The negligients

Following the path of the fire, he crossed the Cocytus (river of lamentation) to meet the demon, who has forced him here.

There he is sitting on his throne, like a king he is. He didn't react when he entered, but he knew that his senses are sharp to know his presence.

"I need to talk to you." Said Asbeel without beating around the bush. But the man laughed, his laughter reverberated in the room.

"Who are you now Asbeel, a mere human manager who needs the permissions to even talk. You sure belong there now." He replied in the cold tone as was her laugh.

" I was there just for a week" he retorted back

"See. You even are measuring the time like them. It has been a month Asbeel, it was a month in hell." His attitude was nonchalant but the man standing around him felt goosebumps.

Looking at the man silently standing there, he laughed again. "So, have you finally decided to choose the easy way." He asked changing the topic.

"You sent me the fools that have taken bath in LETHE intentionally." He snapped.

But the other just smirked, "and," just one word was enough that the man is going all out.

"They can't be trained. No matter how much I spent, the water in their nerves will never let them learn anything. They have been part of the river of forgetfulness damn it.

But the other just laughed. " then we can do one thing, why not you make your own demons."

"You know a hundred years of torture is needed to make new demons" does he want him to continue this menial work for more than a century.

"Oh, so you know that it took us a century to craft e a batch of demons. Yet you burned ten batches. Say how much time should I increase then, ten centuries." He asked raising a brow.

"I have a better option," he said betting all he has left on his last solution.

"And what is that?" He asked lazily as he is already bored with this discussion.

"I want to use negligent soul for training them to work," he said knowing what the result could be and it happened.

The man was lazily sitting om the throne enjoying the blood in his glass. Stood up and all the volcanoes around burst out erupting lava. The fire was in the air and smoke covered the whole place. Lava covering the whole land.

All the demons around flinched and kneeled instantly without caring that lava would burn them. As it is not any normal lava, but the one created by the wrath of Shataniel.

They hissed in pain and it increased the power of lava as if it has his own life and he could hear the painful cries. Could enjoy it. Burning them to their core.

But Asbeel was standing there without caring the lava, that could hurt him, he has a mission to complete, and he would do it at any cost.

"Have you finally lost your mind Asbeel, it has taken me centuries to prepare you and now? Don't forget we are your creator or do you want to go and talk to Lucifer now" he shouted, gone was his calm and lazy attitude.

With each passing second, the flow of lava increasing. Now only the two of them left there. All the demons who were serving him a moment ago melted in the lava. Increasing its strength.

"Demons are the result of human souls going to Hell and being tortured until no humanity is left in them, thus turning into demons - dark, malicious spirits that revel in pain, chaos, and death." He spat out.

"I know that Sataniel but could you listen to me once." He said calmly. He knew his opinion was new but it wasn't that possible.

"Negligents are the only one who lives here with a soul. They are not even needed here. They are just capturing a good amount of area. And doing nothing but chat for an eternity.

Like it is some kind of campfire party. Their laughing made my head burn. How they enjoy even im hell. I can't even curse them to rot in hell as they are already here rotting yet enjoying.

They are the result of unfair and ridiculous rules of the creator of humans to show how disciplined but fair he is. They are not criminals, they are just humans.

They are ones who never did sins knowingly. Like killing of ants or insects due to their walking Or eating of meat as that is the only food available there.

Still God sent them to hell. As they are not innocent souls" he mocked the God for his doings.

"I know, but since they are here, then why can't we use them. We can force them to work for us. It will solve our problem as they have not taken bath in the five rivers of hell. They have good mind to work with." He said clearing his point of view.

"No.. But before he could continue Asbeel put a hand on his shoulder.

" don't reply in a hurry, think about it. After all we have all the time here." He said and without waiting for a reply he walked out.

Looking at the home Asbeel, Sataniel shook his head and then went to sit at his throne.

He forwarded a hand in the air but nothing happened. He looked around but there was no one. Then his gaze went down at the burning lava flowing and at the melted demons who's corrupt soul was flowing im the air in smoke form.

He tsked, "what a waste." And then closed his eyes and vanished.

[Thank you techy_A, Anshul, diya, dilip Tharani, Aizacon, licky27_m, for your votes. Our book slipped to 30th position in New release. Please do vote. If your votes bring it back in top 15. I will give mass release. Thank you]