His punishment

The more he spoke, his anger rose. He was breathing fire and snakes were hissing around him. "Kill her, get your punishment and I will forget all that happened with a warning or else you have to serve your punishment. But I know you are not a fool to choose the latter for a mere human"

Sataniel continued snarling at him but he has a smile on his face. Much to his relief they still think that the girl is a human, not an angel he is hiding at his home. That means she is safe there. Now he only has to serve his punishment and then he can go back to her.

"Do you think I am afraid of this? "He looked down at his melting body "or with any of your punishment. What have you taken me as? You know me so many centuries yet you think threatening works on me, my Lord?" He added my lord with so much sarcasm but the other just smiled.

"I assume from your words that you are choosing punishment rather than killing the girl. Interesting, since this is your decision there is nothing to discuss any more." He replied still with a smile but his face turning cold.

But Asbeel ignored his expression and stood up and the shackles which were looking strong enough to hold him in a deathly grip and melting its body. They broke like a thread and turned into dust.

Then, he stood up, the skeleton left on his body started gaining muscles and fat back. I was gore to see the body forming back but within a minute it turned as it was before. But instead of going back, he stood there waiting.

Sataniel stood from his seat and the both went to a big hall the layer of lava was working as a wall. And the place is bright red because of all the lava and blood splattered around, candles were used to lighten the place.

Still, the place has only dim lights, many were sitting there in their original form, but a few were still like Sataniel and Asbeel in their human form

They turned to them and then bowed, "my lord, welcome. Are you hare with new recruits?" The man named Roughus spoke when a girl sauntered towards them and put her arms around Asbeel and inclined him towards her lips.

She gave him a deep kiss pushing his whole body against hers. He held her bareback in his arms and reciprocated with the same passion. But instead of getting angry few ignored and continued what they were doing while Sataniel just smirked.

Her hands going under his shirt and the grip of his arms increased. She moaned and wrapped her legs on his waist digging her nails in his back. She continued the kiss, their tongues flowing smoothly as they are meant to be.

A moment later the cloth was ripped and his shirt turned into shreds going down the floor. But before they could continue Sataniel raised his hand and the next mommet the shirt was back to its place and they both were separated with an invisible wall.

The black-haired and homey eyed girl glared at the man who stopped them and folded her hands on her chest, accentuating her cleavage out of her low cut black dress.

Her voluptuous body was keeping every eye on her. Stomping her feet in impatience she continued glaring at the man waiting for his explanation. Her leg coming out of her slit, making her long legs seen.

She was a seductress, she can make any man his just with a look. Her honeyed eyes turning more golden just like Asbeel.

"We are here for work Meg, there is all the time of the world for you to bed him," he said amused that she didn't stop glaring at him as she used to in the past.

"I would have trust you if you hadn't given him the freedom of living on earth. While I am here working with this minions over foolish things." She snapped with fire coming out of her mouth with the last word.

But Sataniel was not the least bit affected by his anger, "stop your tantrums, Meg, if everyone leaves the hell and enjoy the luxuries of earth. How are we going to work here?

Can't you see how much work has increased? There was a time humans need to get lured to do sins. But now they are just born to do it. Heaven is almost getting empty. While our slots are filled almost a hundred times more.

But I have good news for you. I got a request of a leader to train new demons in torturing the souls. And our dear Asbeel has volunteered. So he is going to stay here. Until they were trained.

And he will also help in finding a few strong souls who can bear hellfire. So that we can turn them into new demons. So you are going to have enough time with him." He said with his signature kind smile on his face.

And this time it was Asbeel's turn to snarl at him. His eyes turned to fire and he was about to snap when he whispered in his ears, "well if you don't want to do it. You can always choose my first option and go out just now"

With that he smirked, he knew it is the most mundane task to teach demons work and mostly done by low levels demon. 'Well, that's the concept of punishment. Isn't it." Even Meg was surprised with the announcement and she knew there would be some inside story. But she is too happy to care. She beamed and nodded and instantly continued her work.

[I have good news, I was contacted for the book to get a contract. I am thankful to all those who voted, commented and reviewed my book. I hope you will support me in the future also.]

[Hey guys, I wish you like reading my novel. I have a request here. Please comment or write a review of my novel by giving me a bit of your precious time. And if possible, please vote for me. Thank you.]