"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming home? Did Mama and Papa know that you were going coming back?" Hana inquired non-stop while her brother was driving.

"They knew that I am coming home this month, they just didn't know that it would be today. They were both surprised when I came knocking at home." Adam replied with a sheepish grin on his face. He was always like this-throwing surprises that they couldn't predict at all. Even so, Hana was happy that her brother was back.

"Did you bring souvenirs? What about the books that I asked you to buy?"

"Of course I bought. I would never forget your requests."

"You are the best brother in the world! Mwah!" Hana exclaimed and made a kiss gesture with her right hand.

While she was happily going home with her brother, Jacob stayed in the cafe. He was sitting on a bar stool while watching his friend, Liam, do his work preparation to open the bar at seven in the evening.

"Why are you still here? Don't you have plans to go home?" Liam asked Jacob who was looking at the wine display in a daze. He had been staring into space and all he could see was Hana's genuine happiness when seeing the man named Adam.

Liam left him alone and continued his work. When he wanted to share something, he will definitely tell him, so there's no need to hurry him.

Of course, Jacob didn't have any plans on telling him what he was feeling. He didn't even know what he feels at the moment. All he knew was that he didn't like her to smile in front of another man.

"Am I freakin' jealous?!" Jacob questioned himself with his eyes blinking in utter surprise. Even Liam turned around to see him, thinking that he heard the wrong words. Who will he be jealous of? He didn't like anyone, did he?

Liam walked towards him again with a shot glass and wine glass. He was wiping them dry and placed them on a tray below the counter top.

"Do you have someone you like?" Liam asked without any hesitation.

"Nope." Jacob answered and left. He didn't want to explain anything and he didn't want to tell his best friend about Hana. Why? Because he would come over the next day to see who the woman was and he didn't like it.

Jacob went back to his condo with a heavy heart.

Contrary to what he was feeling, Hana was opening the souvenir boxes that his brother brought with so much joy.

She got new art material, the book that she loves so much which was about the emotions of the heart and several dresses. "Wow! Your tastes in clothes are improving! I like these." Hana hugged the items happily. "But I don't think this blue dress would fit me though. It's rather small."

"Then, you give it to Lily." Adam answered quickly without batting his lashes. He even spoke her name casually as if they were long time friends.

Hana nodded her head but her brain was working mischievously. Her brother had been single since birth because of her. Thinking that he might fall in love this time, she wanted the woman to be like Lily. Of course, she won't force the two of them. If they don't click together, then she will respect their decision.

She put the dress inside the paper bag and put it on her work desk so that she can see it immediately tomorrow morning. "I bet it would fit her perfectly. Don't you think it's fate that made you buy a dress which won't fit me but would fit my friend instead?"

Adam flicked her forehead with a throaty chuckle. "My dear sister, stop thinking about foolish things. Anyway, it's almost time for dinner. Go and change your clothes. We will wait for you downstairs."

"Yes Captain Adam!" Hana throw a salute and picked up her things to place then on the shelves and drawers.

Adam went out of her room as well but the pile of tissues inside her thrash bin didn't escape his eyes.

"Why must he do this to his own daughter?" Adam mumbled before closing the door behind him. "If he was angry that the Queen left, he should deal it with the Queen, not with Hana." He released a heavy sigh from the very bottom of his heart. "And why am I born as her brother? Your majesty, isn't this too much?"

"What are you mumbling about?" Rudolf came out from the kitchen with a Honey Garlic Chicken Wings. He placed it on the dining table and looked at his son with an inquiring gaze.

"I was mumbling about Hana. Did you see her trash bin? It was awful." Adam stated as he walked down the stairs and walked to the dining table where his father was standing.

"We saw it. What can we do? She wanted to work and enjoy her life. We can't spoil her forever and just cage her inside the house. Besides, whether we locked her in or not, what's bound to happen will happen." Rudolf responded. It wasn't just his son who's worried for his sister, but they were worried for her as her parents too.

"I know." Adam spoke softly. 'I know it would happen. I've witnessed it many times already.' he added to himself with so much pain. He was sorry for his sister. He was sorry for their mortal parents. And he was sorry for Jacob, who will always get hurt in the end.

Actually, it wasn't just Jacob who will suffer in pain, but all of them. They would suffer from so much pain because of Hana.