Will he change

Twilight and I entered the room. Donny was laying in bed fast asleep. I walked over to him, pulled out a chair and sat next to him. Twilight walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me.

Twilight~ He looks so peaceful when he's asleep.

Dante~ Yeah… mostly because he isn't trying to kill me right now. Hopefully he'll cooperate with me when he wakes up.

Twilight~ What happened to him anyway you didn't really tell us much about what happened.

Dante~ When I told you that he collapsed I saw a knife jabbed deep in his back. That's when I called for help but I don't remember what happened after that… I don't think anything much will happen after that though. *Sigh* I feel like I could have done something about all of this…

Twilight~ Dante it's not your fault. You couldn't have done anything to stop this nobody could. Don't blame yourself.

Dr.Mike~ She's right you know. It's not healthy to blame yourself for something that isn't your fault.

Dante~ Oh Dr.Mike we didn't hear you come in.

Dr.Mike~ It happens all the time anyway so this is…

Dante~ My brother Donny. He shouldn't be that much of a problem to you.

Dr.Mike~ Mmmhmm anyway you're brother will be ok his was hit pretty bad with a knife in the back but it didn't puncture anything important. He's lucky to be alive right now I will say that because he did lose a lot of blood. He's gonna be here for a few months before he can leave.

Dante~ Thanks Doctor it means so much to hear that he's gonna be ok.

Dr.Mike~ No problem Dante and I need to tell you something about sunset. Something odd has been happening, she's healing a lot faster than she should be.

Twilight~ How fast exactly?

Dr.Mike~ Well her intestines are almost fully healed and that's not supposed to happen until later this year. That's how bad they were damaged. Just look at the results yourself. We have the technology to check on the inside of her body and if you see on this tablet this is her when I talked to you about her condition the other day and this is her now.

Dante~ Unbelievable…

Twilight~ It's almost as if she wasn't hurt at all…

Dr.Mike~ She still has trouble walking but it's not as bad as before. I was hoping if any of you can explain what's happening with her.

Dante~ We wish we could tell you but not even we know what's going on.

Twilight~ We need to see her.

Dr.Mike~ You can go see sunset. She should be in her room.

Before Dr.Mike finished his sentence both me and Twilight dashed down the hall to Sunsets' room. We entered her room after that short dash and saw sunset sitting in bed starring at the ceiling.

Twilight~ Sunset…

Sunset~ Oh hi guy hey did the doctor tell you yet? I'm healing faster than normal and I don't know why. But at least that means I'm close to finally being able to go home.

Dante~ We heard from him yes.

Twilight~ When he told us we had to make our way here ASAP. We're so happy you're getting better Sunset. Did he tell you when you're able to leave to come back to school?

Sunset~ That's the thing none of the doctors can confirm when I can leave and finally hang out with you again. Do any of you have any idea what could be the cause of this?

Twilight~ I have no idea what it could be.

Dante~ Neither do I but hell honestly I don't think it matters how it's happening I think it matters that it is happening. At least I know one of the people I care about is gonna be 100 percent fine…

Sunset~ Ummm... Dante?

Twilight~ Hey how about you go hang in his room and I'll stay with sunset ok?

Dante~ okay…

Twilight gave me a big hug before I left. I headed to Donny's room completely anxious about his health. I was told he'll be ok but… I didn't want him to go through that again. I didn't want him to pursue something that isn't worth the time. I wanted to show him that there is someone out there that can and will accept him for who he is… I finally made it back to his room and entered. I saw him sitting up in bed starring me down. I casually walked up to him.

Donny~ Why did you help me? Why didn't you just finish me off?

Dante~ Because you're my brother… and I can't kill my own brother both me and you know that.

Donny~ I know that I still want to kill you but I'm not in any condition to do anything.

I became silent for a few minutes.

Donny~ Do you hear me I'm gonna kill you and you can't do anything to stop me… hey STOP IGNORING ME! I KNOW YOU HEAR ME! YOU'RE GONNA DIE BY ME AND THEN YOU'LL BE ALONE IN YOUR GRAVE!!!

Dante~ Will… you just… shut up for once. I GET IT YOU'RE MAD AT ME BECAUSE MOM THREW YOU OUT BUT KEPT ME! WELL THAT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU'RE THE ONE WHO COULDN'T HANDLE THE FACT THAT MOM COULDN'T HANDLE YOU ANYMORE BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID! Now that I look back at that day she only abandoned you to keep me safe… because you were a stone cold killer. You wanted revenge on the man who killed dad didn't you!? I get it you hate they did but what you're doing is 10 times worse. You're killing innocent people… people who have families… what do you think about that?

Donny~ I'm sending a message!

Dante~ AND WHAT'S THAT MESSAGE "HEY I'M KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU KILLED MY DAD AND I SEEK REVENGE"!? YOU'RE WILLING TO KILL THE INNOCENT JUST TO AND I QUOTE "SEND A MESSAGE"!? ALL YOU'RE DOING IS PROVING TO THEM WHY THEY SHOULD KILL US! And I don't want anyone to die… Not mom, my friends or you… But chances are you don't care you don't care that for once someone is willing to give you a chance. If you still want to kill me or hunt down the man that killed dad then go ahead but know you're endangering all the other Night Owls by doing so. I'm out of here you got a fuck ton of thinking to do Donny. You might as well start thinking while you're stuck here in the hospital.

Donny~ Damn you Dante… damn you…

Donny then laid back down and I left his room heading back to sunsets. I entered her room after walking up to it. I noticed that everyone else made it to visit sunset. I walked up to both Twilight and sunset and sat down with them.

