New visitor

Entering into the house still a bit flustered, she saw him sitting on the sofa leisurely and having a drink.

"Asbeel, tell me now what do you want in exchange for doing things with me?" she asked in a confident voice though her palms were getting sweaty.

"Well, you can't expect me to ask for one thing when you have a bunch of things on your list," he replied with the same crooked smile on his face.

She bit her lip, of course, it was not fair, but she did not have much to offer. Yet she knew he would not let her go an easy way.

"Okay then tell me, what do you want?" she asked again.

"First thing first bunny, tell me what is your first request?" 

"I wanted to play a game with you," she replied for the umpteenth time.

He nodded his head, "didn't I already tell you, you had to sleep with me for that?" he asked, tilting his head.