A glimpse of her

"It's been a month today and you are nowhere. I will wait a month more. But if you still didn't come I will leave the house then" taking her chain out from her t-shirt, in which the red pearl ring was hidden. She was talking to the ring as if of was the owner.

"It had become her customary habit to sit in the balcony each evening after work and talk to the ring while looking at the stars.

She brought a guitar from the music room and was playing the tune of the song.

Humming with the music in her nightgown while her hairs were flowing in the air scattering all around. A forlorn look on her face. Gone was the smile she was spreading the whole day in the cafe.

This was the scene Asbeel saw when he glanced into the memory of reaper of the time he was on earth.

A complicated feeling rose to his heart. He was happy to see her back but the forlorn look on her face was burning his body. Why only her eyes have that much impact on his heart and mind.

He laughed at how clingy he was trying to be with an enemy. The one who doesn't even know that he is a foe.

He looked at the kneeling reaper and nodded. " good work Lucas. Have things been supplied to her "

The reaper nodded.

"Did anyone know you went there." although he was sure Lucas was a meticulous reaper, but confirming is important as the matter is very grave.

The reaper shook his head and he smiled with a nod.

"Good then, whenever you get a chance do it again." He replied sitting back on the throne.

"My lord, but it could bring suspicions" 'going once was risky enough, if he goes back, again and again, they would surely notice he is up to something.

"I know, don't go every time. Just try whenever it is possible. It's just a matter of 4-5 more months. And then we will be back to earth." He said dismissing him.

"Since it's an order, I am obliged, my lord." He replied and vanished.

"Who is going back to earth?" Asked Meg coming towards his direction.

"Of course it's me. As you can't go there anymore." Mocked Asbeel.

"Huh, you are also getting punishment here, don't forget that." She snarled

"Oh but I want dancing my butt there." He said twirling her and she growled.

He laughed and asked, "so how was the experience of being a model there."

"Don't you dare to make fun of me Asbeel. Lucifer is too stringent about humans authority." She warned him.

"I am not making fun of you. But I heard that you even had an affair with a CEO there. Then what actually went wrong?" He asked putting his hands on her shoulder.

"Well, Father went for a task and I followed him there. There is met a sexy human. He runs an entertainment company there. He was smitten by me at the first sight.

And I thought I would be fun. When he offered me a modelling contract I accepted. We used to have wild parties and drinks and sex. It was such a great time.

Then I started walking on the ramp walk, it feels dazzling how they look at me with Awe

Those humans were completely bewitched by my beauty. And they just kept looking. Ah, I was having fun for my life. But then I signed a movie and they started ordering me on set.

You know to move here, do that. And all those bitches try to insult me as they were jealous of me. Pathetic humans, they just can't bear that any other human is better than them.

That's when Lucifer peaked in my life when a veteran was bossing me around. He was so furious he ordered me to come back here right now. I wanted to see the man one last time. Maybe for the last kiss or you know a goodbye sleepover." She winked at him "but he just sucked me back here that instant. And I am banned to go back on earth since then."

"And here I thought you love me," he said shaking his head with fake disappointment.

She rolled her eyes and kicked his stomach with her elbow. "Stop being dramatic. He was just cute. He used to propose to me. He even bought a ring for that." She laughed a mocking smile on her face. "All because of this face" she started pointing at her face "but once he would see this. He would surely run for his life and feel disgusted with me." She replied changing into her real form.

Her whole body turned green with small spices over her shoulders and eyes slit golden. Asbeel ran a hand on her cheek

"How do you know, have you shown him what you really are." He stated in a serious tone.

But she only laughed. cold chilly laughter that even shakes your bones. "Those humans only love your body. They are jealous creatures, who are rotten to the core with pride. They think they are the best, supreme beings. They didn't even bat an eye while killing their family. And they are to call us demons."

"What we do here is just punishing them for their own crimes. A judgement it is. They are far more worse than us. What we do here is work. We never fought in between. Nor do we insult or mock each other. Yet we are here in the hell."

The more she spoke, the anger in her body risen. Her lava erupted and was about to burn around when he said. "I miss the wine though. Few are better then us"

She laughed at his gesture. "Oh, I miss the bed though. They soft velvety beddings and here we are sleeping on stones"

"Hey Lucifer used to sleep on clouds. And now look at him he sleeps in the middle of the Phlegethon (river of fire). But you are right a soft bed would have been much better." They both laughed and shared their experience on earth. And she completely forgot about what she had heard from Lucas.