The war

Everyone knew from the past few centuries Sataniel is trying hard to avoid war. He even controls and punishes his demons for the slightest mistake. So that the creator can't blame them for anything. But this time they are the one suffering.

Will Sataniel still keep mum and let things go. Or finally he will show what demons could do? If they let the matter go, then surely it will get repeated. But if the war ensued it would kill many lives of different creatures and the whole sea would turn into chaos. There are high chances that the creator will interfere then. But will he listen to their point or will blame them directly without listening like always

"Why don't we ask Lucifer then?" Asked Meg, and everyone looked at her like she was crazy.

Asbel even shook his head stifling a laugh.

"You have to make a decision, Sataniel. Time is ticking, Lucifer would surely interfere soon." Asked Azazel

Sataniel sighed," go ahead and make a team. We will go and talk to the sea god, but if he wouldn't listen then be prepared for the ear too. I am going to talk to Lucifer. He must have got the wind till now"

Everyone nodded and moved out but Asbeel remained standing there.

Sataniel raised a brow, but remained silent, waiting for the demon to start a conversation.

"I can handle this matter completely avoiding war and the result will be in your favour." Said Asbeel with confidence.

"And how would you do that, by sleeping with sirens?" He mocked in fury.

"That would be a good idea. But I have a better one. The result is I would handle the matter" he replied again.

"And How would you do that?" Asked Sataniel again, this time with a lot more patience.

"It's not your problem, the war wouldn't ensue a minor fight, but it won't affect hell." He assured me again.

"And what do you want in exchange?" Sataniel questioned knowing too well there is no free lunch in hell.

"My freedom, I would not come back here after solving the matter." He replied with a shrug.

Sataniel edged the demon standing there confidently. He knew Asbeel must-have a solution to the way he was behaving. But he didn't want to let him go.

As if understanding his dilemma, Asbeel smiled "You have to choose your priority here." Said Asbeel pointing at the fact.

"Fine. Go ahead, you have two days. " said Sataniel "two days, and Lucifer would wag a war"

Asbeel nodded and moved out with a smirk.

Reaching back to his palace, he summoned Lucas.

"Lucas," he said and in a blink of a second a gust of air brought the grim reaper back.

He kneeled on the floor, just like a few hours ago even when he was there.

"Be prepared, Lucas, we are going to the Atlantic ocean." With that he waved his hand in the air forming a circle.

The insides of circles changed into the view of the ocean , creating a portal between two worlds.

He stepped in without looking back as he was sure that the reaper would follow him and he did.

Walking behind Asbeel Lucas looked around, he had heard about the death of repairs. And demons by the sea God.

Entering in the vast sea ocean, Asbeel looked around. Nothing has been changed, the place was just like before, A legend hidden under the girth of sea.

But from inside you could see a vast world, totally different from the earth.

It has huge castles, markets , pathways, everything under the sea water. Mermaids were walking on the pathways chatting happily.

He moved towards the path linking to the palace of sea god.

On the way he found a huge open ground filled with crowds.

Out of curiosity, he decided to take a look but was surprised to find the view.

He knew sea god hated the demons most, but that was totally brute and cruel to do as a god. In front of him were the bodies of his fellow demons put in the middle of ground.

They were hanged on pitchforks and left with so many wounds.

Sirens were dismembering it slowly and the other fellow mermaids were cheering.

He eyed the reaper still following him in his skeleton form. Wearing a cloak and sighed. 'Can he see the condition and change his form.'

He turned back and dragged the reaper in a corner before anyone could see it.

"Change into mermaid form you dumb reaper" he scowled and spoke throgh gritted teeth. Reaper looked around then at him and nodded.

Within a blink of an eye, he turned into a young mermaid, lookin just like them so that they could merge themselves into the crowd.

Moving around he saw, mermen chatting on the way, merwomen walking around with their kids. The place was looking serene and peaceful, if not for the gruesome death and dismembering he had seen a while ago, he would have thought that the place is very peaceful too.

He could feel a few eyes on them. As if they are trying to look behng their facade, but he wasn't worried. Lucas was the best reaper in taking the form of every living being even if it is an insect we were talking about.

Finally reaching his destination , he looked at the amount of guards securing the palace. He sneered at the thought of God needing securite and other living beings to guard his living place.

He looked back and eyed his aide, who nodded.

With his eye command, Lucas turned into a wisp and submerged into his body. As it was done by them innumerable times, they are good at understanding each other's signals.

Asbeel stretched his bones, and head. Then started walking towards the palace unafraid of the mermen guarding it.

"Hey, stop right there . who are you?" the guards shouted trying to stop him.

But he didn't seem to care and continued moving.

"Stop there, otherwise we will attack you." they ordered getting their weapons ready.

But Asbeel just smirked and continued moving, like he wasn't the one they were talking to.

Guards surrounded him from all sides , taking their positions.