The dance 2

On the other side, Angela was looking at the couple dancing to the rhythm, the way they are swaying together make her feel they have done it many times. 'Didn't he just leave the girls after having a few times? Then why are they looking so close.' She thought she was feeling bad because of the smirk girls are giving her.

"Like telling her to see he didn't even stick to you for a single function." But this is not the first time people had made fun of her. She had seen worse in the cafe when some guests tried to take advantage yet she was blamed each time. She had heard many terrible curses.

Then why is she feeling so awful, when Asbeel had treated her so well. No, she strengthened her heart and smiled. Yet the smile looked worse than the cry.

A man approached him and asked for a dance, she was sure she doesn't know how to dance. Get she accepted the man hand with a smile. She approaches the floor just behind them. Yet they didn't look at her not even once. Like she wasn't even there. 'Were they so lost in each other." He laughed a bitter smile.

The man twirled and turned her like she is flexible enough for his every move he bends her and moved and moved. Yet she delivered each step like a professional. The man was amazed and so as the people who were making fun of her a comment ago.

Because they were sure she doesn't belong here. As they have never seen her before. If it had been any other time she would have laughed at the sour faces of people. She would have felt proud of herself for this amazing performance. Yet there is a bitter feeling peeping in her heart. Like she lost everything before even getting it completely.

She saw whispering in her ears, and she leaned on him, hiding in his chest. They were looking just picture perfect. Couple meant to be each other. While she, she is nothing but a stranger who met him just three days ago. Yet she feels like it had been centuries.

How she had trusted him with her life. She laughed at her thoughts again twirling in the man's arms whom she doesn't even know. The man whispered something in her ears she didn't even hear. He smiled and the song ended.

He took her back from the floor, she turned and saw them still dancing on the floor, the same position they were before. Still. Hiding in his arms, leaning on his chest and he just stroked her back and moved in a very slow rhythm. Like he is afraid of her breaking like she was made of glass a simple moment would crush her.

A man again comes and bowed, took her hand in his, and there she was back at the floor. Dancing in the rhythm with still an unknown man, this time she decided to concentrate on his face. He was rather good looking but not like Asbeel.

He is short and not have beautiful eyes. His smile is charming but not as enchanting as his. He just didn't have that aura, that vibe. Would she compare every man with him now? When the realization hit her she again smiled.


"Always remember once you cross the line, there is no coming back. What we have here is a century of friendship. You want to trade it with a few nights. I am happy to oblige. As this is the only thing you have ever asked me for.

But as a devil, it's my last way to warn, think about the trade here done. Tonight, tomorrow whenever you want I will take you. Just be sure this is what you want. Because you are not going to get anything more than this.

She engraved his words in her heart. And to tell you the fact it hurts. Of course, she knew he wouldn't love her and he had told her this many times. But still hearing that even after taking her she won't get anything and it didn't even make a difference to her was dripping her heart with blood. The misery of her is she can't force someone to love him. All of a sudden she started feeling suffocating,

How much time has passed, she didn't even know how they completed the dance what steps has she taken. Was she leaning on him the entire time? she wanted to reply but she couldn't. her both option are equally terrible.

How and why did she fell for him when she knew he was cursed. The course he himself didn't know about. Lost in her thoughts she swayed with him. when the tune ended he bowed and took her back to her seat.

Yet she didn't say a word. Like the voice is lost, she thought her heart has already been numb. But no it still pains like hell whenever he blatantly tells her that she is just another flesh for her to seek his comfort and forget.

With a bitter looking smile she let him go but still looked at his direction until his silhouette couldn't be seen anymore. Everyone on the table was in a cheerful mood but she couldn't be. His words were like daggers deep wounded her and she is still. Dropping blood but no one noticed.

She faked a smile covered with her usual arrogance. The facade she had worn from the immemorable time. But why is she feeling so bad today. What is the difference, he had always told her the same words? Is it because of... She drifted her gaze to the girl who was also looking at her.

Strange, both have a forlorn look on their face, both fell in the same misery, because of the same man. And both think that he belongs to the other one. Who is right and who is wrong only time will tell.

(Hey, I tried to share the suffering and misery of both. But I still feel something is lacking. Care to share your ideas?)

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