His weakness.

She came back to her room to lay down for a while. there she saw a note, it must be there since morning but she must have missed it because she ran out to meet him. she picked up the note which said, "goodbye little angel. take care of the ring."

that's it! she scrunched her brows. what does this goodbye mean? and for how many days are you gone. she had so many questions but not a single answer. she took a deep sigh to calm herself. I will not lose this easily ASbeel. I will wait for you even if it takes my whole life.

since she has to wait, she has to be that strong angel he wants her to be. she wiped her tears and went to the kitchen. humming a song she started cooking. she opened the wine bottle she hardly drinks and played music. as if celebrating the moment. she did her best to smile and enjoy her lonely dinner. "oh Asbeel, I wish you would have at least danced with me once. so that I could close my eyes and relive that moment.

She let the music flow just like her tears looking at the sky which was dark without moon, just like her life. How much time has passed, she opened her eyes and looked at the blazing sun who is trying to warm up her cold heart.

She mocked herself at this thought and stretched herself. All night she was looking at the stars and didn't even realise when she slept. She woke up on the chair and stood up to look around. The house was empty just like last night, but she was calm than before.


Asbeel came to his room and slammed the door shut, he was flaring, it has been a century that he has been this angry. His face has turned completely red as it was burned in hell.

The suit burned with skin erupting flares and his eyes vac to their golden colour. He slammed his hand on the mirror breaking it into millions. He shouted a loud howl gut-wrenching and slumped on the bed.

Everything was going just right then what had just happened. How had he been changed? Wasn't he waiting for her to confess, then why the hell it hurt him this much.

When he first saw her. He knew what he wanted. But now when he accomplished then why is he sad.

He brought her here to taint her to make her a sinner. He had lure uncountable humans to do sins, fraud, sex, lies and much more. He wanted to taint her as it would be the first time an angel will be tainted by a demon.

He brought her here to beg him to bed her as other humans do. He was sure she would do that. No one can resist his charms. Then she would lie, feel jealous, and do other things her God didn't approve of.

He would have taken the benefit of the fact that she didn't know who she is and then, he would have destroyed the purity in her. The innocence of which the one sitting in heaven is proud of.

And she gave it, she gave herself to him today. They why did he jerk her back. Why has he left her there alone? Alone?

He teleported himself in the nearby room. As he had thought she wasn't there. He left his body in the room and went where she was. Still in the seat of that car. She was lying looking at the stars. Her face has so many emotions to follow. He could see love, pain, happiness, loneliness and abandonment.

Yet her face looks so peaceful. If only he could touch her back to take her in his arms. And tell her what he really is and how meals are they apart. How could they belong to each other heart? He stood there in front of her yet she wasn't able to see.

She passed through her into the house. Yet he didn't move as he could feel the air stir. He clenched his fist and growled which surrounded the whole vicinity. Lucas who was standing behind him fell to his knees.

The veil of air disappeared and there stood many, to bring only him there was a complete army. " sataniel has asked for your presence lord" They said kneeling in front of him.

He mockingly laughed at the word lord. "I am not coming back" he announced and was ready to go back when the head spoke.

"My lord, the law of heaven and hell has been broken. Your presence is unavoidable." And with that each f them stood gripping their weapons. They are here to bring him at any cost. No matter even they all had to die.

He was about to retort when the voice was heard clear and loud. "Either you will come back now, or I will be there I'm your house to see the girl you are trying to protect."

He knew the words were not a mere threat but plain truth. He would come and take the girl with him. He hated to be ordered much less threatens but she has become his weakness now. He snarled at them. I will be there on my own. I don't need a bunch of monkeys to follow me.

But instead of being angry and fight. The mem bowed again and nodded. They turned and left, leaving the whole place again desolate. He looked at Lucas who nodded his head and with that, he disappeared in the thin air.

Thank you, Radha, lucky_27m for your votes. I will release 3 chapters today. But I won't release on Monday.

[Hey guys, I wish you like reading my novel. I have a request here. Please comment or write a review of my novel by giving me a bit of your precious time. And if possible, please vote for me. I have participated in a contest and your votes can make me win. Thank you.]