You are mine now

"Hmmm?" He questioned again sure that his charm has worked and she wouldn't be able to take off the ring. He slowly left her back and held her to maintain her balance. Then took arm back. He eyed her and saw her eyes are still close and she had held her breath. Her face has turned red due to lack of oxygen or she is shy only she knows. He smirked satisfactorily. His charms work even on the angels.

"Breath little angel. Breath in, breath out," he replied with a mischievous smile. That's when she realised she is holding her breath. Which she immediately let go. After a few minutes, she felt better and opened her eyes.

"What happened little angel?" He feigned innocence on his face and asked in a worried tone. "Nothing I am fine" she replied again taking a deep breath and smiled awkwardly.

"Then, shall we go?" He asked extending his hand.

"But the ring?" She didn't know how to continue. People are already taking her as his wife and after the ring, the confusion will only grow. And those who knew truth will think that she is the one who is spreading the rumours. And what would happen if he also thought that she is trying to create rumours with him. He has given her all ready enough.

"Why, don't you like the ring?" He asked when she still was looking at the ring with a complicated gaze. 'Shouldn't she be happy? This ring is a rare treasure even gods can't have. Forget about humans, even angels and demons could fight for it. And here she is, trying to avoid wearing it'

"It's not like that. It's just. It's just.. Can I wear the ring on any other finger?" She asked desperately. Trying to avoid any confusion.

"But it would not fit in in another finger. Still, you can try." He said patiently sitting again on the sofa indicating she has ample time to try it.

She gave him a grateful smile. And instantly took off the ring. But he was right, the ring doesn't fit in. Forget about other fingers of the same hand, it doesn't even fit in the same finger of the other hand. She was puzzled by the fact.

She is not fat and by looks, the ring is of enough size to fit in any finger. But still, whenever she tries, the ring just doesn't go in.

"See, you could try all night but the result will be the same. But if you still don't want the ring you can return it to me after the party. It is really looking good with your dress. Just wear it for a while ok."

'After all, when you are at my home. You are surrounded by my aura. My seal has covered the whole house. So no one can detect you here. Only when you will be out, you need a seal' he added his heart with complicated feelings. Then he looked at her and said with so much sweetness that she could only accept. She nodded her head and stood up.

He followed the suit and finally took her hand in his and they both went out hand in hands. 'You have to wear this ring in the ring finger angel, only then it could seal the power of your heart. Otherwise, with the glow, you are releasing today. Every angel and demon out would be able to sense your aura. I don't want you to be found angel. Neither by demons not by your fellow beings. You are mine now.' His hold on her hands tighten with this thought and there was a crease on his forehead.

Sensing his tension, she looked at him. He was looking deep in thoughts but with the frown on his face, it was obvious that they were not happy thoughts. After sitting in the car, she stared at him for a while, and after some hesitation, she finally asked: "are you okay?"

"Yes, I am. Little angel, please don't take off the ring and never lose it okay? It is my family heirloom. And it is very important to me. I have given you this ring, with my trust. So if you don't want it, return it to me, but never lose it." He said with trouble face.

'If this rings reached in wrong hands, then the only hell will break loose. He has no other option but to give the ring to her to hide her aura. Now come to think of it. How had she survived in the past three years without hiding her aura without knowing about herself?

(What he doesn't know is, she never became this happy once in the past three years. So her aura is always covered with gloominess. Which had hidden her glow. Unintentionally he has brought that happiness in her life. Which made her glow and not only that her powers are also getting stronger. The more he did efforts for her. The more she would be filled with happiness and hope. And the more her powers will be known to people around her)

She was again stunned by his words. Just how could he. She looked at the ring with horror and then at him, then again at the ring. She looked at both of them simultaneously. Because she doesn't know what to say. How could he? Who is she? Is he a fool or what? Isn't he afraid that she would run after stealing everything? Her words just are not ready to leave her mouth and come out.

Words are failing her. She had never met a man as peculiar as him. He just is too complicated for her to understand.

While when he looked at her he smiled. Her widening eyes and furrowed brows making her like an old nagging grandma. He laughed at this thought. Which he stifled after seeing her glare. Devil, she is adorable.

[Hey guys, I wish you like reading my novel. I have a request here. Please comment or write a review of my novel by giving me a bit of your precious time. And if possible, please vote for me. I have participated in a contest and your votes can make me win. Thank you.]