Real world

[System notification, game update, everyone will be forced to log out, sorry for the inconvenience]

The time stopped for Abel and a blue light covered his body almost immediately and brought him back to the human world. A capsule opened, and a man, having the same look like the boy, Abelard inside the game, but more mature looking and with a rather black coloured hair, stepped out from it. A woman approached him and greeted him.

On her hands, there are a pair of glasses which the man took from the woman's hand and wore it. He looked around and said, "What are the moderators and admins doing? Suddenly forcing every single player to log out without prior notice!"

The woman answered, "Sorry for disturbing your gaming time, president. it's just a simple update regarding notification, some players complained about the notifications being very lacking in action, they will be done in about an hour or so"

The man sighed and waved her away, "Make some tea for me, I'll stay here and think about something. Don't let anybody disturb me or else… you know what will happen, Diana"

The woman bowed to him and quickly made his way for the door, leaving the man alone in the room. The man looked around him and sighed, 'Hope this simple update would be worth my time. I'll just think about my next step for the time being"

He found himself in a not so simple room, there's a big office table, sofas and television and work computer. The man walk toward one of the comfy-looking chairs and sat on it and thought, 'I still can't forget about that incident, thank god I have the resources right now'

The chair was overlooking the whole city, the room was located in one of the highest floors of a sky crapper after all. He continued his thought while looking at the city, 'This time… I'm ready for my revenge, Thadeus, just need to wait for you to be born to this world and I have all power to make you disappear!"

He smirked when he thought about that but he is quickly interrupted by the knock on the door which he shouted, "Come in!" And the woman before was back. Now with a cup of tea at her hand, which the man accepted politely.

Diana then said to him, "President Abel, about your plan, I think it would work, we still haven't found the guy with the name of Thadeus Alexander. But the mercenary company you said have been taken care off"

Abel smiled and sipped his tea, "Good, I expect that kind of success from my company, after all, I'm the one that monitored you all. Anyway, Diana, I would like some alone time, can you please get out of the room?"

The woman bowed once again toward Abel and then exited the room while the man is still sipping his tea, 'Well… I think letting my people taking care of my traitors are good enough, I'll just spend some time in the game with that boy, Abelard'

Abel smiled and drank all the tea left on his cup before he yawned and rested his eyes but eventually fell asleep. While in his sleep, the old memories came inside his mind.

The sight of men and women in their lab coats, experimenting with small bottles that contain some sort of fluids while laughing. The sight made him smile but all of that changed when he blinked once, the once men and women are dying on the ground in the next sight.

In the middle of them, one of the man in his lab coat now tainted with the red blood, on his hand, could be seen a small handgun. He pointed the gun at Abel, Abel gritted his teeth and shouted, "Thadeus!!!!"

The next second, he found himself still on his comfy couch with heavy and loud breathing. He shook his head multiple times, "The old memories are still bothering me until this moment. Just want you, Thadeus, my people would give you hell!"

The burst suddenly burst open, he was shocked but quickly stood up from his couch and looked at the door only to see Diana breathing heavily, behind her are several men in black suits, "What's all of this about, care to explain, Diana?"

Diana sighed and bowed toward him. The men behind her did the same as well, "I apologize, sir, I heard you shouted from the hallway and thought an intruder perhaps entered your room"

Abel placed his hand to his head and shook it several times while sighing, "Its okay, how about the update? I can't wait to get inside the game again"

The woman said to him, "Yes sir, the game is ready, we are waiting for you to enter to the game and the moderators can unfreeze the time inside the game right after you enter the game"

He smiled and walked toward the game capsule while saying, "The men in blacks, I dismiss them, increase their pay by 3% and give them a bonus of $2000 dollars this month. Diana, you stay here and help me like normal"

The men in black smiled, "thank you sir!" they are gone within seconds after expressing their gratitude. The woman approached Abel that now is pressing a button on the side of his capsule, which opened the big capsule door.

He entered the capsule and sat on the designated placed, "Diana, I guess… I must thank you for all the care you gave to me, even responding while I experienced nightmare and not bothering me at my rest, you might be the best secretary I ever have but I'll just tell you this one thing that I might not be the guy you thought I am"

Diana smiled and pressed the same button to close the door, Abel entered the game. The man found himself in the same position he has been in, right before the giant hammer of the orc he was fighting hit him.

While the time was still in the freezing state, he looked at the hammer and calculated the exact position it would hit. When the time returned to its normal pace, he quickly took a step forward from his position.

The axe completely missed his small body, but when Abel saw what opportunity in front of his eyes, the back of the orc commander Fagar was fighting exposed to him. He charged toward it and jumped to the back of the orc.

Impaling him from the behind with his sword instantly, the orc commander stopped moving and eventually fell to the ground. But the other orc commander, the one with the giant hammer, charged toward the boy and swung his hammer from the top.

[Slain the orc's commander of Boulder Clan, Devdas]

[Slain the orc's commander of Boulder Clan, Yazar]

[All of Boulder clan commander are eliminated, 2of 3 clan have been eliminated]

Abel was trying to pull his sword out at that point, Fagar passed him on the side and raised his axe. His axe met the hammer of the orc commander that created a small gust of air that went toward every direction and eventually caught the attention of the boy.

With his sword now free to move, he charged toward the orc and stepped on the short body of Fagar. And he swung the sword mid-air that went through the orc's neck easily and beheaded him instantly.

Needless to say, the dwarves and the elves gained the upper hand on the fact after this and with the help of the dwarves inside that castle flowed out and attacked the orcs from another side, they won the battle in almost no time.

When they were done, the familiar scene like before could be seen, with the bodies of dead orcs covering the ground as Abel and Fagar looked at each other and smiled, Abel said to him, "I guess we made a good team against this two orcs commanders"

Fargar kept smiling and nodded, "You are not wrong, with the distraction I created and the flexible body and quick thinking of yours, they fell in no time. The fact that the elves and the dwarves that united against the common enemies couldn't be left undiscussed as well!"

[Relationship with Fagar the royal guard increased by 100]

[Relationship with the dwarves increased by 100]

[Relationship with the elves increased by 10]