Chapter -11

Her knees almost gave away, and she leaned on the wall to still stand. "I..I got it, sir, I won't come into your room again."

"Oh, I am sure, you got it but what about this time? Shouldn't you get a punishment huh?" He asked, touching her cheeks. 

It was a normal touch but it burned her. Her body was melting under his touch. Just a mere touch could be felt so much, she never knew. She closed her eyes to feel his fingers, they are cold but the sensation they are producing is too hot.

 His fingers now rubbing her lower lip, barely touching it. She opened them for him. What was she expecting she didn't know like her mind was shut down and her body had taken over her senses. Working purely on instincts. Just when it felt he was going to slide his finger in her mouth or more kiss her.

 She felt his fingers missing. She gently fluttered her eyes open but there was no one. She was sure he was touching her a moment ago, but she didn't hear any sound of steps and even if he walked lightly how could he just disappear. The maximum he should be a few steps away. 

That's it. Was she hallucinating again? But why would she have that strange feeling her lips could still feel the cold fingers over them. She looked around but there was no one. 

Just when she decided to check more thoroughly the door cracked open. And this time it wasn't the owner of the house. But the butler Lucas.

It was the first time he had looked into her eyes. And God she prayed he shouldn't have. She had never seen this dead eyes. Like they were hollow. Yet he was looking at her sharply like he would kill her this instant. 

This was fear of death creeping over her. With Asbeel, she felt scared, but that's a different kind of fear like she would lose herself to him. But with Lucas, it was fear of death or harm.

 "You shouldn't be here." He said in his ever so dreary voice but this time she felt an underlying threat in it.

"Yes, I am sorry." She replied and collected the energy left in her body and scurried out.

Lucas glanced at the girl running for her life and then turned and gave a last gaze to the room then bowed into the air and went out, closing the door.

The moment the door was closed two men came out of thin air. One was holding the neck of others.

 "What were you doing here in my absence?" Asked Asbeel to the man, with burning eyes and a red face.

A horn above the head of the man and his whole skin were red with black patches here and there just like his face. He was holding the hand of Asbeel over his neck in a futile effort to make himself free.

 He started coughing but the scowl of Asbeel's face was only increasing, his voice turned more threatening, not only you but I will burn your whole faction if you didn't give me a proper response this instant. His voice was threatening low.

But the man was just gasping unable to utter a word. He put more force and suspended the man in the air. "You must be taking me lightly hmm?"

"L..ll.. Lord sent me" he replied mustering his whole energy and again starting coughing badly. Blood spurted out of the man's mouth and a black substance started felling corroding the carpet beneath it.

Asbeel retracted his hand and the demon fell on the floor. 

Asbeel looked down on the carpet and commented "look what you've done to my favourite carpet" his tone was mocking him. 

But the demon knew better to not make him furious again. After all, Asbeel was known for his anger all over hell.

The demon took a deep breath and his skin again turned into his human form, his horns retracted back under his skin. He sat on his knees and bowed to him.

 "this subject is sorry my lord, but the Lord has sent a message for you. I was waiting for your return. I didn't know a girl would come instead."

Asbeel just ignored the demon and walked towards the sofa. There was a bottle containing the red substance. He opened and sniffed it 

"Hmm, tell me what the message was," he asked, sitting leisurely there and taking a sip of the red liquid in his hands.

"Lord wanted to know if the mission was completed and when would you return. He also asked why didn't you meet him a few days before when you came back.

 And you left a mess for him to clean. If some information is needed, go to tamiel. He has all the needed information and currently, he is also on earth."

"Hmm, is that all?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Yes my lord. He was waiting for your reply." He asked, still bowing his head down. He didn't dare to move an inch from where he was.

"Tell him I am taking my pending holidays of the past hundred centuries. Furthermore, all the tasks he gave to me can be done by his minions like you.

 And don't contact me in the meantime unless there is war. Yes, the task was completed and I was in a hurry so I wasn't able to meet him. And I am not going to do that any time soon. And I got the information needed so don't need to ask Tamiel. Now, what are you waiting for? A meal before you go. Huh?"

The messenger who was listening carefully got stunned listening to the last line. How would he know that the message was finished and he had to leave now. But he knows better than complaining

 "No, my lord. I would get going" he knows better, that the one who got cooked for a meal would be him if he stayed there a moment more.