The punishment

She felt embarrassed after creating a scene, but that doesn't mean he has forgiven the man who took her in his arms at the time of need. Call her selfish or mean but she is hurt. If he would have spent even five minutes or danced with her once. She wouldn't have been so awful. And then all this wouldn't have happened.

The moment they came out, she shuffled in his arms in an attempt to be free. Asbeel, who was walking on a thin thread flared up looking at the attempt of the girl who is trying to break free. His frustration spoke better of him. And he immediately let go. Since she was in his arms in princess style. She fell on her butt.

"Aahh" she squealed. And with fuming eyes, she glared at him standing and with a huff, she waddled towards the car. But what she saw made her stop in her tracks. There stood in front of her were the men, who blamed her for being a hooker.

Since they ran away a long ago she has thought that they would have reached far away. So she was shocked to see them standing in a parking lot with pit even moving an inch. Wait a minute why are they not running even after seeing them. Much less running they are not even moving an inch. Like they are frozen there.

Forgetting her anger for a minute, her curious self took place and she eyes them. Moving close, one step at a time in case it is a scheme, she reached them. Standing just a foot away yet they were still there. Their body covered with sweat, eyes full of tears and face full of horror. Like they have seen a ghost. All the hairs of their body standing. They look like they were about to plead her.

She thought if they ask for forgiveness, she would accept it after all it was her mistake that she didn't listen to what they were saying and nodded. She thought they were waiting for her. But then their expressions changed. Their eyes bulged out and they started shaking, first like shivers run down their spines but then they were shaking as the leaves shake during the storm.

Looking at them confused, she wanted to say something when she heard the voice she hated at this moment, as it still affects her. " looks like someone is still waiting for us."

She looked back and saw a smile on his face, but that was so cold. Yet she felt hot. Not in that sense but heated like the place is burning, sweat trickled down her body. But she felt goosebumps when he looked at his eyes, they were orange, the colour of fire was in them, for a moment she really saw blazes flare in his eyes. It horrified her to the core.

He looked at her with menacing eyes, "let's finish what we were doing shall we?" He said casually but there was something eerie in his voice and his burning eyes were too much for her to handle. She wanted to run from there, run for her life. As it looks like the hell was looking at her opening their eyes and it could swallow her any moment.

He could smell fear from her oozing with her sweat. Finally, she is afraid of him like others. Now she won't glare or talks back and ignore him defiantly. But why does it feel bad? It made him enraged to the core.

"Were you going with them?" He asked her holding her chin like before, but this time she was not angry but afraid, she tried to shook her head, but his grip was like steel. So she opened her mouth and stuttered No.

"Then did they force you." He asked again.

"Sir, please let us explain" the men tried to talk but the next moment when he looked at them they couldn't speak a word. They tried to talk but only lips were moving and not a single word was coming out. They tried to cough but nothing. They touched their neck and even pinched ot but still nothing.

They looked at each other and then Asbeel when the realization struck them. Horror clearly evident on their faces turning them white. Their voice just with his single glance is gone. "I hate noise," he said with a smirk. But they swore they saw the devil in his eyes.

"Speak," he said looking at the girl. "Or are you also dumb now"

"Yes, they were forcing me." She said mustering all her courage.

"Then would you punish them?" He asked but that was not a question. It was clear he wants her to punish them. So she nodded and moved towards the men. She slapped each of them with maximum force leaving a small mark on their face. She looked back to see if he is satisfied. But he was looking at her heels rather than her.

She got the hint and bend to take off her heel and hit them with it with full force. A bit or marks and bleeding but there was nothing serious in it." He was still not satisfied but knew this is the best she could do.

"Sit in the car." He said but she knew better, that it was clearly an order. The moment she turned to go towards the car. His face changed. His skin turned red with black burn marks, two small horns on his head and his eyes turned into fire. Blazing flames of hell. He opened his mouth and left a smoke and there left nothing but just ashes.

Thank you, Radha, Ekta, Diya, Anshul, Nikki, Dheeraj, LAKSHMI_Mirampalli, Nabbeenam Dilip tharani, Temmysarah and aizacon for your precious votes.

[Hey guys, I wish you like reading my novel. I have a request here. Please comment or write a review of my novel by giving me a bit of your precious time. And if possible, please vote for me. I have participated in a contest and your votes can make me win. Thank you.]