Ire of the witch 2

"It's ok, you can take this seat. I will sit somewhere else." She replied almost standing to leave that instant. But the girl just snorted

"Do you think I care about a seat so much to come and talk to a lowly human like you? Hah, you give yourself too much importance girl. Sit back" she said eyeing her.

" then what do you want," she asked again sitting back. But this time rather than feeling the luxury of the seats. She felt like she is sitting on pins and needles. Having the itch to run from here. She could sense blood lust in the girl sitting with her.

She is dangerous. Beauty and danger, a deadly combination for her to bear.

"Asbeel" the girl in red, replied in one word without beating around the bush. Which made here stunned. That's when she remembered the card has Asbeel and Helena name on it. She must be the partner Asbeel was talking about ditching at the last moment.

Now she could understand her problem. If a girl that is beautiful like her get ditched at the last moment must be feeling bad. And indirectly she was the reason for it. If she hadn't asked him to return the jewellery he wouldn't have brought her and gone with this lady instead.

"Well, it's all just a misunderstanding" she laughed awkwardly looking at the arrogant lady who was looking at her like she is a new animal in the zoo. "We are just acquaintances, nothing more."

She eyed her from top to bottom with a smirk and replied: "of course you can't be more than that, she looked directly at her plumps, you are not her type after all." 'She instantly put her hand on her chest. And when she realized what she did. She let go of it and coughed but the lady was still sitting there looking at her with a smirk.

"I mean you are goody two shoes, and he is habitual of bad girl vibes." She replied casually. "I am the one he would choose. But I want to know why are you here with him."

"Uh, he saved me from some goons, and trying to help me now" she could only say that otherwise, it would be a long story if he decided to explain. Hope she won't ask anything else.

But the lady just laughed. "Oh dear, Asbeel don't save people, not strangers at least. He is the one who looks and laugh on your demise. Tell me what is he getting from you." She asked stopping her laugh and there was an underline threat in her voice now.

"I am telling you the truth." She replied looking around. Damn, where did that Asbeel go, leaving his jealous girlfriend here?

"Looks like we have to do some hard work here." She replied and chanted a spell. But nothing happened.

She blinked and blocked waiting for things to change, but nothing. Both looked at each other with a confused gaze. Eyeing each other from top to bottom and blinking. Trying to understand what the other person is doing.

Angela was confused about what the lady is trying to do muttering and eyeing her. And Helena was confused why is she not speaking truth after chanting her strongest spell on her.

She tried again but still nothing. She eyed her suspiciously then held her hand and chanted again but still, she was sitting there fit and fine-looking at her confused.

She blinked and searched her neck, hands and fingers. And at the moment her eye landed on the ring. Her eyes widened and a gasp left. The arrogance and smirk she was showing her are gone and she held her hand tightly. Bringing it close to her eyes she looked at the ring with pure horror in her eyes.

She tried to speak but no words came out. She can't believe she is looking at the devil's blood eye in front of her in the hands of a mere human.

Everyone in demonic and which realm knows that this ring belongs to Asbeel. He has won it after his success in winning over the trust of Sataniel it can do anything you command to. Turn you into a demon, human, or angel until you wear it no matter who you are.

It can hide your aura and change it completely. It keeps you secure from death, pain, spell. Nothing could touch you. Neither demon nor angel can hurt you much less a witch. It is one of the most powerful armours made of the blood of the strongest devil who was once the strongest angel too. So only his blood has the power to make something like this.

All the angels and demons could fight for it. She has only seen this ring in the book of legends. And now a mere human is wearing it as an accessory. How humiliating!

"Where did you get this ring from. Give it to me." She asked still holding get hand reluctant to let go. The grip was so tight she was sure it would leave a bruise on her hand.

But her words took whole attention from the pain she is feeling. She didn't see this coming. 'Why is she asking for the ring now. Isn't she here for Asbeel. Sure the ring is a rare treasure as Asbeel told her. But she isn't looking like one she is lacking money. Then why?'

"Uh, but this ring is not mine." She told her trying to get her hand back but she wasn't letting it go. In this way if she would snatch the ring. She wouldn't be able to stop her. She looked around again for Asbeel to come and help her coming out of this predicament.

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