Sunset~ Dante Twilight told me everything that's going on… and I want to let you know I support your decision to help your brother. If it were me I would do the same.

Dante~ Thank you sunset.

Twilight~ So how did it go? He didn't try to kill you did he?

Dante~ No but I'm sure he has the same mindset as before. He was jabbed deep in the back with a knife. I doubt he has any energy to do anything. Especially the fact that he lost a lot of blood. Other than that I would say it went better than expected.

Sunset~ at least he won't be a problem for a while. So if you think about it, he's taken care of for now.

Dante~ Yeah I guess that's the end to this crazy reunion at least for now. It's up to him to change his ways or not now. I can't force him to turn over a new leaf even if I wanted to.

Twilight~ I just hope he doesn't come after you again…

Sunset~ Same… Dante what do you plan to do if he doesn't change?

Dante~ Killing him will never be in the picture I can say that. I'm following my heart not my head. If he doesn't change then he'll be captured and locked away for a long time…

My phone rang saying my mom was calling me. I walked out the room and answered the phone.

*Over the phone*

Dante~ Hey mom what's up?

Rose~ Are you at the hospital? And if you are, who are you visiting?

Dante~ Ummm I'm at the hospital visiting my friend sunset. Why do you ask?

Rose~ I just wanted to know where you are. I haven't seen you since the other day and I wanted to make sure that you're ok.

Dante~ I'm fine, trust me I'll be home later tonight.

Rose~ Ok sugar I'll see you then. I love you.

Dante~ Love you too.

I hung up the phone and walked back in the room.

Dante~ That was my mom. She wanted to see if I was ok because she hasn't seen me since yesterday morning. Has anyone noticed how all this happens in such a small amount of time?

Twilight~ Yeah we noticed that too. It's kinda weird if you ask me…

Sunset~ Anyway Dante are you gonna have to leave?

Dante~ I might as well it is getting late and I wanted to stop by Rips house to see how he's doing. I don't know what Twilight has planned for tonight.

Twilight~ Oh I'm just gonna stay here with sunset.

Dante~ Alright Twi in that case I'm gonna head home.

I gave Twilight a quick hug and kiss before I left.

Dante~ Bye Twi, Bye Sunset

Twilight~ Bye Dante

Sunset~ See you next time you come.

I left the room and headed home. Walking down the hall I came across Donny's room. I still saw him awake, carelessly playing with the little energy he had in him. He didn't notice me watching him or walking past his room but it's not like I wanted to talk to him at that time. I wanted to check on Rip and see how he's doing. When I exited the hospital I vanished and appeared in front of Rips house. I knocked on the door a few times before Rips' mother opened the door and let me in the house. I headed up to Rips' room and to my surprise some of the girls were there too. I could hear them from outside the room laughing and playing around. I entered the room finding Rarity, fluttershy, and pinkie pie in the room with my best friend.

Dante~ Hey everyone just got back from the hospital.

Rip~ Hey Dante how was it?

Dante~ Well good news sunset is healing faster than expected.

Rarity~ Darling that's wonderful news!

Pinkie~ I can't wait for sunsets recovery! It just makes me so happy and excited to know that we can put this party I got planned for her in action sooner! I CAN BARELY CONTAIN MYSELF AHHH!

Fluttershy~ Yaaaaay

Rarity~ Thank you for letting us know. How long will she be in the hospital now?

Dante~ They never told me Sunset was supposed to be there for a little over a year from what I heard at first. They can't determine when she'll be out.

Rip~ At least we know she's gonna recover really soon unlike me. One of my ribs is still busted. I really want to get out of here but I can't go anywhere.

Rarity~ And don't think you're just gonna get up and do what you want. You know what the doctor said.

Dante~ What did the doctor say?

Rarity~ Rip needs plenty of rest and your rib isn't busted, it's fractured.

Dante~ I don't understand why not keep him in the hospital?

Fluttershy~ See that's what I said.

Rarity~ They said he had the choice to recover at home because nothing wasn't actually as bad as it seemed.

Dante~ I'm guessing he chose to stay home. That sounds like Rip. Hey… I should get home my mom has been a little worried about me lately. I still have to tell her what happened as well as tell her that Donny is in the hospital.

Rarity~ I do wish I had the courage to visit your brother… but after everything he's done I can barely look at him. It's not because what he did was wrong it's because what he did scares me…

Rip~ I have to agree with rarity don't get me wrong any family of yours is family of mine but we don't even know if he will change. I can tell you care about him a lot though.

Fluttershy~ I can also see how much he means to you but he scares me as well. I'm not comfortable being around him at all...

Pinkie~ We just need a little time that's all! Then we can visit him no problem!

Dante~ Take all the time you need imma head home I'll talk to you all later.

I vanished from Rips home and appeared in mine. My mom was sitting on the couch, casually watching a movie. I sat down next to her and gave her a big hug.

Rose~ Hey Dante how was your day?

Dante~ It was good I found out my friend in the hospital will recover a lot faster than expected.

Rose~ That's great to hear but I don't think I was notified about your friend.

Dante~ I have been really busy lately. I can see how I forgot to tell you about sunset.

Rose~ I can relate my job at work can do a number on you. I forget things from time to time because of how much I'm locked into work.

Dante~ Yeah that's how I feel.

Rose~ Enough about work, how's the search for Donny going?

Dante~ It went great…

Rose~ That gre- wait… what do you mean it "went" great? That's past tense.

Dante~ Ummmm *sigh* mom, I have to tell you something.