Meeting with Lucifer

Azazel looked at the laughing couple, 'weren't just a week ago, she came running with worm rain given by Asbeel. And now she is having fun with him like nothing ever happened.

"Looks like you are having a blast here" he commented both who were laughing in each other's arms.

"Yeah, your daughter blasted two lavas just a few hours ago. Looks like she wants to bring an earthquake. " he snorted understanding the underlying meaning of his comment.

But Meg just rolled her eyes and replied, "we are going to the segregation room for finding the souls we need"

Azazel raised a brow here. "Are you doubting my skills, daughter?"

"No, I am doubting your intentions here. I can't believe that you can't find the right souls to train as tormentors. You have made an army of best demons to lead the war ages ago. Are you tired or have lost your eyes to not find the right one now." Spat Asbeel. Forgetting all the respect he had for this general of the demons army.

"I don't think I need to explain a smart demon like you that why are you getting that kind of demons." He said with a shrug, not at all offended at others remarks.

"See I have told you. Lucifer outright denies, while Sataniel just plays smart. He won't waste his kindness in punishing you." Smirked Meg finding her hunch correct.

"So Sataniel just made an excuse to punish me, while stopping me from going back. Does he think he can control me?" Announced Asbeel before vanishing from there.

While the father-daughter pair just shook their head. It would be a worth seeing scene, how Asbeel will get his freedom back.

Following the path of the fire, he crossed the Cocytus (river of lamentation) to meet the demon, who has forced him here.

There he is sitting on his throne, like a king he is. He didn't react when he entered, but he knew that his senses are sharp to know his presence like always he started the talk.

"I want to go to segregation room to choose the souls for myself." He demanded.

"What for, aren't you getting enough to barbecue each night." He mocked without opening his eyes.

"Sataniel, you are not letting me have negligent you are not even letting me go to segregation room

Looks like you are hell-bent on stopping here, by letting me not complete my punishment" he barked for the first time raising his voice in from of the commander of hell.

This made demon open his eyes, but he still has that bored look on his face, he yawned at his face further irritating him. And said in a lazy voice, "you think I have nothing else to do then playing tricks on you"

Asbeel snorted, "you are only sitting here on your throne from billions of centuries " 'if you don't have the time to play tricks then who would have.'

"And you think it's easy. It's easy to sit here and control the whole hell and report to Lucifer. You think it is easy when all the humans are coming here.

While angles are sitting there on the clouds playing the flute under the sunshine. and I am working my ass off in this blazing lava and sulphur several feet under the earth.

Where there is neither sun nor moon just the heat and fucking stones." He snarled and said, "if you fucking think that then go and meet Lucifer and let him decide for you.

Rather than fucking Meg day and night and complaint about the luxuries of earth. And what the hell were you discussing with Lucas that you need to use the time-stopping spell.

Time already is so slow here. Do you want to live few more centuries here doing something shady here? I have already told you I am not going to wage a war for a human and demon love story. Go fuck the lady and finish it once and for all."

The way he was speaking it would only take seconds to get the lava burst out. Like last time all his servants were already kneeling as their legs gave away. He didn't come here to fight.

He took a deep sigh., the matter is not going anywhere. Just running in circles and wasting his time. He closed his eyes to calm himself and asked.

"Then tell me why can't I go to segregation room. I will only help Azazel in dividing the souls as per their punishments and torture level. And just try to find the perfect demons of my choice to train them and provide you with a better army. I will also make a few servants for you as a gift". He pleaded the commander of demons.

" hmmm, now your sound is looking better. Fine you can go to segregation room but you have to follow a few conditions

Every soul has to dive in the Lethe (river of forgetfulness). Each soul will get his due punishment based on the law of hell. And you won't meddle in the affairs of demons working there.

And not even a word about use of negligent anymore. I told about it to Lucifer and he was very furious. Don't forget for him you are just like any demon. He would prefer to crush you rather than arguing with you."

He adviced the Demon he has seen growing. Asbeel was always under his shadow. He used to follow him everywhere. Now look at him negotiating with him. He is truly grown up this time.

"Good, then let things be like this. In just a week I will show you the results and one more thing Meg will come with me. We are working together for a while" and with that he nodded his head and vanished.

"Looks like the curse will get broken this time" he shook his head and closed his eyes again while sitting on the throne.


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