seconds before the pain disappears and just like that, the information he needed is in his mind. He asks once again to the man, "But sir, can I bring the elves and perhaps get reinforcement from the others?"

The man gave him a slight nod and as the boy thought this quest was going to be easy and he showed his happy expression, the man said, "But… you can't get any help from the human, I still can't trust them. You can, however, try to get some reinforcement from elves sole enemy, the short creatures"

Abel stood there speechless, he doesn't know what to say to the man standing upon about this all while thinking about it, "Can't get help from humans… but I can try getting help from the elves sole enemy… what the fuck does that mean?"

The man gives him a light smile once again and waves his hand to him while saying, "Bye-bye and good luck!" at the same time. The boy returns to his chair with his head facing to the ground and him being speechless.

The elders of the elves continue their talk, not even noticing the boy was gone from his chair just a few seconds ago. Abel then hit the table with his clenched fist as hard as he could, alerting all the elders and elves near him. The elves gather around the round table and whisper.

"What happens?"

"I don't know"

"Our commander seems to be losing his mind"

"Don't say that about our commander!"

[Gained +10 reputation from the elves]

They are indeed shocked when Abel hit his clenched fist on the table but they were even more shocked when they heard the words that came out from the boy, "Looks like our duty are not done here yet, the elf has told me that we need to go to the northern mountains and eliminate some orcs tribe!"