
Abel raised his clenched fist and shouted at the dwarves as loud as he could, "Do not worry dwarves! The elves are my friends, we have a common enemy!"

The dwarves hesitated, even the dwarf with the giant axe asked the boy, "Is it true that the elves are not coming for us? If it's true, I'll consider fighting alongside those elves against the orcs, but if it's not, I'll personally take off your head!"

Abel gulped and then nodded his head several times, "Yes, I command those elves against the orcs, the nasty creatures attacked the land of the elves and so, we are getting some revenge!"

He furrowed his eyebrows when he heard the words of the boy. A moment of tension could be felt as the dwarf thought about it thoroughly. He then sighed, "Hold your weapons! Do not attack those elves! Gather around me and form a defensive line in front of the children and women!"

The dwarves that surrounded Abel with their circle formation complied, and they did what they were told by the dwarf with the giant axe. Meanwhile, the elves gather right behind Abel, their weapons ready as they made a worried expression.

The old man approached the boy, "Abel, did the dwarves do something to you? Did they cuss at you? Just tell me what happened when I rounded up the elves"

Abel shook his head, "I have heard their stories, we actually share a common enemy, the orcs. So do not assume the dwarves did that to me, Calendin. I'll try my best to get them to help us or something"

Calendin nodded, and the boy took a step forward. He opened his arms wide, and he said to the dwarves, "Look o' dwarves, the elves are my friend, they won't attack you if you do not possess any threat to us"

A dwarf took a step forward just like the boy, it was no other than the dwarf before that used the giant axe, "Well, little kid, I believe in you now, but I don't quite trust you, prove that you could control your friends in a fight against the orcs alongside us!"

Abel smiled, the words sounded like a song to his hear, 'Thank god I succeeded, just need to help the dwarves against the orcs inside the orc's camp and we are done against this one orc clan. Better move fast!'

The next minute, he found himself leading the elves alongside the dwarves, slowly approaching the orc's camp. When he was close enough, the dwarves charged toward the orc's camp and the elves did the same. The orcs guarding right at the entrance of the camp were killed instantly by the dwarves and elves, both flowed inside the camp, killing all the orcs they could find.

It was a slaughter for the orcs, but in the middle of the fight, he noticed something, a big cave right at the side of the hot mountain. He was quickly attacked by an orc when he has his focus there but fortunately raised his sword fast enough.

Sometime later, the dwarves and elves found themselves victorious, with the body of the orcs, mostly unarmoured, covering some ground, the dwarf and Abel talked, "Well, that was a good fight, the dwarves are really strong, would be a good thing if I know your name"

The dwarf smiled at him, "Just call me Fagar and as you could see, I look different from the other dwarves. This might be surprising to you but I'm actually one of the prince guards, the prince is in great danger and I couldn't really talk much now"

Abel was surprised when he hears the dwarf's words, but Fagar and the other dwarves started walking toward the big cave Abel notice before. He shouted at Fagar, "Wait, Fagar! Why don't we fight together? I'm sure the elves would be a great help to you!"

The dwarf gave him a glance, smiled and nodded with the smallest motion the boy ever saw, but every nod counted as a nod, which means a yes. Abel smiled, and he said to the elves, "Elves! We are going to help Fagar to save the prince of dwarves, sorry that I trouble you with this task but at least we got to kill some orcs!"

Abel then continued his words, "Archers stays here with the grand elder and protects the entrance of the cave! Make sure no one enters the cave. The rest follow me inside with the dwarves, let's save the prince!"

The elves hesitated at first and they looked at each other for guidance, but an elf suddenly cheered and all the elves cheered. Because of that, the elves now found themselves inside a tunnel with a minimum amount of lightning.

Following the dwarves in front of them as best as they could, some elves talked to each other on the way.

"Jeez, why do we even get here?"

"I know right!"

"Well, whatever we did, I think…"

"You think what? Meeting the dwarf's prince is a huge honour?"

"Yea, I think it would be a good honour…"

"It is a good honour! Don't know why we always pick a fight against the dwarves for a long time!"

It wasn't long before those words from the elves got into Abel's ear, but another voice was getting into his ear as well as… and the others. The elves that talked to each other before went silent when they heard a sound echoing in the tunnel.


Metal hitting metal once again could be heard. The dwarves in front of them suddenly screamed and raised their axes to the air. Within a second, the end of the cave could be seen. The sound coming from it is as clear as the fighting sound.

When the boy exited the tunnel, he could see the giant space inside, it was bigger than what he expected. There's even a giant stone wall covering what it seems to be a city on fire.

The gate breached and ladders are laid at the side of the stone wall, the orcs couldn't be seen anywhere and the only thing that Abel thought was, 'The city is in flame, the orcs have entered the city long since we came here! We better get moving or else the prince would die!

'The dwarves and elves once again, in cooperation, charged toward the city, they entered it from the breached gate and flowed to the main road of the city. Leading toward what it seems to be a small castle right in the heart of the city.

There could be seen the green, big sized creatures, orcs, scaling the wall of the small castle with simple ladders. Some are breaching the gate with a simple log of wood as they are being fired at with crossbows.

When the elves and the dwarves charged at them, the orcs have no to little time to react, the one scaling the walls continued and the one under the wall reacted slowly. Most of the orcs are slaughtered by them, but the large numbers of troops surely have some commanders leading them.

There, Abel and Fagar, standing right beside of each other, are staring face to face against 2 giant orcs, both of them heavily armoured, one has a giant axe on his hand and the other has a giant hammer. The dwarf and the boy looked at each other and nodded, like having some sort of agreement in the middle of the fight.

Both sides switched to their fighting stance, and seconds later, they found themselves changing at each other. When they were close enough to the 2 commanders of the orcs, Abel suddenly ducked down, Fagar used the boy's back as a platform for him to step.

While he was still in mid-air, he swung his axe at both the orc's commander, from right to left. The two of them ducked down and as they did that, using their fists, they tried and punched the boy.

Abel stepped back and now, the 2 orcs commander found themselves surrounded on each side by a dwarf and a boy. The one with the hammer came charging toward Abel and the one with the axe toward Fagar.

Now, Abel found himself being charged at by an orc at least one and a half bigger than his size. When the orcs were close enough, he swung his giant axe from over his head at the boy, the boy barely dodged the attack by going to the side.

Abel looked at the hammer, now on the ground, and looked at the crack created by the attack alone. He then screamed and ran toward the orc and swung his sword right toward the abs of the orc.

The orc turned his head toward Abel and giggled. He swung his hammer once again, now from the right to left. When the boy thought the fight was over when he attacked the abs of the orc, when he thought of that, that's the time of his demise.

Or is it?