
The elves look at each other upon hearing the words that came out from the boy's mouth, a small singular sweat forms on their face as they were clearly nervous about this. Abel let out a sigh, predicting the elves might not agree with that man's plan of invasion at the first place!"

It was all changed when the grand elder excitedly said to the boy, "That might be a very good idea, sir! The land here would be at peace for years and generation!"

The sentence breaks the elves hesitation and nervousness about this, the once silent place turns into a place where they cheer loudly about them winning against the orcs, "We can definitely do it!"

"Invade the orcs!!"

"We would win"

The boy was half surprised when he heard this, he then said to the elders, "Gather the people and information, let's do a meeting 3 hours from now, I'm kind of tired currently"

The elders nod to his command and disperse not a second after, meanwhile the boy stays at his chair and call to the mini guy with his thought, 'Hey, Abelard, Abelard, are you there?'

A small white smoke appears in front of his eyes. Once the smokes disperse to thin air, it reveals the mini guy, Abelard. He yawns and stretches his arm still with his eyes closed. When he opens his eyes and saw the boy, he let out a sigh and with a kind of rude tone, he says, "What you want? Disturbing my sleep!"

Abel let out a sigh and takes a deep breath, he raises his index finger to the air, creating a dome, he then says to the mini guy, 'Mini guy, isn't it time for you to tell me everything that happens before I came?'

Abelard let out a sigh once again, and he began telling his stories while moving around, trying to describe it as carefully as possible. Once he was done, the boy looks at him while raising one of his eyebrows. The mini guy says, "What? You don't believe me? Might as well not believe then, it's not like my life depends on it"

The boy scratches his head for a few seconds, "Haha, of course, I believe you, but I think you might exaggerate the story, kind of hard to believe a 15 years old boy was kidnapped by the orcs, ran away from them successfully, loses almost all of his friend only to get into the prison, then you got to the spawn and I took over your body..."

Abelard gave the boy a nod and smile, then he said to him, "Well, that's all that happens, simple as that, I might exaggerate a little on the story but that's pretty much it, I'll go back to my sleep now, see you later!"

Without even the boy having the chance of waving him goodbye, white smoke covers the body of the mini guy and he was gone to no second. The boy let out a sigh before he raises his index finger to the air and the surrounding dome disappears.

He was about to get up from his chair, but then he saw Halius at the distance, slowly walking towards him with a concerned face. The boy didn't move from his chair, instead, he waits for his friend to come to him.

Halius stands right beside him and was about to say something, only to get an index finger placed closely on his mouth by Abel. The boy then uses his hand to signal for Halius to sit on the chair right beside him and with a little to no hesitation, Halius comply.

Abel rotated his body to face his friend, just enough so their eyes could have some contacts. He then asks Halius, "So, my dude, what are you going to say to me? Is it in any way related to the elves?"

Halius nods and said to the boy, "Abelard, is it true that we are going to invade the orcs and eliminate some troublemaking orcs tribes in the northern mountains?"

The boy gave him a light smile and then nods, "Yes, we are going to do that in three days, I got an order from what it seems to be an important person for the elves"

A piece of sweat formed on Halius's face upon hearing the words. It looks like the boy is nervous about it all. Abel, of course, noticed the sweat and asks him, "Is there anything wrong with this? I thought this might be a great idea because you got a chance to avenge your father"

The piece of sweat n the boy's face disappears in no time, that nervousness was replaced by a big smile, but then he asks, "I would be very happy to avenge my father, is there any news about the remains of my father?"

Abel shakes his head, "Well, to be honest, I forgot to ask the elves because I have to make plans about the battle. Let me ask the elders later, you can ask some elves about it too!"

Halius gave the boy a light smile, and he gets up from his chair, leaving the boy alone on his chair. When Abel was about to get up from his chair, he was shocked by a voice out of nowhere and falls from his chair.

It's the mini guy, Abelard, "By the way, I wonder how you got yourself involved with the elves, isn't it actually impossible that they trust you out of nowhere?"

The boy gets himself up and then gives the mini guy a shrug, "To be honest, I myself don't actually know about what happens and why that one man chooses me to help the elves, there's always better person…"

Abelard let out a sigh and then disappears once again from his sight. The boy sighs once again and goes on his way. He was about to take his first step, but was quickly interrupted once again. This time, the elders walk toward the round table.

The grand elder said to the boy, "Sir, we have been getting some information about the orcs, they live in the northern mountain. However, I heard a rumour about some dwarves territory in the northern mountain"

[New information acquired, dwarves in the northern territory]

Abel give him a nod and asks, "Is there any elves we could ask help from? Any near colonies near us, or maybe any other creatures?"

The grand elder let out a huge sigh. He shakes his head, "Sadly, there are no other elves that live in the northern mountain or near us. No elves would choose to live in a place without tree and norther mountain is just like that,"

The boy returned that huge sigh with his own louder sigh, "Well, we make do with what we have, prepare all the elves that could fight, do we have weapons and armour?"

The grand elder answers his question as best as he could, "We only have some simple swords, spears, bows and shields. The warriors are not equipped with any sort of armour currently, "

Abel let out an even louder sigh from before and says, "Well, looks like I will need to go to the city of human, I'll return in the time of 3 days"

The elders gave him a light nod and as he was about to wave them and dismiss them, the female elf from before suddenly says, "Sir, if there's anything you need, you can just ask us, we might be able to help!"

Abel raises his eyebrows upon hearing this, he gave them a light smile and then remembers something, 'The remain of Halius's father might be here, let me ask them about it…'

He opens his mouth and asks the elves about it, "Uh, yeah, I need something, my friend lost his father in battle and he is trying to get his remain, may you help him about it?"

They all look at each other for a few seconds and nods without any hesitation. The boy smiles upon hearing this and he dismisses them, "I thank you all for this, our short meeting is over, may we win against the orcs"

They nod once again and left the place, leaving the boy all alone once again. The boy looks around for a few seconds and when he thought there's no one that is going to disturb him again, he quietly sneaks away.

He is on his way toward the city where he truly belongs, walking peacefully and casually in the forest. His mind is completely distracted by the sight of calming nature that he didn't even notice his surroundings.

But fortunately, he arrived at the city safely without encountering any problems on his way and began making his steps on the busy street while having a thought on his mind, 'I said to the elves that I would help them, I believe the elves have weapons for an invasion so I should start with armour first...'

He looks around while still walking on the streets, paying attention to buildings with the sign of hammer and anvil. But he didn't find any, 'Where are the blacksmiths? Never have is seen any so far…'


Without paying attention to the street, he accidentally bumped into someone. Something very big is blocking the sun for him, and the boy slowly raises his head to see what it is.

It's a man, twice his height and size. The man looks at him and they both stare at each other for a few seconds while Abel could feel the man' breath on his face. It was unexpected, but the man suddenly throws his hand at the boy.