The war

Watching the scene unfold, Asbeel laughed hard. Who would have thought that her meek-looking angel could do that? She taught a good lesson to those bunch of fools. He is proud of the change she had bought in herself.

But that doesn't mean that he would let those fool go unscathed. He would make sure they remember it their whole lifetimes. But what affected him the most was the look she gave looking at the distance.

Like she is searching for him. As if she knew that he was watching her. Is it because of her dormant powers? He was sure she was able to toss the girl easily because of strength, she didn't know about.

What would happen, when she would eventually realise who she is? Lost in his thought he sat back at his throne. It would take a century to train those demons. It would be almost a decade there on earth. Would she wait for me that much?

This is the first time Lucas had heard Asbeel laugh so heartily. Normally he just sneers smirk or gives a fake smile. And it was all because of that girl. What is so special in her? But he knew better than anyone, never to ask him questions.

So he just kept his curiosity to himself. He kept kneeling for the further orders his master will give him. Normally all the reapers being to hell. But Asbeel was the one who made him and he has been loyal to him since then.

He eyed his master who was lost in the thought of that human again. Would he have to go back again to keep an eye on her? But others are getting suspicious of his activities. They hardly let him go out now.

Both were lost in their thoughts when a demon came there and kneeled, "My Lord, Sataniel has asked for your presence this instant."

His voice broke both of their reveries and Asbeel eyed the demon. He could feel the rise of lava around. and it only happens when Sataniel is angry.

After all, all this lava is made up of his wrath. It feeds on his wrath and anger towards those humans. He nodded and apparated from there.

Walking towards the throne, Sataniel sits usually he saw many skeletons Around that we're melting in the lava spreading around.

'Did he find out what I was doing? But isn't it a bit exaggerated reaction' he mused and went in?

There were many other strong demons and they were all tensed. He eyed Meg, who didn't even look at him back. That was serious. He looked at the blazing devil on the throne who is going berserk.

"How dare he, do they finally want to have a war now?" Roared Sataniel and the lava erupted more, he even felt a quake. That only means that more volcanoes are going to be here.

"So finally you are here. Do tell me why can't I telepathy you." Asked Sataniel in a roaring voice. He was damn furious and it was clear from his face and body.

He Lost his human form, the one who was sitting there has two large horns. Wide red eyes with golden firey orbs. His face was dark red and black like charred in the fire.

His body has several bloody wounds. And same red and black charred skin. His wings were out, which were black. And his nails of hands and legs were grown like sharp weapons.

The saturation of much more serious then he had thought. 'How would I tell you, that I was in Lucas mind, reading his memories of last night on earth. Since my body was just an empty shell at that time, there was no way that your message will be received.' .

"What just happened here?" He asked trying to change the topic and Sataniel snarled. He slammed his hand and his throne turned into a fine powder. Moving towards Asbeel, he snuffed him.

"I was here all the time. I. Don't go to earth," said Asbeel looking at how sataniel was trying to sniff the smell of humans from him.

Looking at the tense behaviour between them Azazel spoke, "the sea God has attacked the demons in the ocean. He claimed that they were hurting innocent lives. We checked their memories, they were just bringing the evil souls from there.,"

It was clear that they wanted to show their authority. Or someone has done false complaint and that partial God who loathe us reacted without even confirming the news." His every word was coming through gritted teeth.

Gods often despise them and hunt demons who were just working in their area. They think of themselves as superior.

"Their pride has rotten their brains. And their father never once took action against them. While we, who are working here are bearing the consequences." Spat Sataniel, finally forgiving Asbeel for his mistake and moving on to the main topic.

"Their tyranny is increasing. This is the third case in the last decade. This way the sea God will kill every demon present there in few more years." Growled Meg, even she can't bear the treatment given to them.

Asbeel stood their silently listening to each of them. His blood also boiled for their mates. They often kill demons in anger but they all are new ones. Recently turned final souls.

They don't have much fondness for them. But those who live in oceans and bring evil souls from there are like them. Who have lived here for centuries? They have fought many a war together.

"So, do you want to handle this matter peacefully. Or do you finally want to act against them. " he asked the crucial question without beating around the bush.

[ Wishing all of you a very Happy New year. please do vote to this author as my new year gift. hehe. My collection dropped again. This arc was just to show the changes in her. Anyways do comment to tell me what you like and what you don't. Do vote also. Please add it to the library for further updates. Thank you.]