A new life

In a cafe

"One expresso and a cheesecake."

"Angela one cheese sandwich for me too"

"My regular coffee and pancakes."

The customers were giving orders to a smiling girl wearing a waitress uniform with a ponytail. A pen and notepad in her hands and a pen tucked under the band of her ponytail. "Right away sir and ma'am, anything else Mr Hawkins? alright, sir." She replied and went to the counter.

"Hey Adam, one expresso and cheesecake. One cheese sandwich and Mr Hawkins regular coffee with his favourite banana pancakes."

The man had a dreamy look and having a hard listening to what the girl was speaking when his colleague elbowed him. And he blinked and coughed. Alright, give me the note so that I can see while plating.

The girl looked confused yet Handed him the note. 'Didn't she just told him. And it was only three orders' she waited there smiling at others and waving back who waved at her.

Adam plated the orders while peeking at the smiling girl again and again. He handed her two trays containing orders and smiled which she returned graciously.

Going back to serve the orders. She smiled and handed them their plates while the boy still looked at her lost.

"Man, the boss will throw you out if you didn't work. Why don't you just ask her out? Starting her all day looks rather creepy." Said the same colleague who had elbowed him a bit ago.

Adam sighed, it's not that he didn't want to. It's just no matter how much he prepares. He just loses his courage in front of her. Just like a deflated balloon, all the words left his body. Many times he was so lost that he didn't even hear what she is speaking of.

His friend shook his head and continued his work. When he couldn't see her anymore he also went back to his work.

Time flew by, and it was already evening when everyone started going out. Angela also went to change her clothes, wearing a simple yellow t-shirt and blue jeans with the same ponytail. She came out only to see Ray and Adam standing at the gate.

"Hey Angela," said Ray looking at the girl coming towards them.

"Hey Ray, hi Adam." She wished back smiling. "Why are you still here."

"Oh, actually Adam want to ask you if he can drop you home." Replied Ray smiling at Angela and elbowing Adam.

"Huh, bit don't you share bike for work. How will I fit" she asked furrowing her brows confusedly?

"Oh, I am going out with my friends today. So Adam is kind of free. Right Adam" he asked putting his foot om the man since elbowing is not working anymore.

"Awwwww, I mean wow. I mean yeah. I mean am free today. So, I.... I can drop you home." He replied stammering.

While Angela looked at him with a confused expression on his weird way of talking Ray just shook his head. His friend is a gone case now. If Angela didn't become his girlfriend he was sure he has to send him to the mental hospital.

"Oh, thanks but I wasn't going home." Said the girl apologetically with a smile.

"Huh" Adam looked at his watch. It was 7 pm. Sure it wasn't late. But this area is not a good one for an alone girl. "Then Where are you going?

" I am going to the wet market and convenience store. My grocery is finished and I didn't get time in the morning." She lied. She didn't need anything as each week a man come home and deliver a lot of groceries and other food supplements which can be used for a month.

She had told him it much more than she could use but he just didn't listen. Another Lucas she must say. Why all the man around Asbeel didn't listen to others. Just like a robot listening only to their master.

So she could even sell them if needed. But she can't let them drop her home. The area where she lived and the penthouse was not something people like them could afford.

If people will know that she lived there. They will look at her differently. Some will think that she is a rich heiress playing around. Some will think she is just lying about the house. But she was most afraid of the people who would think she is someone's mistress. Oh, Asbeel what have you done.

She came out of the stupor when Adam tapped her shoulder, "huh?"

"Uh, we were asking it's too late why don't I company you there, then later I will also drop you home. I mean how will you carry all those bags alone. "He replied scratching the back of his neck in a nervous manner.

" Oh. My friend is going to join me at the bus stand. It will look awkward if I go with you on the bike and she will come om bus. When I was the one who invited her to go grocery shopping." 'Please don't ask more questions. I have already made all the excuses I had. '

The man eyed each other. They have not another way to motivate the girl to go with them. Adams's face was so downcast. It was already touching the floor and his eyes were like an abandoned puppy.

Ray looked at his friend and then at the girl. He sighed and added, "then how about having a barbecue this weekend. It's my birthday Angela so please don't say no."

He lied, afraid that the girl will again make any excuse or worse deny blatantly. The girl looking reluctant but at the end smiled and nodded. "Sure I will love to come with you guys."

Finally, there was a smile on the face of an abandoned puppy. "Ok then, see you tomorrow" and they both then nodded wished good night and went their way.

The girl also nodded and waved back. " I wish you were there when I open the door today Asbeel" the girl whispered looking at the setting sun in the sky.