He is watching me

The group looked at her phone and then at her with astonished eyes. Their first reaction was to take the phone but her next words made them drip the idea.

"I have already sent the video and recording to all the groups I have. Even if you take the phone. It doesn't matter. I have even emailed to myself. The best thing you can do now is to let me go and I will delete it from every place and stop it from spreading." She said in a confident voice.

She was afraid of the unfolding scene. When Adam was trying to touch her, Asbeel words rang in her ears. I let you alone to give you a chance to grow.

And a thought suddenly came to her mind. What if she proves to him that now she can handle herself. She can teach the lesson to these scumbags. Will he return then.

If all this is her test to grow. Then she would. She would grow and show him that she isn't that meek and vulnerable girl anymore. So that he can't reject her next time.

She mustered all the courage and evilness she could and did her best to show that she is strong. She did right n! She wishes someone could tell her that.

She really felt the need to listen to you did well this time. Her courage is getting low and her patience is worn out. And if she thinks with rationality. The whole idea that Asbeel is taking her test.

And he could see her is absurd. But how would she explain this? She looked around again. Her heart is telling her that he is. He is listening and watching her from the dark.

Like a guardian angel, he is keeping an eye on her. But then why is he not coming to her. Why is he not showing himself? She wants to move on but her heart is still asking her to hold a bit more.

She has that feeling that he would come back to her. Should she laugh at herself? Is she getting crazy? How could he be here?

Is staying alone for a long time finally hitting her nerves. She laughed at her thoughts. She was so lost that she even forgot about the group who was planning and plotting against her.

She misses him. But why? They were just 4 days together. Did four days even mean something in this long life? People come and go. Then why is she so struck at the single page of her life?

Her reverie was broken when she felt someone hand on her back. So they still have the guts to play a trick on her. Fools! She bends down and held the hand of the person. And tossed her like she is nothing but a piece of cloth to her.

She smirked when she saw the widened eye girl and then at the people surrounding her. "It's late I want to go home now." She told those statues who had surrounded her like she is showing a show.

Ray eyed the girl standing there and gave her a powder. He eyed her to spray it on Angela who was lost in her thoughts. They were sure she isn't here anymore. The way her expressions were changing like a movie.

For a moment she is smiling, then crying, then mocking herself. A myriad of expressions on her face. The plan was easy to make her unconscious and teach her a lesson she would never forget.

But who would have thought, that the lost girl will still have strong senses to notice the movements behind her? And react on time. Not even that she would even toss a girl like she is nothing but a paper.

They were looking at the scene dumbfounded. The scene was so fast that they couldn't believe that she threw a girl just like that. And now she is saying wants to go who would have the courage to stop her

Sure they had guards. But she is strong enough to tackle a few and mostly she has the proof against them. This is time to retreat.

"Sure Angela, you can go home anytime. No one is stopping you" Ray said with a smile.

The smile was looking so perfect that she was sure it is fake. They must be planning something but what. Well, she can think about it later.

Since she can go home now. She stood up and went out in a calm and poise manner. Like she was just having a walk around. No hurried footsteps could be seen.

Although she was a bit anxious, but Asbeel was watching him from distance. This thought gives her confidence. She took a deep death and walked to the distance, she heard steps following her but they would try to find her on-road or taxi stand.

Too bad, they would never think even in their dreams that she had come here in the most expensive car in this city. She entered Asbeel car and drove it leisurely. She could see the men searching here and there.

But they couldn't see her through tinted glass if the car. Once, again he saved her. He truly is his lucky charm.y

They all looked at her through gritted teeth. And asked their man to follow them .but it had been an hour they didn't return. Could she handle so many alone? Uncertainty across their faces.

Soon, the men returned but with empty hands. They were not able to find the girl. Ray kicked the seat with full force and it went flying at a distance.

Adam was already sent to the hospital. His other friends also left him. They didn't want to interfere with this matter. The girls have shared their hunch with them.

And the confidence Angela had shown confirmed it that she is rich like Adam, just working to be independent.

[My collection dropped again. This arc was just to show the changes in her. Anyways do comment to tell me what you like and what you don't. Do vote also. Please add it to the library for further updates. Thank you.]