End of Anna 2

Asbeel chuckled before Angela could say anything. She was standing there stunned.

"The apartment is the payment of the mental torture you had done on Angela by selling her. And you here are to pay for the principal amount you had taken." 

"But- but I had taken the loan to buy that apartment only. Its cost is higher than the amount of loan" she continued desperately.

The man who was having her way with her slapped hard on her face, 

"Just shut up, you bitch. We will decide what is the amount you owe us. And this ugly face of yours is not even half of it. Now stop your drama or else you know what we could do.'' With that, he left his place and the other man who was waiting behind him came in front of Anna with a crooked smile as he claimed her lips again.

Tears flew from her eyes as she got ravished again by a stranger.