Chapter -9

One thing she was sure about, she didn't belong here. This house was above her expectations and she hadn't thought about it even in her dreams.

She was looking at everything like a person came to the city for the first time from the forest. He went in, took a drink and started enjoying it, sitting on a leather chair with a view of the wall to ceiling window. 

But she still didn't move. She was looking at neon lights. Clouds like closets and much more.

"Pick a room." He said, still sipping his drink and enjoying the view.

"Me?" She choked on her own saliva. "How can I choose a room here?"

Her replies always made him speechless. He opened his eyes and In the next second he was standing behind her and whispered in her ears

 "Then are you expecting to share my room huh? I didn't foresee that you have signed yourself for that little angel." 

His husky and seductive voice rang in her ears, making her frozen there. Like her legs are stocked with glue.

"I ... I...i"

"Language little angel I don't understand signals well. Are you inviting me or denying me huh?" He asked again, kissing her ears gently. 

He was thoroughly enjoying her torment, the way her eyes widened and lips trembled, the way she gulped and licked her lips to moisten them. Her heartbeat skips and then beats like a drum. She starts wobbling. 

It's all entertainment to him. It's not that she was the first one to lust over her. After all, demons are made like that. They have strong sex appeal and he was one of the sexiest ones as a prince. 

He had his looks and charms. But this little angel was not lusting over him. Yes, she was admiring his body. But there was innocence in it. No lewd thoughts 'yet'. 

Was it because she was an angel? Well now that she was going to live with him, he would soon find out.

"I would live anywhere I mean any spare room would be fine." She said taking a few steps in front like she admired the view but in reality, she was creating some distance with him.

 Her ear was itching now but she couldn't even scratch in front of him now. Otherwise, he would smirk again.

"Then come with me." He brought her to an empty room. The room was like all other rooms well furnished with a mirror divider, cloudy closet and wall to ceiling window and a balcony spacious enough to have the whole dining room with neon lights.

 "This is adjacent to my room. You will stay here and work with Lucas." Like in cue the moment he took the name a male in the uniform of butler entered the room, with two trolley bags.

 His face was stoic devoid of any emotions and so was his voice. In a monotonous voice, he greeted Asbeel and didn't even spare a single glance at her. 

Asbeel took bags from Lucas and handed them to Angella "he is the one who delivered the clothes in the club. These are a few more and some necessary items for you to use. 

You will cook and handle the guests, making an appointment and all. While Lucas will take care of cleaning, shopping and paperwork. Hope you know how to cook a little angel."

"Oh, yes, I do sir. I am also good at communicating sir. I will do my work very well." She replied beaming. 

Finally, she got a heaven-like place to live, she can cook all the dishes without caring about the ingredients and have the best clothes she would never have been able to afford.

"Good then, settle yourself well. I will have lunch in two hours. and I don't like waiting." He said and went out without waiting for her reply.

She opened her luggage to check, but she was astonished to see things inside it. One trolley bag was filled with dresses. It has all varieties from party gowns to daily wear like jeans Tees, short dresses, long ones, hoodies and every other thing a girl needs. 

Next trolley bag contains not only sandals, shoes, makeup vanity and toiletries but also jewellery, fine diamond, jade, rubies, emerald and many other gems, earrings, necklace, watches, bangles, chain pendant and even bracelet and anklet. 

'Who provides all those things to his worker. I have to return all this, otherwise, I won't be able to return the favour.' She decided to talk about it later. 

She took the simplest t-shirt and jeans out and changed into them afraid of making this beautiful dress dirty while cooking, and went to the kitchen.

The fridge has all the things packed. She cooked food at a high speed and just when the wall clock struck 2 pm everything was already on the table.

"Hmmm, good little angel, at least you are punctual. En, what's all this?" He asked looking at the plates.

"Oh, this is a carrot cake, fried mix veggies, vegetable crepes, veg lasagna, risotto and honey lemon bread." She chirped happily expecting a complement while his face turned darker with every new name. 

"So, from which dish would you like to start?" She invited beaming.

"Do you take me as a lamb-like you are? Or sheep. I don't eat grass." He replied with a darkened face.

"En, but at least try, these dishes are very good." She pleaded. She had done a lot of hard work to make all this.

"I ONLY EAT MEAT" he retorted with a pause between each word. And before she could beg more he already called Lucas

"Lucas, clean the table and make my lunch in half an hour. Bring it in my room. I am not coming out anymore." And with that, he turned and left.

"Mr Lucas, don't throw the food away, it would be a waste, if the boss doesn't want to eat, we can still have it. Why waste. I am sure it's tasty." She explained boosting her cooking. 

She had cooked such a hearty meal in a long time she really didn't want to waste it.

"I don't eat, you can have all." He replied again in his dull voice and left the room without glancing at her. 

He really looked like a robot or a zombie to her. Fine don't eat, I will eat alone hmpf.