The fight

Averting her eyes from Helena, Angela looked at the direction where Asbeel went. ', would he notice now I am not there, would he come back looking for me?' She shook her head again to clear her thoughts. 'How much time has passed since he went, yet she wanted to believe, to believe in him, to believe that he will come back for her. But the songs came to an end. Indicting dancing programs also completes here.

Everyone started leaving the dance floor with their partner's hand in hand. Didn't he ask me to have a dance with him, then where is he now. Her bitterness only grew with time. But still, she smiled and bowed ready to go. But the grip of man on his hand tightened.

She tried to be free but he just didn't budge. She fumed, her anger rose to the point of no return. "Leave my hand" she demanded looking at the man with a glare. But he just smirked.

"Trying to be feisty. Are you?" He said in an amused tone. "Where do you think you are trying to go?"

"Huh, shouldn't I be the one asking you? Why are you holding my hand? Let me go this instant otherwise.." She threatened all the anger of her surging up.

"Oh ho, look behaving like an innocent girl now. Didn't you just agreed to my friend a while ago?" He said impatiently tapping his foot on the floor. The grip tightening more ready to drag her if needed.

"Huh, what are you talking about." She asked confused "ow, it's paining. Leave my hand" she cried and looked around. That's when she noticed the room was almost empty. Where did everyone go? Most importantly where did Asbeel go?

"Jack looks like she only wants to go with you." He shouted and another man came around from behind.

"Can't you just finish a simple task alone Matthew?" He rebuked his friend. And then turned to her. "Hey beautiful, what happened. Didn't like my friend touch. Huh? " he asked touching her cheek which she tried her best to avoid by bending at the other side.

"What happened now, weren't you the one who was twirling and swaying my arms just a while ago. Smiling and all huh?" He asked with anger, the look in her eyes like she disgusts his touch made him furious.

That's when she realizes he was the man who danced with her before. "Look there is some misunderstanding, I don't even know you." She said pleading, trying to free her hand again.

"Misunderstanding you say huh? Didn't I ask you would you like to accompany me and my friend tonight and you nodded and laughed taking a turn? Now, what trying to be innocent." He asked with a clear disgust and frustration. "And what are you waiting for? bring her with us, if not willingly, drag her if needed.

Terror immediately struck her face. " No, no, please let me go. " she pleaded with all her might. "I was not listening. It was my mistake. I am sorry. Let me go please"

But the men just smirked and used their brute force to move her. "I am with Mr Asbeel if he will know you took me, he won't leave you."

"If Mr Asbeel cared about you, you wouldn't have been alone in the whole party. He abandoned you the moment you entered and spent all his time in either socialising or with lady Helena. He didn't even notice you on the dance floor even when you were just behind him all the time."

He replied with a smirk each word was like a slash on her heart and body, making her wounded. She wanted to rebuke and deny but can't as all the word he said was utter truth. She opened her mouth to stop but nothing came out.

He truly abandoned her otherwise he would have been here. Tears came out of her voice not because of current predicament but because of the scar given by the only man she trusted in her life. Was she not worth even for a night in his eyes?

Then why did he bring her here? Why did he behave nicely? Why did he show care at the first point? Why did he say she was special? Just like a toy he played with her emotions and left her. She felt more miserable than ever before. She suddenly grabbed her chest and stumbled on the floor. Her conscious drifting out.

If that's the end then let it be. How many times would I try to save myself? Just when she was about to surrender to the reality the voice she waited to hear all night and the face she desperately wanted to see finally came.

"Looks like you all are having fun without me?" He said with curiosity raising his eyebrows. There was no panic in his eyes, neither anger nor haste.

That made her doubt did he really came to save her or just stumble upon the situation coincidentally. Same thoughts came into the mind of two men who were forcing her just now. They were scared when they heard Asbeel voice thinking that he has come to save her.

But looking at his nonchalant attitude, they became sure that their first judgment about their relationship was right. They gave each other a meaningful look and nodded. Then they looked at the man standing in front of them.

Jack spoke first, "Mr Asbeel this girl here was dancing with me a while ago. She touched me trying to seduce me and asked me would I like to go with her tonight. Since she was beautiful I accepted."

[Hey guys, I wish you like reading my novel. I have a request here. Please comment or write a review of my novel by giving me a bit of your precious time. And if possible, please vote for me. I have participated in a contest and your votes can make me win. Thank you.]