The girl in his arms

"Damn it, how could you be such a fool!" Shouted Asbeel with frustration. "Have you chosen all the fool to be trained this time or have you specially defined them just to torture me. They don't even understand the difference of auras in the soul"

He said crushing the stone table with a punch. He glared at the man who was laying in the mid-air, yes, literally floating in the air Azazel.

"Hey, why are you shouting at me, I wasn't the one who punished you alright. I came here just to meet you. My daughter was shouting at the top of her lungs when you left the hell suddenly. Now, look at her how diligently she is working." He replied with a smile and pointed at Meg who was looking at their direction again and again

"You know very well, I will not get bound to her. Then why don't you Stop her." He asked eyeing the floating demon.

The man gave him an amused smile, "have you finally lost it Asbeel. We are demons, not humans or angels. Some of us were, but not anymore. We live through carnal desires, through pure lust. We don't feel love.

We know possession. When I was married to Meg's mother, I have slept with others also. And she knew it very well. Even Meg is aware of all your affairs but she doesn't care as long as you are with him."

'He wanted to say I am not with her,' but he kept his mouth shut. The one floating demon was like his mentor. And he has work to do. He wants to finish this as soon as possible. It's already been three months since he came here.

"What the hell are you doing that is the list of traitors, not resentment. Those who are traitors will be frozen on the lake till neck.

those who were always shouting and yelling others will be hit by the rocks so that they could feel the hurt others felt. Man such a foolish bunch of demons." With that, he raised his hand and burned them to death.

"This is the tenth batch you burned Asbeel. Didn't Satan tell you we are lacking workers? What do you think it's the earth? That you put advertisement and hundreds of people come running like worms." Shouted Meg looking at the ashes on the ground.

He stood up from his seat and held her hand and pulled her towards him. She fell on his chest and just when she looked above, he held her throat tightly." Never, means never ever interfere in my decision. Got it."

But the girl just smirked and held his hand and make herself free. Then she smirked and crashes her lips into his. And when he responded closing his eyes, she grew her nails like knives and dig them into his back drawing a stream of blood with a smirk.

Braking the kiss, She licked his ears and whispered, "you have become weak Asbeel, I am the queen here now." With that, she sucked and licked his ears. His hands holding her back turned into fire and her back caught fire.

But she continued to suck his ears, neck and Adam apple. Even when her skin melted and her muscles and nerves could be seen. But then her body changed its colour and she turned in a dark shade of green. Her skin hard like dragon scales and her eyes turned purple.

The fire extinguished automatically. She separated herself from his arms and sneered "You love this human skin too much, I am happy with my real body though" but just when she thought she had won and was about to go back, he slammed her on the table and then the rain of worms started.

She knew it wouldn't affect her a bit but she hated worm rain the most and his smirk told her that he knew it very well. He came close but not enough for worms to touch him like they knew his presence and left the way for him to walk.

"The plan was never to hurt you, baby. It was to show you that we can't bear everyone wrath. Stay where you are Meg, don't meddle. And the demons you are talking about don't even know about the twenty-eight punishments of hell. Find better one or I will burn all of them"

She laughed at his declaration. Worms still falling over her body, sticking to her skin, crawling over her body which has turned back into her human form again forcefully.

"Wouldn't it better for me, if you will burn them you have to find the new one and then train them. It would keep you here with me. And that's what I want"

Asbeel hate to accept it, but she was right. If he would continue to kill the demons. It would take him forever to train a whole army. And to complete his punishment. All this is because of SATANIEL. he looked at the girl smirking there and fell like he should burn her.

She looked at the worms and yet she smiled. she sauntered towards him but he just vanished.

She looked around but he was nowhere to be seen. She stomped her feet in annoyance and teleported herself to her father. Azazel laughed looking at the condition of her daughter covered with worms.

She was having a worm rain over her head. While all the other places were clean like before. The worms just vanish from there when she moves forward. And the whole hell knew that she hated the worm rain most.

[Do tell me about how it feels the version of my designed hell. And if you have any ideas about tortures or things to be added there. Do tell me I will love to add them.

I didn't update yesterday, because my son's vaccination was due. And he became a bit cranky and don't leave my side. Sorry. But Thanks to Nabina_Maharjan, Temmysarah, Lucky27_m, Radha Gupta, Diya, Ekta, Dheeraj, and Ansul, who still voted without an update. Love you all]