Leaving her 2

After a while, she stood up and went home, home! How easily started calling this place as her home. Only days ago, she was scared to enter here thinking it was a trap like some sex racket or human trafficking. How afraid was she, now her thoughts sound so silly.

She has lost her hopes to have a place she could call home. But this place has given her that warmth. The feeling of belongingness. So what if he doesn't love her, she would make sure he will do that.

Satisfied with her thoughts, she went into the room and took a hot shower, soaking herself in the bathtub. Today was a long day and a very long night. It's already 3 in the morning. When her muscles relaxed she came out and folded the dress gently. Touching the corners of the dress. She smiled, no matter how the function was the time she spent in the car with Asbeel was precious. Although he jerked her when she confessed. But was his words less than any confession? Why would he protect her if he doesn't love her? There was so much anger in his eyes when he was with those men.

His face flashed in front of her eyes and she recalled his eyes. Why do his eyes change colour like that? She thought she had mistaken when she saw his golden in the club when they met for the first time.

But last night she was sure there was a blazing fire in his eyes. Not only she, but even those men had also been the fire in his eyes. But is it possible? She wanted to search online. But she didn't have a phone and only the computer system in this house was in The study room of Asbeel where no one can go without his permission. She would ask him tomorrow. She nodded at her decision.

She laid on the bed in an attempt to sleep, but sleep just doesn't want to let her go into the dreamland. She tossed and turned but nothing worked. Whenever she closed her eyes she hears his voice, his words rang into her ears like music.

"Can't you see in my eyes angel? What you are to me. Tell me how could you blame me for abandoning you when I broke all the laws for you. Just to keep you here. To keep you safe. How could you angel?"

His words have so much depth and pain. His voice was so sincere when he said that. How is this not a confession? If this is not love, then what it is? Her "I love you" is nothing in front of his words that he told her

Yes, he loves her and he just didn't know. I will make him realise that he loves me too. She smiled at her own thoughts. God knows when she drifted to sleep smiling at her thoughts. She was sure he was there even in her dreams

After stretching she looked at the watch and her eyes widened it was already noon. She stumbled out of her bed. And ran out. It is way past his breakfast and lunchtime. Was he here. Or already gone.

Maybe he even woke up late as he would have been tired. He also got scars because of an accident. Maybe he won't even go out then. She gave her all types of excuses when she ran on the stairs.

But the house was silent, no one could be seen. Not that they both create a sound. Hmmm, they would be here. She went to the kitchen, dining room, music room, fitness centre, but no one was there.

She turned fanatic and her speed increased, her legs urgent but the more she looked the more desolate she found the house. She ran to his bedroom but there was no one there.

Every nook and corner was checked but she found no one. An ominous feeling dreads to her heart. Right now even that stoic butler will do. But please god, please tell me that what I am thinking is wrong.

She sat near the gate for a while hoping that it would open any time but it's been hours. Even if Asbeel went to work Lucas should have returned. He never leaves the house unattended. Then where is he?

She didn't even realise when her tears starting pouring out of her eyes. She put her head on her knees and hide her face from her hands. Time passed and without even realizing she fell into slumber.

When she woke up again, it was already night but still, no one was there. She stood up from the door and went back to the. Kitchen. Did he just leave because she confessed? No other reason seems to fit here.

But he could have told her so. It was his house, and if anyone needed to go. It should be her. She was already planning to leave anyway before he said all those words. Then what just happened she pulled her hairs in frustration and opened the fridge to drink some water.

Calming her nerves, she decided to think rationally. Why would he just leave the house over night with the caretaker? Shouldn't a normal person ask the guest to leave? But when have Asbeel been normal. She smiled recalling her encounters with him.

Maybe he has gone on a business trip. Yes, that could also be possible. And who knows that stoic butter follows him everywhere. That's why he is also gone. She nodded at her new theory. She just have to patiently wait here.

Thank you, Radha,Nabina_Maharjan , Lucky27_m, and aizacon for your precious votes. And those who stopped voting please do comment and tell me what went wrong.

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