Back to the hell

He reached into girl room, she was asleep now, running a hand in her hairs he said, "look little angel what have you done. They forced me to do things now in your name. When you will wake up I will be gone.

Will you miss me, little angel, will you try to find me. Don't try because I won't be here. He kissed her luscious lips, her face was glowing in the moonlight coming from the balcony. Some take off the ring, it will protect you and inform me once you will be im danger.

I hope you stay happy and forget me, little angel. Goodbye. He chanted a spell and his nail grew like a knife sharp and fine. He tears his skin of the palm and the blood flew like a snake.

It covered the whole house in small web-like threads and the whole surrounding turned bloody red. But within moments it disappeared again, turning everything back to normal.

When he came out, Lucas was standing there back in his black cloak which is torn. His skin is long gone turning him into nothing but a skeleton. His eyes were hollow and so as his face. Reaper turned him from the human form he had faked.

He moved his hands in a circle and passed it and the next moment they were walking in hell. Lucas didn't follow him instead he went to the river of death to see his fellows.

He went to the palace of Sataniel the second on the command of hell and his king. He went and bowed his head a bit just as a courteous but the other didn't care.

He looked at the man standing in front of him, his a large muscular man with a white complexion with extremely fine features, he has green-blue eyes, his long blond hair descends to the shin with a braid, he is immeasurably beautiful, close to that of Lucifer. He has twelve white wings, behind his back, like his big brother Lucifer.

He is wearing leather pants, boots, and a top that resembles a leather trenchcoat. He had his signature smile on his face, making people think he is a benevolent king. When he saw Asbeel he smiled. Like he is happy to see him.

He showed his hand towards the throne near him. Asbeel wants to deny but forced a smile and sat, as he thought the chair was made of lava burning his body. The moment he sat, the chain of spike shackled him with the throne.

Yet they both have the same smile followed like there was nothing wrong. Both looked at each other waiting for others to break the silence. No one on a hurry. But times keep om passing as no one said anything.

At last, it was Asbeel who spoke, " I thought I was given the vacation of as many centuries I want." He said raising an eyebrow. His body continued to burn with the lava of hell. His bones could be seen, from the stomach to feet, yet the upper part is still intact. But he didn't even flinch like he has been enjoying the mood.

"Of course you were given the time you demanded. That's why you were there. Weren't you." He replied with a kind smile. Like he is talking to a naughty child.

"Then why am I summoned here like a criminal. You even sent your personal army to capture me. Who am I a spy? He said a bit loid this time.

But the other just shrugged. "You were given a holiday because it's the first you have asked for it. Since you have been here as a devil. you fulfilled every task given to you. And even Azazel has always praised you."

His voice turned grave a bit of anger and disappointment flashed In his eyes

"but it doesn't mean that you can do what you want. The law of heaven and hell is older than you and me. And we are not going to have a war just because of a pathetic human."

When the other didn't speak he continued. "You were one of my precious gems. Although angry always in control. You flare up often but never enough to kill humans sandwich less showing them what you are. Even if they see, you make sure no one ever remember and if they dom they would not live anymore.

But here you are turning to a party in front of many people showing stunts like a circus man. Breaking the floor and creating dents. Burning people to ashes in front of a girl who is still very much alive.

She even dares to live in your house. That house is not normal yet you brought her there and even now she is sitting there and gazing stars. Who is she the fucking owner of the house?

How could you be so irresponsible Asbeel? I have never expected this from you. You knew that God and Lucifer have decided together than him and doesn't need to know.

Believing in us as a myth or through books is a much different thing than showing them you live between them. If the chaos broke on earth, they will wage a war on us.

And I don't want war for a foolish girl whom you want to tell truth. Tell me what happened. What the hell were you fucking thinking. Is all this a joke to you? Is a war bloody joke to you. Who the hell will bear its consequences. And who the hell that girl is Abeel"

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[Hey guys, I wish you are enjoying the novel. Then next arc is part of Asbeel history. But it is completely fantasy if you are here only for romance you can skip to chapter no. 56, "the fallen angel" but do continue to give support to Angela. Thank you.]