Never have a wife.

Looking at his laughing face, she became infuriated. Here she is getting high bp with all the tension he is giving her. And here he is, laughing at her. She glared at him and shouted "Why are you giving me you a family heirloom? It is only for your wife or your mother. How could you give this just to a mere maid?? Giving expensive gifts is one thing, but giving such a precious thing is wrong."

With that, she immediately tried to take off the ring again but this time he was prepared he held her hand strongly and looked into her eyes "I don't have a mother. And I would definitely not have a wife ever"

She wanted to ask why. But looking at his eyes and the pain in it she lost her courage to do so. and before she could say or ask anything else, they reached their destination. and their driver who is no other than his stoic butler Lucas. and like always he is on his dead mute mode.

he stopped the car and opened the door for him but just when he was about to go to another side to open the other side for her, Asbeel stopped him with the wave of his hand and came out, then he extended his hand for her to take. she held his hand and with a smile, she came out.

but her smile vanished the moment she looked around her. her hold on hand tightened, and she became stiff. there were hundreds of reporters and cameramen were there looking at their direction. cameras were flashing like a myriad of stars. hundreds of people looking at their direction. a long red carpet was covering the whole area. everyone was posing for the cameras and talking with a huge smile. while she, she has never seen anything like that in real life.

In movies, these kinds of scenes look so classy and beautiful. but right now she could feel their scrutinizing gaze over her and this is making her skin crawl. it was feeling like many ants were walking over her body. her face turned scared but she was unable to move even an inch. she just held him tightly, neither moving nor even blinking. he looked at her and then around. but she wasn't reacting at all. her soul left her body.

"ow little angel, are you trying to break my fingers?" he tried to get her attention by cracking a joke but she became even more nervous and instantly left his hand. she jumped like a scared rabbit and tried to crawl back in the car. but he was one step ahead. understanding her thoughts, he held her from behind, "what are you trying to do little angel. hmm?"

"I want to go home, I am not feeling well. hey, hey what are you doing? leave me, aww don't pull my waist. aww, my dress! it will be ruined Asbeel. hey." The moment she bends he held her through waist, took out lifted in the air and turned then put her back on the floor. she slapped his hands many a time but he just didn't budge.

"Little angel we had to get there at 8. But you took a lot of time at home in adjusting the ring. And now you want to go back. I have already cancelled my date this afternoon. If you would go back, then with whom am I supposed to go in. It's already too late." Guilt instantly filled her eyes. She shuffled on her legs. He smirked, just a bit more. "But if you really don't want to go, then I won't force you, little angel."

She looked at him surprised and smiled but her happiness deflated like a balloon listening to his next sentence. "This would be the first time anyone would attend a couple function alone" in reality there is nothing like that many people attend this function on behalf of his company and come alone. He was just making her feel remorseful. Go ahead. See you later at home."

He said and was about to move forward but she held the back of his coat with her tiny fingers. Just like a child do to get his angry father attention. "That's not what I meant, come let's go together, please," she said in a barely audible voice with her head hung low.

"Are you sure, because it's just our turn now" when he probed, She just nodded, "okay, then." He held her hand and moved forward. She held it more tightly the moment she sees their gazes turned towards her. She could see hostility and hatred In them.

"Look at me little angel, look at me and smile. You don't need to see others. Think only I am here with you." He comforted her by rubbing her hands which is holding him in a death grip. "They are looking at you because they are jealous. How could a girl look so beautiful like a fairy? No, not a fairy but an angel. My angel little lamb."

Even in this tension, his words brought a smile to her face. So she tried to follow his advice. Although it's easy to say than done. Even if she only looks at him. She could hear people whisper and their comments towards her.

But his rubbing her hands got back her to him. She felt like a jolt of electricity is hitting her there. Warmth is getting spread from the areas he is touching and her cold feet feel better. Like new energy is spread through him in her body. She gave him a grateful smile again for his consideration. He always did things for her without even need for asking

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