You abandoned me

Then he blinked his eyes and his face turned like before completely normal and perfect, eyes green and skin fair with his long black hairs. turned back ready to move in the car. After sitting in the car the girl looked out of the window to see him coming. His eyes were back to normal green with no more blazing fire. She looked behind him but there was nothing.

"Where did they go?" She asked him once he has taken his seat. Although she is still afraid of what happened a while ago and the way he looked, but she realised that everything he did was for her.

And his anger towards them was because they tried to hurt her. It made her feel good. And to tell you the fact she enjoyed the way she thrashed them. It made her felt confident and she is not the least bit sorry if there remained any scar.

They deserve that, in future, every girl will be wary of them due to the heel marks on their faces. She felt proud of it. And with that she smiled brightly, throwing her fear out of the window.

He was amused to find the chirping angel back. He had thought that she would be cowering in fear as she was very afraid there just a while ago he has smelt the fear oozing out of her skin and now look at her. Beaming and all. Still looking out of the window trying to find the men who have long turned into ashes.

'Would she be frightened again, if he told her that he burned then in the fire of hell? Even their souls are long gone. Naah, it would be too much for her angelic heart.

"I burned them" he replied with a grave face. And as he thought her eyes turned big enough to cover her whole face. Like a scared rabbit, she was ready to run away at the slightest moment. He flicked her forehead and she glared. Forgetting that she was scared just a moment ago.

He laughed "what with that sending daggers weren't you afraid of me a moment ago?" He asked seriously he couldn't understand her twisted mind. She just couldn't stop scowling at him even when she is scared to death.

"Who said I am afraid of you?" She asked folding her hands on her chest and raising her chin up. Looking straight into his eyes. He looked back ready to intimidate her but she didn't back away.

In fact like a fool, she starting and touching his eyes like she did when they met for the first time. Did she think she can find the fire if she looked close? For fucking sake it's his eyes, not storage bag where you can find hidden things. 'She really is twisted' he affirmed.

"What are you doing?" He asked holding her hand who was about to pluck his eyelashes literally to peep into the internal part of his eyes. "These are my eyes, not the cabinet where you are trying to find things." With that, he glared at her but she just smiled sheepishly.

Taking her hands back, she smoothened his jacket although there was not a single crease. And coughed. "I was just looking at your beautiful eyes." She lied and instantly her ears turned red, a sign every angel have when they lie blatantly.

It was made by their father to catch them red-handed. Often this trait can be found in innocent people too. As they say, they gave an angelically heart. He just scoffed at her lie and started the car.

Once again she looked out trying to find the traces of the men who touched her. This thought instantly annoyed him again. And if that was not enough his question only added fuel to his fire. "Tell me honestly, where did they go?"

'Didn't I just do that!' He mused and sneered 'as an angel you are lying blatantly and asking a demon to be honest with you.' What an irony.

"How would I know?" He questioned " I just gave them a warning and came back. Maybe they ran away like before." He said driving at a fast speed. He needed to feel the cool air against this skin to soothe his burning. Because the girl sitting is only flaring it.

Although sceptical, she searched his face for a long time but in the end, she nodded as this is the only deduction she could also make. "Did I do a good job?" She asked with an expectant look.

He scoffed and said, "yes, a very good job indeed in getting yourself kidnapped again." He mocked her. At which her brightening face instantly turned black and she scowled.

Looking out of the window with a pout she added: "it's all your mistake." "Aww" And then to increase the effect she stomped her feet but she forgot she don't have her heels. She rubbed her soles and then glared at him.

"What now, did I ask you to stomp your feet like a kid? Wow, now you are even showing your teeth. Are you a vampire or something? Stop widening your eyes it will pop out soon enough if this continued." She just closed her eyes and moved her face to the other side while shaking his head, he just chuckled. he thought she wouldn't talk to him anymore and drove the car.

But just when they reached and she exited the car. Turning her body to the other side she whispered "you abandoned me" she said it in such a low voice being sure that he wouldn't listen but he did. He did it anyway. Thanks to this fucking strong senses.

Thank you, Radha, Diya, LAKSHMI_Mirampalli, Nabbeenam, Ehi_Pretty and aizacon for your precious votes.

[Hey guys, I wish you like reading my novel. I have a request here. Please comment or write a review of my novel by giving me a bit of your precious time. And if possible, please vote for me. I have participated in a contest and your votes can make me win. Thank you.]