Before she went home, Hana gave Jacob her mother's number and got permission to give his number to them. It was for emergency purpose only.

He also allowed her to take a day off every 30th of the month given that her performance and service will be good.

Hana was really happy and she couldn't ask for more. She only wanted to live her life happily while looking at him from a distance. She knew that she was never meant for him.

She worked hard as a waitress and everyone was relatively nice towards her. Even her boss didn't really make things difficult for her except her drawing.

Every single day, during lunch, Hana would sketch her boss base on her observation but he still didn't like it. He didn't like his poker face. He didn't like his cold gaze. He didn't like all of them! In the end, Hana got so many sketches of her boss.

"Boss, still don't like your sketches?" Lily asked her when they were getting their things from the locker.

Hana shrugged her shoulders helplessly. "He didn't like to see his poker face but I have never seen him smile. How can I draw something that I haven't seen? I can't use my imagination because it won't look natural." Hana complained while stuffing her things inside her bag.

"It's indeed very seldom for our boss to smile but I heard from the customers that he smiled on the day that you sketched this cafe." Lily retorted.

"Really? That's too bad we didn't see it for ourselves." Hana murmured but she didn't care. Smiling or not, she still likes her boss.

They went out of the cafe since it was closing time and it will be turned to a bar at night which will be managed by Jacob's best friend. She didn't know who it was and she didn't care either.

"Boss, we'll head out now." Lily bid goodbye and Hana just waved her hand at him.

"My parents are picking me up. Do you want us to drop you off?" Hana asked Lily who became her closest colleague in the cafe.

"Would it be fine? I'm going back to the university dorm."

"Sure sure. It's on the way. Let me give them a call first." Hana pulled out her phone and dialed her mother's number. They were still standing in front of the cafe so Jacob can see her expressions clearly.

Lily was standing beside her while waiting for Hana to finish her call. "Yes Ma. I'm standing right outside the cafe. Hn. Alright. Bye." she ended the call and turned to Lily. "They're on the way. Do you have a curfew?"

Lily nodded her head. "Our dormitory has a curfew and it would start at 10 o'clock in the evening. I still have some assignments and activities left so I wanted to go home and finish them."

"I see. It's really difficult being a student." Hana stated while looking around at the passing people and vehicles. "Still, I wanted to become a student once again."


"Because I think I was rather free as a student. I get to live in a dorm and do the things I want without my parents nagging at me. At the same time, I would miss their continuous nagging and scoldings. I would miss my parents and Adam. I will miss this cafe and everyone."

"Hey! What are you talking about?" Lily nudged Hana's side with her elbow for saying something negative.

Hana just laughed it off and winked at her. "We don't what is in store for us in the future." Hana responded but a car's honk cut her next words.

The car stopped in front of them and a handsome man went out which widened her eyes in surprise.

"Oh my gosh Adam!" Hana exclaimed happily and jumped to hug him tightly. "You're back! I miss you."

"I miss you, too. You've grown. Seeing your pictures and seeing you in person gives off a different feeling. I miss you little darling." Adam hugged her back with a smile.

"Ahem! Ahem!" Lily coughed to get their attention and Hana immediately let go of her brother.

"Let's get inside. I'll introduce you two." she opened the car door at the back seat and gestured Lily to get in before closing it.

She opened the front seat and sat beside her brother. Her happiness was really obvious and Lily could see their closeness in their eyes.

Jacob heard it, too. He had been paying attention to them while cleaning the counter. When Hana called out the most familiar name, he instantly raised his head to see her hugging a handsome guy.

Seeing them leave, he felt a little sad but he dismissed any negative ideas as he continued to wipe the counter until it was shining brightly from being cleaned.

Inside the car, Hana introduced Lily and Adam to each other.

"This is Adam, my one and only handsome brother." Hana told Lily which made the latter drop her jaw on the floor.

"He is your brother?"

"Yup! Though, he looks young, he is already 25 years old. Five years older than you. Why? Did you think this idiot is my boyfriend?" Hana questioned making Adam's mouth twitched.

"Dear sister, the person you are calling idiot is still here." Adam spoke with a little threat.

"Even if you are not here, I would still call you and idiot." Hana murmured before turning back to Lily. "And bro, this is Lily. She's the youngest among us in the cafe. She's in her last year in the university and is working part-time."

"Nice to meet you Lily. Thanks for looking after my sister." Adam looked at her through the rearview mirror and smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you, too." Lily responded with a faint smile. 'Oh god! Don't smile at me! I don't want to fall in love!' She was screaming internally while keeping her smiling face.

In her twenty years of existence, it was the first time that her heart beat faster than normal for a man. She never felt that way for anyone and to think he was Hana's brother!

Adam and Hana dropped her off in front of the dormitory building like she suggested them. "Thank you so much for the ride Hana. Nice to meet you again, Adam. You guys take care." She waved her hand at them and watched the car leave. "God, I don't want to fall in love. Please take these feelings away from my heart."