The record

Like a devil has taken over her body. Her eyes were so cold that they felt goosebumps just by looking at them. Adam was bleeding and drunk so he doesn't have the power to fight back. And Ray was using both of his hands to protect his face.

Whenever he tries to move his hand to hold her, she aims right at his face. So he has to cover it back. He also got so many marks and blood was oozing out from many of them. The girl was using all her strength to hit them badly.

The girls who were standing there didn't want to meddle in the affair anymore. They ran back to the back door since they work there. They immediately went to bring the guards with them.

The men who were standing at the side also came out of their stupor and held both hands of the girl. Finally, she stopped and looked at the other men who were trying to hold her,

"What? Do you even want to suffer from the same fate? Or even worse?" Her words were cold and frightening. And the way she looked at them was intimidating, so they left her hand and one of them said, "Miss I think it is more than enough what you did here."

"Why are you requesting her, look what had she done. Hold her and we will show her what we could do now," shouted Adam his face has multiple heel marks, fingerprint marks, and blood although stopped but he has dried blood all over his leg. His face was now black and blue.

One look and anyone can tell that he was beaten by someone very brutally. Even Ray who was trying to handle matter silently a few hours ago was now fuming. Never in his life has any women treated him like this before.

"Yes, let's take her to the police station and we will inform officers that she got drunk and forced herself on us. And when we denied she started beating us" he said with red eyes and clenched fists.

But the girl just laughed and looked into his eyes. Not a single shred of fear could be seen in those clear eyes. They were looking at him like she could see his soul. He felt guilty for a moment but then braced himself and looked back.

He was not going to cower by a meek girl. She has already tarnished his reputation. He has to teach her a lesson. With that thought, his confidence was developed again.

"Was I the one who forced you or is that your scumbag friend here who tried to force himself on me.." She snorted and asked in a very calm voice. Not a hint of anger could be heard. But it still makes them feel goosebumps over their skin.

"So what, you don't have any proof of that" before Ray could deny blatantly. Adam who was sitting on the chair putting his leg on the adjacent chair now to give some rest to his leg spoke in between.

Ray glared at his friend's stupidity. And the girl tsked and shook her head. Putting her heel back in her foot she rebuked, "you should learn a few tricks from your friend here" she said to Adam pointing at Ray.

Adam looked confused at the girl. But Ray already got the point and his eyes widened when the realisation struck him. He glared at the girl and taunted "You are cunning behind this cute little facade of yours." Then He cursed his friend to let the girl win.

"I will take that as a compliment. You sure are smart. But the company of an idiot is worse than a smart enemy." She replied smiling taking a chair for herself.

"Now are you letting me go? Or you want to make it a bigger scene. I am fine with any of it. Just let me know." She replied in a bored voice. As if she has played enough and now is getting tired.

She stifled a yawn and drank the glass of water from the table which she filled from the sealed bottle to avoid being drugged. See experience has taught her a few things.

"Why are you even listening to her, weren't you going to call the police." Barked Adam. Her nonchalant attitude was making his blood boil. She is treating them like nothing.

Even others who were watching the drama from the sidelines were confused with the change in behaviour of Ray. But they said nothing because they knew he was the smartest one among them.

Ray glared at his foolish friend and then at the girl who was stifling her laughter after hearing his friends shout. He wants to punish her too. But her attitude is making it clear that she had proof against them.

"Are you going to tell him or do you want me to do that for you too. Oh, Ray you sure are lazy." The girl mocked and insulted him again.

"You... How dare you. You just see what we do with you." And with that, the guard's girls were gone to bring also reached there. But the girl was still sitting there not even an ounce of fear can be seen on her face.

The girl snorted and took out her phone, she shown the video she had made to them and said "I have already sent this video to my friend who is working as an editor in the newspaper. She would make it sure that it will spread all over the e-news if you wouldn't let me go."

Then she eyed all of them who were thinking of taking her phone. Her phone! She looked at it. She had only purchased it two days ago with her salary for the month. Looks like she has to say goodbye to it again. Or does she still have the chance to save it?

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