
'You are special little angel, you are special little angel' a long time had passed and yet she could still hear those words in her ears.

If anyone would see her now, they could see the glow in her literally and figuratively. After a long time, she was so happy that her body was covered with a faint glow. Hope, happiness, these good feelings increase her power but she was too lost to notice.

"You don't need to prepare lunch or dinner today" she heard from behind and noticed it was already 12 in the noon. And yet she was still daydreaming.

She smiled at her own thought but then furrowed her brows and asked "is mr. Asbeel not coming for lunch?" She could understand they would have dinner at the party. But why was he not having lunch?

"Yes, sir will come directly to pick you up. He had asked you to rest for a while because it's going to be a long night" and with that, he left adding not a single word to the conversation.

'En, she actually didn't have a good sleep yesterday night. So it would be good to sleep for a while'. So she made some instant sandwiches for herself and finished her lunch early to get good sleep.

At exact 5 pm, the door of her room got knocked. Wow everyone here was so punctual. She had already taken a good warm bath and washed her hair. After all, she was proud of her hair the most.

 She has hip-length straight hairs, which have a lustrous and medium-thickness. they were silky to touch.

There were two stylists, one who started doing makeup while the other one manicured and pedicured her. Then they chose a dress for her to wear. She was given a red and beige with a mix of pink colour, which was the same as her skin, floor-length gown.

 It had beige as a base which was almost the same colour as her skin with a thread work making vines with beautiful flowers starting from her cleavage area and ending at her waist in petal forms.

Then again starting from her hip area and flowing toward her legs in different branches. It looked like she had worn vines of different flowers which were fluidly stuck to her while the other areas are looking nude from a distance. 

The dress had a boat neck and covered her entirely yet she felt it was a bold choice due to its colour and design and to Match her dress.

She was given ruby earrings formed in a shape of flowers dangling from vines with a matching bracelet. Her sandals were 5-inch heels of red colour matching her dress.

 As her dress was backless, her hairs were left open as the stylist thought it would attract more eyes of the people. And her makeup was done with light natural colours only focusing on her lips which were painted bloody red. And eyes with a most of nude with a hint of red colours.

When she opened her eyes. She couldn't believe that the one who was standing in front of the mirror was her. She never thought she could look this beautiful in her life. It's like a magic wand was used on her. She was no more looking like a pale weak girl from the cafe. But an elegant noblewoman who had always been gorgeous.

She pinched herself to believe that what she was seeing was reality just 3 days ago, she was sold and was about to be raped by many. And now here she was adorned with jewellery costing millions.

"You are looking, beautiful madam" admired the stylist which brought her back to reality. 

The other also chirped in "of course she would it's Madame Rachelle latest collection dress which has not yet launched. with the drops of heart jewellery which is only one in the whole world. Women can even steal or kill to wear this once in her lifetime. You are very lucky madam. To have a loving husband who is willing to spend so much on you."

She should be happy hearing all this, but no it broke her heart. Because as the stylist said, this dress should be of his wife. Not hers, she was not even his girlfriend. Much less a wife. But then why did he spend so much and put so much thought in her. 

'Does he like me?' No, she should not let her thoughts go wild.

"Thank you," she said with the best smile she could muster. "But I am not his wife or girlfriend."

"Oh.." The stylist didn't know how to continue. If she was not his girlfriend, or wife yet he had spent so much then it could only mean one thing she was his paramour.

Their sweet expression turned onto disgust. "We are done, madame. It's nice to work for you." And with that, they left.

She had recognised the change in their look. But she didn't correct them again because they haven't said anything. If she would try to correct them. It only looks like she was trying to cover up her relationship through excuses. After all, none will spend so much without any benefit on a stranger.

She smiled looking at herself in the mirror. So what, if people take her wrong, she knew he had respected her and maintained his distance. That was enough for her.

She wanted to take a picture of her. But she didn't have a phone. He had prepared everything for her except a phone. Should she ask him for one. 

No, she would wait for the month-end to see if he would give her some salary. Then she would buy one with her own money. But what if he didn't pay her? After all, she was not doing much except some calls and cooking. 

And he had already given her a lot. Hmmm, then she would try to find a part-time job. As she was still free for most of the time. But what if he didn't want her to leave the house? Hmmm, then I would find an online job. They also pay a good amount these days.'