New Angela

Angela was fuming now, the way he has held her waist and even trying to rub her skin. Although his hand was not touching her skin but her top. She was still feeling disgusted. The smell of alcohol that's reeking from him, making her feeling nauseated.

She wanted to ask him to take his hand back but they have already reached the dance floor, so she controlled herself. She gave him a perfunctory smile and started dancing.

A slow song with dim lights, perfect for any couple. but they aren't one. So when he put his both arms on her waist now and tried to pull her towards his chest now. she created as much distance as possible in this case.

She put her hands on his shoulder instead of his neck. And even tried to do steps needing a gap. But the man was hell-bent on having his way.

Alcohol is speaking more of him, "Angela hick, I like you from past one month. The day hick you joined the café hick. My eyes are always on you hick. Annnggeellaa I… I will hick keep you happy" his slurried voice near her ears was not at all romantic for her.

Instead of feeling erratic sensation like she feels with Asbeel, her disgust was taking place. ' how could he get drunk in just a few bottles, Asbeel used to drink all the time but never had once he became drunk. He was always in control and never she felt nauseated by his drinking.'

Unconsciously she started imagining him again. She even compared him with Adam. Lost in her thought a subtle smile came on her lips which Adam took as his green signal.

He knew that girls like Angela will definitely fall for his charms. Giving a triumph look. He bravely tried to bring his lips close to hers.

But what welcomed him, was not a kiss as he expected but a tight slap on his face. All the intoxication and tipsiness went out of the window. And he came back to his senses with only one tight slap of hers.

He looked at her with wide eyes. Never had in his dreams has he thought that she would slap him. And even after doing that she was giving him an enchanted smile.

For a second he was confused. Looking at her beautiful smile he wasn't sure anymore that whether she really slapped him or is it all his imagination due to fear of being rejected.

As if understanding his thoughts, she touched where she had slapped him and he felt heated, a light sting on the place where she touched. Now he was sure there will also be a fingerprint mark there.

"No, it's not your dream. I actually slapped you. And if you tried to do anything funny again. Next one will not only be a slap but more. I promise." She replied with the same sweet smile as if she is talking about food or music rather than threatening him.

His anger rose, how could she insult him like this. Who does she think she is! His ego spoke this time and he was about to teach her a lesson when she spun like she is doing a dance step.

Turning back she put her heels on his feet. Immediately getting a grunt from his mouth. "I have told you n, try anything funny and next time you will suffer consequences." She replied again with that same sweet smile.

His body is burning with rage now, her nonchalant and threatening attitude is hurting his pride, he is one of the best looking guys there and girls always fawn on him. He is also from a rich family, he is working there just to prove his family that he could be independent.

He tried to hold her this time but she bends and elbowed him under his legs. This time a cry escaped his mouth. He had enough of this cat and mouse play.

But before he could hold her the girl moved back to the floor taking advantage of his distraction. He ran back behind her, thinking that she would run out of the club.

But she moved towards the table they were sitting before against his expectations. Although confused by her actions. He still followed her, thinking that maybe she had realized her mistake.

She sat there as nothing happened. Taking a sip of her drink, she ate the snacks they have ordered nonchalantly.

Not only, Adam, even others who saw the scene unfolding from her distance were confused by her actions. They didn't know what exactly happened but they did see her slapping him, standing on his feet and even elbowing her there.

Was it their misunderstanding? But looking at Adam it doesn't look like so. Clearing his throat Ray spoke, "did something happen Angela?"

The girl who was enjoying her food looked at Ray and smiled, "Nothing special, just this drunkard scumbag, tried to kiss me forcefully. Ah, but don't worry I had taught him a lesson enough to keep him in check for now"

Her reply made the other two men, who were enjoying their drink choke on it. Cough cough, they coughed furiously . that the girls had to rub their back.

Even Ray and Adam were shocked, they always thought that Angela is a meek and soft-hearted girl. But the way she handled him and replied now was just too unbelievable for them.

Looking at their complicated expression, the girl raised a brow, "what, if it is not enough I can always use my heels on your face to put some more sense into you." Her smile and sweet expressions were just the opposite of her cold and threatening words.