His first

He stopped assessing the reaction of both, Asbeel was listening with curiosity while the girl was just sitting on the floor, it doesn't look like she has any intention to stop him from speaking further. "As I was telling, she herself proposed the idea. And now when she saw my friend here she is asking for more money. But when we denied paying more. She started creating a scene here. So, we were just trying to drag her so that she wouldn't disturb anyone here."

"We know it's not right to drag someone like that, but she was the one who proposed the idea, so it is only right that she would fulfil it." He said with all the righteousness he could muster. He accepted his mistake but then blamed it on her at the end.

"Hmmm, interesting. So you want to say that she was ready to go with you for some money. Do you want to say something about it, little angel?" He asked looking at the girl sitting on the floor with her head hung low. But she just shook her head.

He went forward a put his hand on her chin. Both man instinctively took two steps back. She makes her look at him, putting pressure on her chin to look into his eyes. Then he asked again "do you want to say anything little angel." Her face which was covered with tears glared at him and in ever so defiantly voice she shouted at him "No"

And then she tries to remove his hand from her chin, but his hold tightened she winced at the pain yet he didn't let go. His eyes turned golden but the girl was looking down to avoid her eyes and the man was on the other side to look into his eyes.

"Then do you want to anything about it?" He asked again. Each word with a pause and in a dangerously low voice. Both men shivered and eyed each other. Ready to flee at any instance.

But the girl still stubbornly shook his head, which gave a breath of relief to both. But his jaws clenched. This stubborn angel always behaves meekly in front of everyone yet she became a ferocious animal ready to bite, whenever he approached her.

"Very well. then. Do. You. Want. To. Go. With. Them." The pause was so clear like each word is a sentence of its own. But the girl was too hurt tonight. She didn't felt so hurt when they dragged her hurting her knees in the process. She was bleeding to know that he just abandoned her. Like she doesn't even exist.

She waited the whole night for a moment with him yet he just forgets even when he left the hall. He didn't even think once that she is new who doesn't know anyone.

Yes, he is busy but how much time and effort does it take to call someone once. She would have gladly followed him and. Stood by his side without speaking a single word or disturbing him in any way. But no he didn't even do that.

Since they are strange then why would she ask for help from him? She stubbornly looked at the side to avoid his eyes. She knew once she would see in them. She would melt right away.

He waited for her reply but she just ain't budge. Furious he smashed his hand on the floor creating a sent on it. He closed his eyes and then opened turning his eyes back to normal green colour. While others widened their eyes. How much sheer force he used, to create such a dent on strong concrete floor adorned with marble.

Just what inhumane strength did this man have. They both just ran away while she just sat there with widened eyes looking at the floor in a thunderstruck way.

With the noise, many guards and security team started to enter with some other guests who wanted to have gossip. He took the girl who is sitting like a statue in his arms and left the place without turning back.

If he would have, he could have seen the myriad of emotions playing on the face of Helena who was looking at her retreating back. It was the first time he had shown his powers in public. Came to think of it that girl has been the reason for much first time in Asbeel life.

The first time he saved a girl, the first time he took someone home, the first time he gave someone the devil's ring. The first time he loses his cool in public, the first time he used his powers so openly. And all just happened in three days. Only time will tell how many more first is going to be there.

(I am sorry for the small chapter, but the next lines are cliffhanger. So I want to start it with the new chapter. Please leave some comments to let me know how is the story. My collection is still low just 45. Hope it would improve soon. So please add it to the library please)

Thank you, Radha, Ekta, Diya, Anshul, Nikki, Ntharani, Dheeraj, don't remember, Dilip tharani, Nabina_Maharjan and aizacon. Aizacon hope you would enjoy the mass release. Do tell me how you find these chapters. Thank you.

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