The red pearl

No, she would wait for the month-end to see if he will give her some salary. Then she would buy one with her own money. But what if he doesn't pay her? After all, she is not doing much except some calls and cooking. And he has already given her a lot. Hmmm, then she would try to find a part-time job. As she is still free for most of the time. But what if he doesn't want her to leave the house? Hmmm, then I will find an online job. They also pay. A good amount these days.'

Satisfied with her thoughts she twirled and looked at herself in the mirror from all directions. Just then the door knocked and Lucas voice could be heard from outside " Mr Asbeel has been waiting for you In the living room."

"Oh, I am coming" she replied and smothered her dress with her hands gently and then tucked her hairs behind her ears and opened the door. But the butler was already gone, not that she expected him to wait for her and escort her out. His stoic reactions clearly indicate that he doesn't like her.

When she reached the hall, there he was sitting in his leather chair leisurely taking a sip of his signature drink, red wine. Just how much capacity he has to drink all the time. His eyes were closed enjoying the taste of wine on his lips.

He was wearing the couple suit with her, he was wearing a beige suit with a red handkerchief in his front pocket. His first three buttons are open. A smile on his lips. Just his walking can keep someone captivated. 'Why don't he announced as a sex God. She never knew Just leisurely sitting can be this sexy.

Before she could say that she is here he already opened his eyes and tilted his head on her direction. He stood up from his seat and came towards her one step at a time. Either he is walking too slow or the time has stopped for her, she could hear her heartbeat like a drum beating so fast.

His eyes looking at her top to bottom. He is silent. Too silent for her to bear. But just when she thought he wouldn't say anything. He smiled and complimented "you are looking stunning in this dress. Hope you liked it." With that, he gave his hand to her for hold.

Her heart that was already beating so heart nearly came out of her rib cage and stopped. Feeling herself beautiful is one thing, but he finds her beautiful, who spent each night with models and higher class ladies and top heroines was another thing. She was on cloud time just by hearing his simple compliment. He hadn't used any fancy word or maybe he has just said as a perfunctory statement yet she felt delighted.

Her smile widened and so as her glow. He noticed her faint aura has got strong. He was afraid any other would also recognise who she was. It would be dangerous for her and problematic for him to explain that what he doing with her.

He put his hand in his pants and chanted a spell. Then he looked at her hands and frowned and asked: "but you aren't wearing any ring." He shook his head and took his hand out from his pockets with a small rectangular box.

He opened it for her and there was a small red pearl ring in it. She had never seen or heard about a red pearl before. Like reading her thoughts he replied "it's the rarest gem in your hands. It's an ancient red conch pearl found in the 12th century. It is said that only 3 are found in the whole world. Isn't it beautiful? The pearl also suits your dress"

She took the ring in her hands. The pearl was shiny bloody red like it was soaked in blood for centuries. And on its base, the gold has some ancient language engraved which she couldn't even read due to micro size writing. But it was captivating. Like the ring could hypnotise her

He took the ring from her hands only then did she looked him back. He smiled at her and said, " here, let me put this in your fingers." And before she could say or react. He had already put the ring on her ring finger.

She widened her eyes at his act. Totally thunderstruck. Her whole body burned with the touch of the ring. She couldn't even say a word again. Just how many times does this man want to give her shock? 'How can he put the ring in her ring finger that easily. Does he not know the meaning behind this. Or is he playing dumb'

She retracted her hands and tried to take off the ring when he asked: "what are you doing?" He held her hand again trying to stop her from taking the ring off but she wasn't prepared and his pull pulled her whole. And she crashed into his arms. He put her hand on her bareback. He gently moved his fingers up and down and she shivered.

Her breath hitching, she turned stiff under his ever so gentle touch. She closed her eyes under the foreign feeling taking place in her body. Her knees going weak and her mind turned into mush.

"Don't take this ring off little angel. I like it here in your fingers. Okay?" He asked her in a husky voice. It was sounding so sexily. And it didn't help that from this intimacy she can smell him, she always get lost in his wet earthly smell. Just after the rain, the wet grass and clay have the smell is his smell. What has he eaten mint? Mixture of mint and his smell invading her senses.

[Hey guys, I wish you like reading my novel. I have a request here. Please comment or write a review of my novel by giving me a bit of your precious time. And if possible, please vote for me. I have participated in a contest and your votes can make me win. Thank you.]