
Everyone who was sitting on the table was dumbfounded with her behaviour. She took the napkin and wiped her mouth elegantly. Only watching her was like watching something elegant. She looked at the statues on the table and laughed.

Her laugh was like a piece of music to their ears. "It was good to come and enjoy it with you here. But it's too late and I need to go back" she said looking at her watch.

To be honest, girls were jealous of her, the way she carries herself and the way all the men on the table were drooling over her. Pretentious bitch! But looking at her dress and watch, they both were a bit reluctant.

The man may not know, but they do. Although her dress was looking simple but they have noticed the label of her bag and it's worth a million. And her watch was a premium collection of a swiss watch. It would also be worth millions.

She is either a missy of a rich family or mistress of a rich man. But they can't afford to offend her in both conditions. That's why they were bearing her haughty attitude.

Ray coughed and awkwardly smiled saying, "Angela, we are all friends. Adam is just a bit drunk. He didn't mean to..."

But before he could complete the girl laughed and shook her head, "I can't believe people can be this delusional. I am not your friend. Never was. I am your colleague, yes. And I agreed to come here because of your pleading. But if I knew he would get drunk and force me then I would have better been rude that time."

Coldwater was continuously being poured over them by her. No matter how much mesmerising her good looks were. Her words were insulting and she was saying them blatantly. Now even Ray didn't know how to continue the conversation.

After finishing her piece of advice she was about to stand up when furious Adam who was insulted again and again grabbed her hand.

She was unprepared this time and was about to fall on her but held the point of the chair with full force. Her hand bled but she still didn't leave it to maintain her balance.

She glared at the drunkard whose filthy hands were trying to touch her. She was about to kick him again. But this time he was prepared. He held her leg with his both hands leaving her hand free.

"Do you think you can fight me, with these silly moves of yours? It worked there because I wasn't prepared. I thought you were a sweet little girl. But I like feisty one too" he said with a smirk when the girl was using her hands to make herself free at the same time trying to balance herself on a single leg.

He was enjoying the struggles of the girl who was shooting daggers from her eyes. His pride was back the moment he took control over her actions. Bleeding hand and useless struggles. She should know her place.

He smiled when she fell finally losing her balance but his happiness was short-lived when he felt a sharp thing stabbed in his leg and the exorbitant pain coming from it.

A shriek escaped his lips and he immediately let go of her leg and touched his. A fork was stabbed there on his leg below his knees. Blood was spurting from there.

His face turned pale and he looked wide eyed at the girl who was wiping her hand and leg where he had touched her. Her face was filled with disgust and she was fervently cleaning the spot like something filthy has touched her.

His blood boiled again. Everyone who was sitting saw the scene unfolding in pure horror. No one had expected that her fall was nothing but an act to get a fork from the table and then stab him.

She had not shown an ounce of fear or concern while stabbing him. The wound was not taking the name of stopping blood. Everyone came over and surrounded him. A girl was even smart enough to tie up the area with her napkin.

"Come let's take you to the hospital," said Ray holding him for support. He glared at the girl and said, "you would pay for it."

The girl who was crouching doing God knows what looked at him with disgust. But then her expressions changed and she smirked, "since I am going to pay for it, then why not we do it perfectly."

Then without any hesitation, she slapped Ray too. "This for calling me here, and then supporting your drunkard friend to force me."

But that wasn't enough for the anger bubbling inside her, she was beyond control. "And this for all the pain I suffered and humiliation I could have suffered"

With that, she took out her other hand which was hidden behind her back and used the heel which was in her hand on both of them mercilessly.

Her each target was either their face or vital points. Her actions were completely brutal. She was looking like a demoness ready to suck their blood if needed.

The girls took two steps back afraid that her anger would be directed to them. She can't afford that vicious blows. Sweat dripping from their terrorized faces.

Even males were looking at the scene with pure horror. Thunderstruck they were frozen to their place. Looking at the girl who was so petite and meek-looking beating both of them alone with full force.

Like a devil has taken over her body. Her eyes were so cold that they felt goosebumps just by looking at them.

[Sorry for not posting yesterday. We went to watch a Christmas program and it took more time than I had thought. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you. Please do vote or comment to tell me how do you feel about the new version of Angela. Thank you]