Hana went back to work with a red face. It was due to her neglectful attitude that her boss found her feelings. But she will never admit it! Never!

Jacob was standing outside the comfort room with a confused expression but he still followed her out to get their work started.

Hana didn't let her situation affect her job. She still do her work like usual and would sometimes take a break when there weren't too many customers.

"When are you planning to draw me?" Jacob leaned on the counter and asked Hana who was placing the empty tea cups and glasses.

Hana was taken aback that he was the one who asked her first knowing that he hated the idea of someone sketching him. At the same time, she was happy that he was eventually accepting this situation with her.

"I'll sketch you during lunch." Hana answered and left him immediately. She didn't want to stay longer with him due to what happened early in the morning.

Jacob just looked at her back with a smile. He took the empty tea cups and plates, and handed them to their dishwasher.

Perhaps he didn't notice it himself but whenever he wasn't busy, his eyes would wander around the cafe to look for a certain figure. Once he found her, a smile would hang on her lips before he would start doing another work.

During lunch, Hana took out her bento to join everyone in their main lounge where they usually eat. They were divided into two and would take a break separately to make sure that their customers will still be attended during lunch break.

Jacob joined them for lunch since Hana wanted to draw him.

"Boss, can I ask you for a favor?" Hana asked hesitantly for the first time. She would never hesitate in front of anyone but now, she didn't know if her boss would grant it knowing that she's new in the cafe.

Jacob looked at her before opening his food box. "If I can do it, it would be fine."

"Ahh it's nothing difficult." Hana smiled cheerfully. "I just want to ask if I can bring my phone with me all the time for emergency purpose and if I can switch my day off to every 30th of the month. It's really an important day and I need to be available during that day of the month."

Lily looked at her before looking at their boss. Everyone else was focusing on their food but their ears were tuned in to listen to their conversation.

Jacob stared directly in her eyes which made Hana sank low and bowed her head to avoid his gaze. "It's fine if it is not allowed." She waved her hands in front of her to dispel the gloomy atmosphere with her cheerful smile.

"I'll check if anyone's interested to switch their rest day with you. As for your phone, I can't allow you to do that. It would be unfair to your colleagues if you can bring your phone while they can't. You can leave your family's number or you can give them my number instead." Jacob responded before he started eating his food. Just like everyone, he likes to cook his food for lunch instead of buying it outside.

Hana nodded her head with his response. Even if it wasn't confirmed, at least he was offering her an alternative.

After half an hour, Hana finished eating her food and went to the kitchen to wash her lunch box. She dried her things before putting them back on her bag and took out her phone and sketch pad.

She stayed in the locker area and started sketching her boss. She didn't need to see the person because she can draw him from her memory.

Jacob waited for her outside but Hana didn't come out. "Did she forget that she was supposed to draw me during lunch break?" Jacob muttered under his breath while taking a glance at the locker area.

He went to the kitchen and washed his empty dishes, too. Even after washing his things, Hana didn't come out yet.

"Lily, did you see Hana?" Jacob asked the young waitress even though he knew where Hana was.

"She's talking to Adam inside the locker room and sketching you, too." Lily answered as she walked past her boss towards the kitchen.

Jacob was planning to go and see her in the locker room but since she was talking to someone, he retreated and went back to the counter. He didn't want to disturb her since she only got few minutes left to talk with Adam.

When Hana came out, she was holding her sketchpad and showed it to her boss. "Do you want to keep it?" Hana asked while showing him a sketch of himself.

On her drawing, he was holding his lunch box and his eyes were emotionless, staring back at him. His face was devoid of expression which made him raised his eyebrow.

"Do I look like that?" Jacob asked in disbelief while touching his jaw and face. "You said you'd make me look handsome."

"You look handsome here boss. However, I can't really do anything with your expression. That's how I see you during lunch."

"That's an exact replica of our boss." Lily, who happened to pass by at them, saw the sketch and made a comment.

Jacob glared and pushed away the sketch back to Hana. "I don't like it. You can keep it and draw me again next time."

"O-okay." Hana grinned and went back to the locker room. 'Yes! I can still draw him! Haha!' she was celebrating her small success mentally while Jacob watch her go. Her victorious smile didn't escape his observation at all.

'I've got a weird employee under my care." Jacob thought before he continued to do his work.