Meeting with lucifer

"Well, that was easy. I thought I will finally see some action," said Meg with disappointment.

"Lucifer would call me soon." He added looking at the disappointed demoness.

"Huh, didn't sataniel already gave you authorization. Why does Lucifer interfere then?" Asked the confused Meg

But the demon didn't comment anymore. They moved to the segregation room where all the souls were brought from earth.

They are collected in the corner. Azazel team was sitting there with a report on each on them. It comprises the sins and mistakes they have done.

Then the team would divide souls into groups based on each sin and then all the twenty-eight groups would be sent to collect their retributions.

Some will be burned till eternity while others will be frozen for an immeasurable time.

Few lucky who didn't have any sin on there will be left in a corner to sit idle. Their souls didn't receive any punishment. So it remains intact. They just roam around and talk. They are called negligent.

They went and sat in the centre where souls were settled. He opened his demonic fiery eyes. And looking at the aura of each soul. The auras were from their gained sins, their will power and how much wicked they were.

He took a long time to segregate around 100 souls and then ask the Malik with his 20 hidden guards to punish these souls before others.

A demon couldn't help but ask, " doesn't everyone have their duties distributed why Asbeel is so concerned about making strong demons. "

Azazel who was still looking at the pair smiled and said, " his work was to lure humans towards their lust. But since humans 21 century started. Humans didn't need to be lured anymore

Even small teenagers are filled with it. So he is basically jobless. That's why Sataniel has approved his holidays easily. But who would have that ever so perfect Sataniel's Asbeel will do mistake and even be punished by him? Lucifer wanted to take this in his hands.

But Sataniel denied. He loves Asbeel, after all, he was the one who created this demon. He is his first creation after descending heaven. IIn fact there were rumours that he is also from heaven, a fallen angel but all these are nothing but myths."

"So, I guess you have found your batch." Said Azazel when they moved towards him.

Meg nodded while Asbeel just looked around and then said, "I would not like to be called fallen angel again." It was no surprise for Azazel that Asbeel heard his conversation. He is the prince of hell. Demon of lust.

He has all the powers prince have in their control. He smiled and said, "most of us are from there. We do detest the rules of God but we were part of them, at some time."

"Haa, I wasn't and I would never be." With that, he moved out without waiting for the reply.

When he reached Styx, Lucas was already there waiting for him. He knew the only reason for the grim reaper to be there, he has news from earth.

He strode towards the kneeling reaper and raised a brow. But the reaper was silent, taking a sigh. He moved his hand and a stick came out looking like a crooked nail at one end.

He blew and the cloak of reaper hiding his skull moved down and without giving a chance, he put the nail end inside his skull and closed his eyes.

His soul immediately drifted in the memory the reaper wants to show him.

"Hey Angela here," waved Adam and pointed towards the table where they were sitting.

There were four men and two women already sitting there. Angela noticed Adam and others and nodded. She reached the table with a smile. "Hello everyone. Ryan, happy birthday." She gave him a small packed gift and hugged him.

Adam glared at his friend. Why can't it be his birthday? So that she would have hugged him and that gift would also be his. Ray was amused at Adams jealousy. He has never seen his friend being this petty.

After everyone sat down, Ryan introduced his other friends "Angela this is Vicky, Matthew, Mike, Lily and Daisy. They all worked at this club. " they smiled and shook their hands.

But still, all the men were eying her, in her simple black top and white jeans with a simple messy bun. She was looking out of the place. When everyone was all dressed up wearing dresses.

The girl looked at her with disdain while boys looked at her mesmerized they noticed she hadn't use any makeup like other girls. But still, she was the most beautiful girl in the whole club.

Her big for eyes, that shines brightly when she smiles, and her fair skin, her luscious red lips and her chiselled jawline. Everything was just perfect about her.

Soon the conversation started, they were talking and laughing but other girls are mostly ignored and the concentration was mostly on Angela. Both girls looked at each other with obvious annoyance on their face.

"So Angela what else do you like?"

"How was work at the cafe?"

"Hey, Angela try this it is the best dish here."

Angela was also feeling overwhelmed by all the attention she was getting. If that was not enough girls were glaring at her. To save her from the situation, Adam asked her for dance, she smiled and held his hand.

Walking towards the floor he slipped his hand on her waist, she laughed awkwardly and put her hands on his, trying to free herself from his grip without creating the scene.

But Adam was having none of it. His eyes were on her for a long time. And today when she came, it was his chance. He was fuming with jealousy how others were trying to impress her.

Angela was hers, filled with jealousy he had enough drinks to lose his rationality. And now he is only filled with envy and lust. He wants her that is his chance.

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