Ire of the witch.

"Alright, don't be mean." She replied still laughing and waving her hands in the air as a sign of defeat. "But Helena won't let her be. You just ditched her at the end moment. She is not a human to be trifled with." She said getting serious.

"Do you think I should be afraid of a witch now? Interesting, let's see what she got." He replied with amusement.

"I am not talking about you. I am talking about that weak girl who couldn't even face the cameras. Tsk what has gotten you to choose her? Her face or body! Hmmm," she tsked looking Angela body and face.

"Forget about her, tell me why are there demons, humans, witches and what am I smelling a fae? Doing it the same place. Huh? " he asked closing his eyes and taking a sniff.

She beamed and clapped at his comment "isn't it a good gathering, huh. Anyways I got to go to my date now." She hugged him chirping and waltz back to the party.

While he just shook his head and took a sip of his drink ' let's see what you got little angel'

Soon businessman covered him, telling about their new deals. And a few indirectly asking him about investment in their new projects.

"Mr Asbeel, the report on the new luxuria building is ready. I was thinking if you have some time to have a look at it"

"Yes, in fact, the mall of y city is also sanctioned by the government, but the investment is not sufficient yet. I was thinking if you are interested."

And. So on.

On the other side, after taking a red velvet cake on her plate she was about to return when she saw him with a lot of people socialising. She didn't deem it fit to return and eat cake while everyone is discussion business. So she looked around to find a place for her.

The waiter noticing her confusion asked her, "madam, may I know are you looking for someone."

"Oh, no. I was just wondering where could I sit to have my meal."

"Oh, madam may I ask you your invitation card, please. Then I can check your seat." He replied politely despite feeling she doesn't belong here.

"Aah, I don't have one. Looking at the confused face of waiter she added I'm here with Mr Asbeel, as her plus one."

Surprise and terror instantly flashed in his eyes he bowed to her, although he was polite to her before but there was some impatience in his voice but now he was almost licking her shoes.

"Madame, come with me, I will show you your seat, it's one in the front. The VVIP one, I am sorry, for my insolence. I didn't know who you are. I hope you didn't mind. I am really apologetic. Here give it to me. You don't have to carry the plate by yourself. I am here at your service madame. You can feel free to order anything. I will bring it to you here. You don't need to trouble yourself, madame"

He carried her plate and took her to their designated seats. After settling her, he almost brought every delicacy and even explained to her what these dishes are, looking at her confused face.

Her seat was different than others. Rather than having a normal round table and chairs like others covered with white satin cloth. She had a big lather sofa looking like a lounge with extra space for comfort and a centre mirror table filled with various wines and cocktails.

The whole place was illuminated like beginning sun, various neon lights and big chandeliers having red and golden engraved on them. She had a dim area where light is not reaching at all. Just a beautiful lamp, also engraved with some antique writing over it.

The difference was like heaven and hell. light and dark. Yet she felt it is the most comfortable seat available in the whole hall. People are looking at her direction and pointing and talking to themselves.

Rather than concentrating on them, she decided to focus on her food, otherwise, it would be a waste to have this tasty food get wasted. 'If Asbeel is habitual of eating this food then her cooking would definitely taste him like dirt, although she isn't a bad cook. But her dishes are mostly homely. While these are what to say just like cooked in heaven' mmmm, she can't help but moan at the taste of the eclair she is having'

She enjoyed her meal looking at the paintings covering all the hall. The hall has a large variety of paintings giving it a look of Museum with all those red carpets and chandelier this place look like a royal palace.

While others are looking at her from distance, a girl came to her seat and sit leisurely at Asbeel seat. She eyed the girl who was wearing a blood-red dress with a front slit showing her white milky legs. The way she sits putting one leg on another showing more of her legs is rather bold and sexy then attractive.

Her white hairs, fairy white skin and grey eyes which are almost shining like silver were looking ethereal. Her red dress contrast was making her look like a supernatural being. The girl smile enchanted her more. "Hello I am Helena and you are?" She asked eying her.

"I am Angela. Nice to meet you" she said smiling too. 'Helena she has heard that name somewhere. But she is not able to recall where.

"I wish I could say the same. But you know I don't believe in faking my emotions. You took my place. And I don't like people taking what is mine." The girl replied with the same enchanting smile yet she felt goosebumps now.

[Hey guys, I wish you like reading my novel. I have a request here. Please comment or write a review of my novel by giving me a bit of your precious time. And if possible, please vote for me. I have participated in a contest and your votes can make me win. Thank you.]